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Queanbeyan dog stabbed to death in backyard of home

Finbar O'Mallon, James Hall

Published: June 13 2017 - 4:48PM

A Queanbeyan family has been shattered by the brutal stabbing death of their dog, Marley, in their backyard overnight on Friday.

Shell Wright took to Facebook on Sunday to say someone had stabbed the family's dog, believing Marley may have been approaching an intruder.

"He wasn't a barker, he wouldn't hurt anyone," Ms Wright wrote.

"This person has taken away our best mate. We don't know why and how someone could do something like this."

Marley's death comes after several deadly dog baiting incidents in Canberra.

A Kaleen woman's dogs were baited with meat laced with rat poison killing the malamute, Tikaani, and rottweiler, Koda, on June 2.

This was about the same time a Waramanga woman's three German shepherds were similarly poisoned. One of the dogs, Flinders, died.

Speaking to The Canberra Times, Ms Wright said Marley was a quiet, trusted dog.

"It's horrible. It's not just what has happened to us, it's happening around Canberra and it's sickening," Ms Wright.

The family buried him on Sunday.

"My four year old son bawled his eyes out, he wanted to have his best friend back," Ms Wright said.

"You go from upset and emotional to anger that someone could be so sick to do this."

Ms Wright said police had been taking fingerprints and removed some things from her backyard, including a cricket bat.

"My dog must have been asleep and he must have approached whoever was in the backyard at the time, and unfortunately they stabbed him," Ms Wright said.

Her father found Marley in a pool of blood in the backyard, upset at the discovery.

The RSPCA advised anyone who suspects their pets had been poisoned to take them to the nearest vet.

"I just want to make people aware. I don't want [the attacker] to get away with what they've done, it's horrendous," Ms Wright said.

Queanbeyan Police Station's Inspector Michael Handley said it was "devastating" for the owners, who had owned the Shih Tzu for about eight years.

"We would seek any information at all from any member of the public who may be aware of what happened to the dog," he said.

"At this stage we haven't made any arrests but the investigation is ongoing."

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