- published: 27 Dec 2011
- views: 294179
Stella may refer to:
HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Founder" is not recognized
The Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano (English: Little Choir of Antoniano) is an Italian children's choir from Bologna.
The choir was created by Mariele Ventre in 1963 in Antoniano Institute to sing together with little kids at the Zecchino d'Oro festival, opened only five years earlier. In the very beginning there were only several kids in the choir but it changed very fast and the choir became very big (up to about 80 children at some time).
In 1995, after Ventre's death the choir was taken by Sabrina Simoni and changed its name to Piccolo Coro "Mariele Ventre" dell' Antoniano.
The children sing lots of very different songs: children songs, classical songs, classic of pop songs, movie songs, etc.
Since November 22, 2003, they are Italian Good Will Ambassadors.
San Giovanni, the Italian form of "Saint John", is a name that may refer to dozens of saints. It may also refer to several places (most of them in Italy) and religious buildings:
A production company provides the physical basis for works in the realms of the performing arts, new media art, film, television, radio, and video.
The production company may be directly responsible for fundraising for the production or may accomplish this through a parent company, partner, or private investor. It handles budgeting, scheduling, scripting, the supply with talent and resources, the organization of staff, the production itself, post-production, distribution, and marketing.
Production companies are often either owned or under contract with a media conglomerate, film studio, entertainment company, or Motion Picture Company, who act as the production company's partner or parent company. This has become known as the "studio system". They can also be mainstream, independent (see Lucasfilms), or completely independent (see Lionsgate). In the case of TV, a TV production company would serve under a television network. Production companies can work together in co-productions.
Una Stella A Betlemme (testo nella descrizione) - Piccolo Coro Dell'Antoniano (Najmun Fi Bayti Lahm)
Эллиптический тренажер Torneo Stella C-507G .Распаковка,сборка!
47 Zecchino d'Oro-Una stella a Betlemme
Реальная эксплуатация и чистка теплообменника котла DM-STELLA c форсункой super-new
Орбитрек Torneo Stella C-507M
Games Nomi Stella (GTA:SanAndreas, Asphalt8, MortalCombatX)
Carolina & Piccolo Coro: una stella a Betlemme
La stella c è :)
Dubmash (stella C)
Mama hate you (collab with Kanari thefox)
San Giovanni del Cilento-Stella C.to(SA) new look
Alpinestars Stella C 1 Windstopper Motorcycle Glove At RagingMoto
Innanzitutto vi consigliamo di cercare anche "Le avventure di Sitgirl" , poi ... Presentata al 47 Zecchino d'Oro, nel 2004, da Milad Nicola Elias Fatouleh (bambino palestinese di Beit Jala, un sobborgo di Betlemme), "Una stella a Betlemme" è un ottimo inno alla pace. è possibile reperire anche la base musicale in formato midi e utilizzare questo video come sfondo per i vostri spettacoli natalizi. Mi raccomando, imparate con cura la parte in arabo!!! Il brano è cantato dal "Piccolo Coro Dell'Antoniano-Una Stella A Betlemme (Najmun Fi Bayti Lahm)", registrazione sonora gestita da: SME - Mi auspico che la presentazione fotografica non offenda alcuno, volevo semplicemente arricchire una canzone a mio avviso bellissima. Eccovi il testo qui di seguito ... Una stella c'e` sulla mia citta`. Ne...
Эллиптический тренажер Torneo Stella C-507G Эффективный эллиптический тренажер для укрепления мышц ног, ягодиц и спины, а также рук, брюшного пресса и плечевого пояса поможет достичь желаемых результатов, не выходя из дома. Отличный вариант для кардиотренировки, похудения или укрепления основных групп мышц
Milad Nicola Elias Fatouleh canta "Una stella a Betlemme" al 47 Zecchino d'Oro. Perchè davvero in quelle terre ci sia presto la pace...
