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Canberra's Siobhan Heatwole rehabilitates coral reefs in Indonesia

Fisherman resorting to cyanide poison and dynamite blast fishing pose a huge threat to the survival of global coral ecosystems.

The destructive practices are becoming more common as fish stocks decline and fisherman become more desperate to catch ornamental species sold within the aquarium trade. 

But the haphazard methods not wipe out fish in a bid to stun and capture others, but turn coral habitats into rubble.

For the past 12 months Canberra marine researcher Siobhan Heatwole​ has been involved in a frontline reef recovery project in Makassar​, a port city on the eastern Indonesia Island of Sulawesi.

With Mars Symbioscience​ she has assisted in creating an ornamental fish breeding program to provide a sustainable alternative to blast and chemical fishing in the region. 

Desperate fisherman resorting to these illegal practices were shooting themselves in the foot, she said. 


"Over fishing is a problem," she said. "But it is not sustainable. They are decimating the fish populations as well as the coral itself which is a habitat for the fish."

Along with lab work to support the breeding program, Ms Heatwole has dived into creating coral nurseries in devastated sections of reef. 

Teams swim down and place a latticed network of metal frames, called spiders, over damaged section of reef.

Live coral fragments are attached to the skeleton to coax regrowth. 

"We attached particular species that grow quickly," she said. "The live fragments grow and that encourages new corals to recruit to that area with time."

Reef rehabilitation was not an obvious endeavour for a young woman growing up in inland Canberra but Ms Heatwole has a passion for protecting the health of our oceans.

She said Indonesia had acute problems to tackle, but global reefs were vulnerable to common threats of overfishing, pollution, ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures - factors that contributed to mass bleaching of Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

Coral degradation was below the surface, but failing to respond to the out of sight issue was an environmental and economic hazard.

"More recently we have seen a lack of regard for the importance of conservation and I find that very worrying," she said.

"More needs to be done to protect the oceans, rather than less. If we continue to pollute as we do, create carbon emission like we do, reefs will suffer and that doesn't bode well for the future."