- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 6317
The ROMP or Research OPD Micro Processor was a 10 MHz RISC microprocessor designed by IBM in the early 1980s. It is also known in some circles as 032. "OPD" stands for "Office Products Division", the division of IBM which originated the processor. The ROMP was manufactured on a 2 µm process with 45,000 transistors, saw first in silicon in 1981, and was originally developed to be used in office equipment and small computers. It was intended as a follow-on to a mid-1970s processor called the "OPD Mini Processor", which was used in text editing systems such as the IBM Office System/6. ROMP originally was shipped in the IBM RT/PC line, announced in 1986, and was later used in an IBM laser printer. For a time the IBM RT/PC was planned to be a personal computer, with ROMP replacing the Intel 8088. However, the software was targeted more towards engineering workstations.
The original ROMP had a 24-bit Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture developed by IBM, but the instruction set was changed to 32 bits a few years into the development. It was originally implemented in a 2 µm NMOS technology. It had sixteen 32-bit general purpose registers and used 32-bit addresses and data paths. The microprocessor was controlled by 118 simple two- and four-byte instructions. Internal processor organization enabled the CPU to execute most register-to-register instructions in a single cycle. An IBM-developed advanced memory management chip provided virtual memory address translation functions and memory control.
032 - Do men / До мен
032 - Дай ми знак
032 & Любо - Пожелание
032 Bez haje
TSVETELNA YANEVA I GRUPA 032 TRI MINUTI / Цветелина Янева - Три минути
032 Aktenzeichen xy vom 11.12.1970
HALTET DEN ZUG! 💀 TTT #032 ★ Trouble in Terrorist Town
032c Issue 22 – Chermayeff
"032" The Canadian Affair
The new Weird
032c Issue 23 - Countryside
032 – Bez haje Muzyka: Bartosz Bialik, Michał Laksa, Marek Sajnóg Tekst: Bartosz Bialik, Michał Laksa Wyloz na góra i wejrzoł w dół, Zoboczył kraj pynkniony na pół. Bo w som środek wtoś wbił wieli nóż, To demon historii niywidzialny stwór. Tyn kraj był zielony a czorny mioł być, I choć mioł być pusty połno skarbów krył. Wnet zoboczył fana a na fanie boł, Niy taki kolor jak uczyli go. Widziołech downo i w środku nocy, Toż niy pamiyntom dobrze już. Jak drzewo zapuszczo głymbokie korzynie, Na wiyrchu wzgórzo w wilgotnyj ziymi. Jak skarbnik astronom z wysokiyj wieży, Błynkitno-złoto planeta śledzi. Co jak ptok leci po Mlecznyj Drodze, I jak rodzi sie burza i jak deszcz gasi pożar. Ref: Dej sie pozór, tak bez haje, Kyj za lasym bijom dzwony z Panewników. Rychtujymy te powstanie, Uś...
Another day of hustle in SF including a stop at TechCrunch a website I started reading in 2006 and really helped me learn the Web 2.0 world ► Subscribe to Gary's Channel Here - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GaryVaynerchuk -- Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world's hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund. The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary's way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social med...
Producer: Payner Media Ltd. / Payner Ltd. Media: Planeta TV, Planeta HD All rights reserved : Payner Ltd. (c) facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Planeta-TV-%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%9F%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0/223168207727156 twitter: https://twitter.com/PlanetaHDTV
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💀 TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN: http://grnk.yt/ttt 💀 ALLE LPs & Co: http://gronkh.video 💀 TRAITOR SHOP: http://gronkh.shop ···················································································· KURZE INFO: Ich bin übrigens innocent! ···················································································· An der Wursttheke belügen Sie heute: Pandorya ► http://youtube.com/PandoriumLP Tobinator ► http://youtube.com/TobinatorLetsPlay Herr Currywurst ► http://youtube.com/GEXIPROSNIPER ···················································································· «GARY'S MOD» «TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN» Sandbox-Spielmodi von Bad King (2010) Offizielle Seite: http://ttt.badking.net ···············································································...
Introducing THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS of architecture and design: “Serge often roused himself from a serious conversation with, ‘Chris, let’s go get a sandwich.’ This was in fact a rallying cry for martinis,” recalls CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER of his mentor SERGE CHERMAYEFF, the charismatic Russian tango-champion-turned-design-legend who began the creative dynasty featured in this issue’s 32-page cover dossier. Meet IVAN CHERMAYEFF, the original Mad Man, PETER CHERMAYEFF, aquatic architect, and Berlin’s newest spark plug, SAM CHERMAYEFF, with essays, interviews and memories by CARSON CHAN, THOMAS DEMAND, MICHAEL ROCK, and HANS ULRICH OBRIST. Elsewhere JUERGEN TELLER and IRINA KULIKOVA maraud in SYLVIE AUBREY’s masks; CORNELIUS TITTEL resurrects the sex and successes of JIRI GEORG DOKOUPIL; New Y...