- Все котлы DM-STELLA имеют водяную рубашку по всей площади котла + теплообменник (однопроходной или трёхпроходной). - Все котлы футируются шамотом в местах, где подвергаются высокотемпературной нагрузке. - Элементы, через которые поступает первичный (воздуховод) и вторичный воздух (форсунка) могут быть заменены на новые в любой момент или же их можно изменить, тем самым повысив мощность котла. - Все котлы имеют стяжки между внутренним и наружным коробом, и рассчитаны на эксплуатацию как под давлением (4 бар и выше), так и без давления. - Каждый котел проходит проверку под давлением (опрессовывается) – !!!течи исключены!!! КОМФОРТ - Автоматика поддерживает заданную температуру. Управляет мощностью котла (обороты вентилятора). Поддерживает подключение комнатного датчика (например, постоянно...
Эллиптический тренажер Torneo Stella C-507M это надежный и функциональный орбитрек для домашнего использования. С орбитреком Torneo Stella C-507M вы легко сбросите лишний вес и укрепите здоровье! Купить орбитрек Torneo Stella C-507M по лучшей цене: http://sportmarket.net.ua/ellipticheskiy_trenazher_torneo_stella_c-507m/. На нашем сайте вы найдете отзывы, фото, характеристики, цену на Torneo Stella C-507M .
Stella Nouveau Visage YOUR ANGEL MODELS Gagnante 2011 ''Your Angel Model Search Guadeloupe'' 1m77 Mensurations 75-60-75 chaussures 39 Stella New Face @ YOUR ANGEL MODELS Winner 2011 from ''Your Angel Model Search Guadeloupe FWI'' 5'10'' ; 30-23-30 ; shoe 8 Tournage: Hôtel CAP MACABOU au Vauclin, Martinique
Интересный канал про мобильные технологии!)
Prima che lei cominci a cantare, lo sguardo di Carolina cattura subito una delle due telecamere, e la tiene prigioniera durante tutta la canzone, un secondo dopo l'altro, dal primo al duecentotreesimo. Alla fine, non tenta neanche più di fuggire...... Versione del Piccolo Coro Mariele Ventre della canzone che rappresentava la Palestina allo Zecchino d'oro del 2004. Najmun Fi Bayti Lahm Ala hubi biladi taalamna bil ghurba, Gharakat marakibuna, Ala hubi biladi taalamna bil ghurba, Gharakat marakibuna, Bess rah bin'oud li ard el jedoud Oua nughani` oua naazif lamnana.
Nesse vídeo Rezende dá um beijo na Stella !!! 😇 SE INSCREVA: https://goo.gl/41Poru 😇 FESTIVAL ADR! (INGRESSOS): https://goo.gl/gMFRLX 😇 VEJA SE ESTAREI EM SUA CIDADE!: https://goo.gl/pp9y3z 😇 BOURBON GAME SHOW (18 E 19 DE MARÇO): https://goo.gl/kkXxTg 😇 LIVROS REZENDE: https://goo.gl/6plnD5 😇 Site/Loja: www.rezendeevil.com.br 👉 Instagram (veja a história) : https://goo.gl/QmpIuP 👉 Twitter: https://goo.gl/WNs4qo 👉 Fanpage: https://goo.gl/ms3l2z 👉 MEU FACEBOOK (Mais fácil falar comigo): https://goo.gl/y1tusz 👉 Snapchat: ImRezende Séries no canal: 😱 TSUNAMI: https://goo.gl/vED8PX 😱 MENINOS VS MENINAS: https://goo.gl/pF1iy8 😱 MINECRAFT VS POKEMON GO: https://goo.gl/xwOFii 😱 VIDA (ENCERRADO): https://goo.gl/hZ7R53 IRMÃOS DA #ADR: Rezende: https://goo.gl/eFWPbf Sirkazzio : http://goo.gl/c6...
A sorpresa nei vicoli:)
Effetti e colori-prove tecniche video
Heeyyyyyy thx for watching comment down below if u watched the whole thing and subscribe to see more randomness lol Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/xstellbellx/ My Playlist: https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/faves-of-the-moment/idpl.dd4cc5e3467a44cabe72af20073528df Musical.ly: xstellbellx Snapchat: stellbell2003
Innanzitutto vi consigliamo di cercare anche "Le avventure di Sitgirl" , poi ... Presentata al 47 Zecchino d'Oro, nel 2004, da Milad Nicola Elias Fatouleh (bambino palestinese di Beit Jala, un sobborgo di Betlemme), "Una stella a Betlemme" è un ottimo inno alla pace. è possibile reperire anche la base musicale in formato midi e utilizzare questo video come sfondo per i vostri spettacoli natalizi. Mi raccomando, imparate con cura la parte in arabo!!! Il brano è cantato dal "Piccolo Coro Dell'Antoniano-Una Stella A Betlemme (Najmun Fi Bayti Lahm)", registrazione sonora gestita da: SME - Mi auspico che la presentazione fotografica non offenda alcuno, volevo semplicemente arricchire una canzone a mio avviso bellissima. Eccovi il testo qui di seguito ... Una stella c'e` sulla mia citta`. Ne...
Эллиптический тренажер Torneo Stella C-507G Эффективный эллиптический тренажер для укрепления мышц ног, ягодиц и спины, а также рук, брюшного пресса и плечевого пояса поможет достичь желаемых результатов, не выходя из дома. Отличный вариант для кардиотренировки, похудения или укрепления основных групп мышц
Milad Nicola Elias Fatouleh canta "Una stella a Betlemme" al 47 Zecchino d'Oro. Perchè davvero in quelle terre ci sia presto la pace...
- Все котлы DM-STELLA имеют водяную рубашку по всей площади котла + теплообменник (однопроходной или трёхпроходной). - Все котлы футируются шамотом в местах, где подвергаются высокотемпературной нагрузке. - Элементы, через которые поступает первичный (воздуховод) и вторичный воздух (форсунка) могут быть заменены на новые в любой момент или же их можно изменить, тем самым повысив мощность котла. - Все котлы имеют стяжки между внутренним и наружным коробом, и рассчитаны на эксплуатацию как под давлением (4 бар и выше), так и без давления. - Каждый котел проходит проверку под давлением (опрессовывается) – !!!течи исключены!!! КОМФОРТ - Автоматика поддерживает заданную температуру. Управляет мощностью котла (обороты вентилятора). Поддерживает подключение комнатного датчика (например, постоянно...
Эллиптический тренажер Torneo Stella C-507M это надежный и функциональный орбитрек для домашнего использования. С орбитреком Torneo Stella C-507M вы легко сбросите лишний вес и укрепите здоровье! Купить орбитрек Torneo Stella C-507M по лучшей цене: http://sportmarket.net.ua/ellipticheskiy_trenazher_torneo_stella_c-507m/. На нашем сайте вы найдете отзывы, фото, характеристики, цену на Torneo Stella C-507M .
Stella Nouveau Visage YOUR ANGEL MODELS Gagnante 2011 ''Your Angel Model Search Guadeloupe'' 1m77 Mensurations 75-60-75 chaussures 39 Stella New Face @ YOUR ANGEL MODELS Winner 2011 from ''Your Angel Model Search Guadeloupe FWI'' 5'10'' ; 30-23-30 ; shoe 8 Tournage: Hôtel CAP MACABOU au Vauclin, Martinique
Интересный канал про мобильные технологии!)
Prima che lei cominci a cantare, lo sguardo di Carolina cattura subito una delle due telecamere, e la tiene prigioniera durante tutta la canzone, un secondo dopo l'altro, dal primo al duecentotreesimo. Alla fine, non tenta neanche più di fuggire...... Versione del Piccolo Coro Mariele Ventre della canzone che rappresentava la Palestina allo Zecchino d'oro del 2004. Najmun Fi Bayti Lahm Ala hubi biladi taalamna bil ghurba, Gharakat marakibuna, Ala hubi biladi taalamna bil ghurba, Gharakat marakibuna, Bess rah bin'oud li ard el jedoud Oua nughani` oua naazif lamnana.
Nesse vídeo Rezende dá um beijo na Stella !!! 😇 SE INSCREVA: https://goo.gl/41Poru 😇 FESTIVAL ADR! (INGRESSOS): https://goo.gl/gMFRLX 😇 VEJA SE ESTAREI EM SUA CIDADE!: https://goo.gl/pp9y3z 😇 BOURBON GAME SHOW (18 E 19 DE MARÇO): https://goo.gl/kkXxTg 😇 LIVROS REZENDE: https://goo.gl/6plnD5 😇 Site/Loja: www.rezendeevil.com.br 👉 Instagram (veja a história) : https://goo.gl/QmpIuP 👉 Twitter: https://goo.gl/WNs4qo 👉 Fanpage: https://goo.gl/ms3l2z 👉 MEU FACEBOOK (Mais fácil falar comigo): https://goo.gl/y1tusz 👉 Snapchat: ImRezende Séries no canal: 😱 TSUNAMI: https://goo.gl/vED8PX 😱 MENINOS VS MENINAS: https://goo.gl/pF1iy8 😱 MINECRAFT VS POKEMON GO: https://goo.gl/xwOFii 😱 VIDA (ENCERRADO): https://goo.gl/hZ7R53 IRMÃOS DA #ADR: Rezende: https://goo.gl/eFWPbf Sirkazzio : http://goo.gl/c6...