“032” is a dreamy atmospheric journey through a series of suspended events. Music from, The Good The Bad was commissioned to enhance the erie poetic palette that pivots around stillness, leaving us curious to past and future. The short film, uses texture and mood to slip through a rich tapestry of sliced moments. It portrays the inherent power that an action, slowed almost to stillness, has to evoke the imagination. Instead of the subjects moving within the shot, the camera floats through almost perfectly still universes creating a erie yet undisputedly beautiful world that is caught between past and future. While the shots which vary in tone from mundane to optimistic to tragic do not offer a distinct resolution, the film ends on hopeful note. http://www.thegood-thebad.com/ Credits: ...
REM KOOLHAAS finally turns his attention from the metropolis to the COUNTRYSIDE, “an arena for genetic experimentation, industrialized nostalgia, new patterns of seasonal migration, digital informers, flex farming, and species homogenization” in this issue’s COVER DOSSIER. Elsewhere SEAN + SENG sub-sahara JOAN SMALLS; LACATON VASSAL ethicize building; HEDI SLIMANE photographs rags to riches sculptor THOMAS HOUSEAGO; octogenarian NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS publisher ROBERT SILVERS invigorates an industry while octogenarian INGE FELTRINELLI animates encounters with ERNEST HEMINGWAY, AXEL F. SPRINGER, and her leftist terrorist husband. WOLFGANG TILLMANS hangs with PET SHOP BOYS’ Neil Tennant; ROE ETHRIDGE turns a rose-colored lens towards DE KOONING’s Long Island estate; LYDIA DAVIS tells u...
“Rei, I have a wish list for you” – JOHN WATERS on Comme des Garçons, and everything else you never thought you wanted to know about designer REI KAWAKUBO in our 40-page dossier. ARC’TERYX takes menswear to new heights of performance with its new line, Veilance; CLAUDE PARENT is rediscovered as Paris’ last supermodernist; HEDI SLIMANE does STERLING RUBY in downtown L.A.; REM KOOLHAAS discusses Moscow's new Strelka Institute, FRANCESCO VEZZOLI gives us a look into Milan's infamous club, Plastic, and DAVID SIMON, creator of HBO's The Wire, talks anger and the American city in our segment on today's unexpected places of discourse;; JOHANNESBURG provides a case study in African modernity; BJARKE INGELS is optimistic about the future thanks to artificial intelligence guru RAY KURZWEIL; TUNG WAL...
“I may be putting myself in danger, but that’s what I want today,” says NICOLAS GHESQUIÈRE, who shared the story of his creative life with 032c in our 38 page dossier that was two years in the making, recruiting the likes of long-time collaborators like CHARLOTTE GAINSBOURG, MARIE-AMÉLIE SAUVÉ, and DOMINIQUE GONZALEZ-FOERSTER, with KARIM SADLI behind the lens; Hollywood super-actor CATE BLANCHETT poses in bondage amidst the contemporary art collection housed at Berlin’s Boros Bunker, instigated by SEAN + SENG and MEL OTTENBERG; artists R.B. KITAJ and DAVID HOCKNEY review their lifelong friendship; übermodel KARLIE KLOSS embodies the future of fashion and technology; the young German writer HELENE HEGEMANN hangs out in hysterialand; femme fatal ARIZONA MUSE models new coinages by DOUGLA...
Photography SEAN + SENG Fashion BEAT BOLLIGER
“I got my first tat in 1978. None of you were even born yet. You really missed out.” – NAN GOLDIN in a letter to SCOTT CAMPBELL, the young and famous tattoo artist featured in this issue’s 40-page cover dossier, complete with poetry from French modernist FRANCIS PICABIA and a little-known short story by SYLVIA PLATH. Elsewhere AZZEDINE ALAÏA bares his love for animals and women; English artist HELEN MARTEN builds a page-specific installation; dream boys OLAFUR ELIASSON and KEVIN KELLY get techno-Utopian; AL-JAZEERA proves it’s the media outlet of the new millennium; LUCAS OSSENDRIJVER takes LANVIN to the frontiers of men’s wear design; FERNANDO ROMERO builds an art museum in Mexico for the world’s richest man; DANKO and ANA STEINER go downtown with LEELEE SOBIESKI and Salem’s JOHN HOLLAN...
A step-by-step instructional video on how to construct your very own CYPRIEN GAILLARD artwork. For 032c, Gaillard has created a sculpture edition specifically designed for the current issue. Modeled from a recent series of collages of images from National Geographic, it’s a tiny monument to the historic publication, which turns 125 this year. 032c is published biannually and is available internationally at select newsstands, booksellers, and directly from www.032c.com
drum and bass