A sorpresa nei vicoli:)
The Stella 2000 sets the new standard of power and portability in professional lighting. It delivers 2000 lumens of light while weighing 504 grams (just over 1 lb) including its integrated Li-ion battery. The compact and cord-free modular design allows Stella to be secured to a camera, mounted to a stand, or can be hand-held with optional pistol grip for ultimate portability. Stella is the next generation of professional level lighting – delivering cinema quality light from its C.O.B. LED with flicker free performance necessary for ultra high-definition footage. Designed to handle any environment, the completely waterproof design runs un-tethered at full power for 50 minutes and includes an external power supply for longer shoots. Stella’s smooth 120-degree beam can be easily shaped and mo...
Cinematographer - Alex Cardy Director...................... Peter Savieri Producer.................... Kat Mitropoulos Line Producer............. Amaya Courtis 1st AD....................... Bonnie Moir Production Assistant... Tim McCormack Unit Managers............ Zoe Lofts & Ruth Morris Cinematographer....... Alex Cardy 1st AC...................... Anthony Rilocapro 2nd AC..................... Ben Colson Gaffer....................... Rowan Matthews Steadicam Operator... Glenn Clayton Production Design...... Peter Savieri Makeup and Hair........ Mia'kate Russell Stunt Coordinator....... Reuben Zalme Driver........................ Ian Kong Krouwel Snake Patrol.............. Mark Patrick Dietsch & Nate Duivenvoorden Editor....................... Brendan Harwood Grade.......................
STARRING - William Leon CO-STARRING - C.J. Berdahl, Christian Mooney, Renee Mercado Reese Mercado, Candice Thompson, Tony Mojica EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/CREATIVE DIRECTOR - Charles Hayes DIRECTOR - Robert Larson & Nick Johansson PRODUCER - Nicole Holloway DP - Ian Takahashi EDITOR - Austyn Daines COMPOSER - Sean Massey PRODUCTION DESIGNER - Constance Ream COSTUME DESIGNER - Constance Melkonian ADDITIONAL CREW: 1st AD - Frederick Gourgue SOUND - Reese Miller 1st AC - Mike Street STEADICAM - Scott Dropkin GAFFER - Sonoko Shimoyama KEY GRIP - Ricky Lam COLORIST - Kim Schneider TITLES - elbow/room CASTING - Stella Shirinda RECORDING ENGINEER - Brandon Aram
In "Light Echoes", we explore the art of the cosmos as it plays out across light-years-wide constructs of interstellar debris that mark the deaths of stars. Light, form, music, dance, and space all combine in the universe's own expression of art. This piece draws its inspiration from the Loch Ness Productions fulldome video "HUBBLE Vision", and uses 19 Hubble Space Telescope images of stellar outbursts. Evocative scenes range from planetary nebulae to dramatic explosions heralding the inevitable death of the luminous blue variable star Eta Carinae, and echoes of light from the red variable star V838 Monocerotis that illuminate clouds of gas and dust surrounding it. Their mesmerizing motion is set to "Light Echoes", a dramatic, hypnotic Geodesium space music composition that speaks to the...
The hype that came from this storm was epic..The news media and people you talk to made it sound like it was the end of the world. "But it wasn't".. So, I decided to shoot a short time lapse w/ the gopro hero4 silver of the impending doom..lol..enjoy.. Shot 900 Jpegs - 4000 x 3000 (12mp)) 1 min Interval / 10 Hrs. -1.5 EV Low sharpen Color Flat Native wb ProTune CC: Lightroom Friction Arm w/ C-Clamp Edit Sony Vegas p12 Render: 1920 x 1080p @ 50Mbps Foley Sounds - Royalty Free Music: Cover / Johann Strauss Jr - Thunder And Lightning, Polka Op. 324
Mirco Magnani aka T.C.O. w/ Stella Veloce and Michelle Baard | ETUDES pour MADAME E. | music and visuals by Mirco Magnani words by Georges Bataille performed at TheaterKappelle, Berlin 08/02/2012 filmed by Kiril Bikov
Il velo di Maya rappresenta l'illusione, come impossibilità di distinguere ciò che è reale da ciò che non lo è. Il mondo in sé non è irreale, ma diventa Maya nel momento in cui gli occhi sono ricoperti dal velo dei sogni, delle aspettative proiettate che falsifcano la realtà. Il velo che separa l'essere individuale dalla coscienza universale illudendoci di essere individui distinti dal tutto. La performance I veli di Maya è un'esplorazione artistica di tale concetto, declinato su più donne: più veli su donne diverse e stratifcazioni di illusioni sulla stessa fgura femminile. C'è in questa ricerca un autentico tentativo di introspezione con l'evidente incredulità della parte scettica che osserva ciò che succede all'interno. La continua e immobile accettazione dei veli sul corpo e la volontà...
Local da Cerimônia e Recepção: Iate Clube de Santos, Higienópolis - São Paulo - SP www.icsantos.com.br Assessoria: RC Assessoria recereja@hotmail.com @cerejarenata Vestido da Noiva: Ateliê Jardins e Crisafulli - São Paulo guto.crisafulli@bol.com.br Sapato da Noiva: www.corello.com.br Acessório de Cabelo da Noiva: www.bellagolzer.com.br Beleza da Noiva: Edgard Ferreira @edgardferreira Traje do Noivo: Hugo Boss Sapato do Noivo: Topman UK Decoração, Buquê da noiva e lapela do noivo e padrinhos: www.calucarvalho.com.br Identidade Visual e Convites: www.1par.com.br Caligrafia: Ana Carolina Caligrafia www.facebook.com/anacarolinacaligrafia Lacres Convite: www.carrenhodesign.com Lembrancinhas: Amanda Ferla www.facebook.com/AmandaFerlaAtelie Recreação Infantil: Só Alegria www.even...
Video by Alexandra Vogt http://www.alexandravogt.de/ Starring: Shir Shoshannah, Nico Bint Shir Ha Eehma, Matthirah, Franzi and Stella Echö is Alexandre Portils Torner and Mickaël Valli http://soundcloud.com/echoooooo The track is available on "Daydream" Ep: http://echooo.bandcamp.com/album/daydream The extended version is now available on W A V E C O R E , the first compilation by Anywave Recs: http://anywave.bandcamp.com/album/w-a-v-e-c-o-r-e
The 138th Inaugural Lecture, to be delivered by Professor Stella C. Chiemeke. Titled:Software:The Invisible things being understood by the things that are made.
Click here: http://bit.ly/theanimebrain to subscribe to the channel and know when I upload a video! Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/theanimebrain I really hope you enjoy this movie, every clip included is from the anime vines episodes I created! I will continue to work hard on my videos! Happy new year guys! Anime Included: Danganronpa 3 squid girl one punch man The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Sacred Seven KissxSis Attack on Titan Konosuba Kotoura-san Noragami Akame Akame ga Kill! Ghost Stories The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird Minami-ke Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon Infinite Stratos Acchi Kocchi Daily Lives of High School Boys Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Initial D Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san Blood-C K-on! Air! Yurikuma Arashi Kore wa Zombie desu ka Beybla...
MY TOP DRAWER LOVES of 2016 .... Enjoy!!! xo's ~ Tati [Expand for Links & Stuff] » » » V I D E O S M E N T I O N E D $1,000 of Makeup Subscriber Giveaway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7zvAcl5SNU COVER SHOT EYE PALETTES | First Look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQfEe1gQRRI ✔ P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D *************************************************** » » » 25% OFF Nurse Jamie Promo Code = Tati25 *************************************************** SKIN Beenigma All In One Face Cream $129 Dermarche Labs Roloxin Lift $45 Nurse Jaime EGF Serum http://bit.ly/NurseJamie_EGFComplex Nurse Jaime Instant Uplift http://bit.ly/InstantUpliftWand Nurse Jamie Lip Scrub Duo http://bit.ly/NuLips_Balm_Brush Clarisonic $129 Phytomer Flawless Skin Toner $26.99 Elizabeth Arden...
E-Learning as Vehicle for Social Transformation Evidence-based Results from the Philippines by Dr. Maria Stella C. Tirol Associate Professor College of Development Communication UPLB
Video + Sub + Encode: KaWaiiBi ➤ Website: http://kawaiibi.com ➤ Facebook: https://www.fb.com/kawaii.bi.9 ➤ Fanpage: https://www.fb.com/kawaiibi.socoless ------------------------ ➤ List: Tuyển Tập Những Bài Rap Hay Nhất tháng 9/2016 - KaWaiiBi Playlist 01. ► 00:04 Tư Cách Người Dõi Theo - Kenlly TK ft. TraCy Thảo My & Tiến Đào 02. ► 03:33 Thanh Lý Nước Mắt - Tyo ft. Mr. Đùm 03. ► 07:40 Màu Tím Của Anh - R.i.c.k ft. RainTee 04. ► 11:24 Ta Là Gì Của Nhau (Part 2) - Tiến Đào ft. Khoa Abaddon & Cương TĐ 05. ► 15:10 Mớ Chông Gai - Pukin ft. Diby 06. ► 19:10 Có Đôi Lúc 2 (Sợ Mất Em) - Andykiz 07. ► 22:56 Nếu Anh Không Quan Tâm - R.i.c.k ft. Spy 08. ► 27:40 Sau Chia Tay - Phú TG ft. N2K & Khoa Abaddon 09. ► 31:31 Nhường Yêu Thương - Phú TG ft. Cương TĐ, Tiến Đào & Khánh Tiến 10. ► 35:29 Bến Bờ Đ...
EXPAND FOR MORE :) Marrakech is one of the most unique places I have ever been to. Walking the streets of Marrakech makes you feel like you are back in time. It’s all a bit chaotic at first and definitely overwhelming, but the more time you spend in Marrakech, the more you realise that everything here has a mystical flow, and you become part of it. Check out my blog for my trip recommendations and tips http://www.mimiikonn.com AirBnB Riad where we stayed - https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/5531922 Get $25 off your first AirBnb stay - www.airbnb.co.uk/c/aikonn __________________ OUTFIT DETAILS Look 1 - At The Airport Jacket - Club Monaco Jeans - Citizens of Humanity http://bit.ly/1DMQuU4 Bag - Stella McCartney http://bit.ly/1Btl40Y Suitcase - Renowa http://bit.ly/1chcWfv Top - Wilfred, simi...
Thanks to everyone who made this donation-funded film possible. Does the philosophy of materialism work to destroy our identities, experience, and environment? Join narrator Daphne Ellis on a radical romp through the evidence and decide for yourself if you're in the cult and need to escape! "Very well done. A visual treat with its heart in the right place and a clear point of view." Peter Davis - Academy Award-winning Director of "Hearts and Minds". "Handsomely assembled and narrated with articulate insight, Escape! From the Cult of Materialism is an intelligent and thought-provoking film." - TopDocumentaryFilms.com Available for purchase on Amazon.com Referenced Research: The preference for experiences over possessions: Measurement and construct validation of the Experiential Buying...
Sitting in the lazy chair,
the channels look the same
I realize that the roof is stable
and start to feel ashamed
it's cold outside but dont ask me
the weather's fine in here
ask the man around the corner
who lives his life in fear
Two hundred pennies,
forty ounces later he's okay
he doesn't have the pressure
to think about the next day
but I bet it's something cold
and hard and grey
Complaining and whining all the time
I never seem to quit
always lying to myself,
A shoe that always fits
never is a long time and
it seems like I'm a clock
ticking like a time bomb,
someday soon his life will stop
I listen to the radio but
nothing good is on
my friends are calling up but I'm
pretending I'm gone
we're all pieces in a chess game
he's a pawn
I wonder how it turned out like this
no one seems to care
the scale has tipped me fortunate
is this what we call fair?
but I've never had the mind to know it
never had the guts to show it