- published: 21 Sep 2014
- views: 393
Jesus (/ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς Iesous; 7–2 BC to AD 30–33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God. Christians believe Jesus is the awaited Messiah (or Christ, the Anointed One) of the Old Testament.
Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically, and historians consider the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) to be the best sources for investigating the historical Jesus. Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Galilean, Jewish rabbi who preached his message orally,was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate. In the current mainstream view, Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher and the founder of a renewal movement within Judaism, although some prominent scholars argue that he was not apocalyptic. After Jesus' death, his followers believed he was resurrected, and the community they formed eventually became the Christian church. The widely used calendar era, abbreviated as "AD" from the Latin "Anno Domini" ("in the year of our Lord") or sometimes as "CE", is based on the birth of Jesus. His birth is celebrated annually on December 25 as a holiday known as Christmas.
Jean Michel Rollin Roth Le Gentil (3 November 1938 – 15 December 2010) was a French film director, actor, and novelist best known for his work in the fantastique genre such as the vampire film Le Viol du Vampire (1968) and Fascination. His films are noted for their exquisite, if mostly static, cinematography, off-kilter plot progression and poetic dialogue, their playful surrealism and recurrent use of well-constructed female lead characters. Outlandish denouments and abstruse visual symbols were trademarks throughout his 'dark fantasy' career. He was the first French director to recognise the acting capabilities of former porn actress Brigitte Lahaie, who took important roles in a number of his movies after appearing in Les Raisins de la Mort. Remarkably, in spite of their seeming high production values and precise craftsmanship, his films were made with very little money, and often under crushing deadlines.
Jean Rollin was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine (now Hauts-de-Seine), France, to Claude Rollin, an actor and theatre director, who went by the stage name "Claude Martin", and Denise Rollin-Le Gentil, thus being born into an artistically inclined family. His half-brother was actor Olivier Rollin.
Lost Boy or Lost Boys may refer to:
Jean Rollin, the legendary French director best know for his lesbian vampire films such as THE SHIVER OF THE VAMPIRES, returns to genre that made his name with TWO ORPHAN VAMPIRES. Based on his own novel, the film is the story of two teenage girls, Louise and Henriette, who have grown up orphaned and are believed to be blind. While it is true that they cannot see during the day, Louise and Henriette are given the power of vision at night, when they hunt their prey. Stylish, atmospheric, and genuinely haunting, TWO ORPHAN VAMPIRES is a stunning return to form from one of France's greatest talents.
Ces filles ne gardent pas que vos enfants... Secrètement amoureuse de Michael Beltran, dont elle garde les enfants, Shirley Lyner ne le repousse pas lorsqu'il l'embrasse fiévreusement. Pour se déculpabiliser, il lui offre un montant substantiel. En devenant sa maîtresse, Shirley y voit un moyen inespéré de payer ses études : elle met alors sur pied un véritable réseau de prostitution sous couvert d'un service de babysitting, exigeant 20% des recettes de ses employées, recrutées parmi ses amies de lycée. Cependant, ses règles sont remises en question par certaines filles, qui tentent de la doubler... Titre original : The babysitters Réalisateur : David Ross Acteurs : katherine Waterston, Cynthia Nixon, John Leguizamo, Lauren Birkell, Paul Borghese, Ann Dowd Genre : Drame Film américain
Tribute to filmmakers Dario Argento, Mario Bava, Brian De Palma and Alfred Hitchcock. I made this film for my application to filmschool. It is my first project, hope you like it. Filmed in the summer of 2016 in Ottersum, The Netherlands and Klever Reichswald, Germany.
Mit Paul Muller, Andrés Monales und Ewa Strömberg.-
https://tadhkir.wordpress.com/ L'histoire véridique de celui que l'on nommait Dracula. Lorsque les musulmans l'ont tué. Conférencier : Musa Cerantonio Transcription écrite : http://www.tadhkir.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/lorsque-les-musulmans-ont-tue-dracula/ Abonne-toi : http://www.youtube.com/user/moufassir?sub_confirmation=1
The follow up to the cult classic horror hit about the battle between Californians and teenage vampires, a brother and sister have moved to Santa Carla, only to get mixed up with a gang of surfers that are more than they appear to be. The sequel takes us back to the familiar shady surf city of Santa Carla, California, where vampire surfers quickly dispatch anyone who tries to invade their turf. Into this dark world arrive moody Chris Emerson and his shy sister, Nicole. Subtle references to their father, Michael, immediately establish a link to the Lost Boys legend and set a sinister tone of impending doom. Featuring appearances by "The Lost Boys" original stars Corey Feldman and Corey Haim! Directed by P.J Pesce ("From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter" and "Sniper 3"). MPAA Rating:...
Chagrin d'amour : le joli duo Grégory Ken / Valli Kligerman. Un seul tube, sorti en 1982, et quel tube, parfois considéré comme le premier titre de rap français. La qualité du son est ici inversement proportionnelle à celle de l'image. Mais ça fait quand même bien plaisir de se revoir ça. R.I.P. Grégory.
Un film d'horreur risible basé sur les films d'horreurs (que j'ai pas vu) de Jason X. Bons frissons!
Comment savoir que c'est lui ?
This is a new series Im working on. I know most people would use Sims 3 since its updated and all, but I have sims 3 and work better with sims 2. So, a sims 2 series it was. Hope you guys like it, I originally had something planned COMPLETELY different for this series, but the songs used for this teaser, ended up inspiring the entire series. I can't say much, since it is a Teaser, but hope you guys like it. PS. The quality was a lot better on my video editing software. -_ - Idon't know what happened.
Selon l'islam, presque toutes les musulmanes brûleront en enfer (mais les houris du paradis les remplaceront) : http://www.3ilmchar3i.net/article-bitants-67987200.html Ac 16:31- Paul et Silas répondirent: Crois au Seigneur Jésus, et tu seras sauvé, TOI et TA FAMILLE. اعمال 31:16 فَقَالاَ: «آمِنْ بِالرَّبِّ يَسُوعَ الْمَسِيحِ فَتَخْلُصَ أَنْتَ وَأَهْلُ بَيْتِكَ». Mc 16:16- Celui qui croira et qui sera baptisé sera sauvé, mais celui qui ne croira pas sera condamné. مرقس 16:16 مَنْ آمَنَ وَاعْتَمَدَ خَلَصَ وَمَنْ لَمْ يُؤْمِنْ يُدَنْ. Jn 3:18- Celui qui croit en lui n'est point jugé; mais celui qui ne croit pas est déjà jugé, parce qu'il n'a pas cru au nom du Fils unique de Dieu. يوحنا 18:3 اَلَّذِي يُؤْمِنُ بِهِ لاَ يُدَانُ وَالَّذِي لاَ يُؤْمِنُ قَدْ دِينَ لأَنَّهُ لَمْ يُؤْمِنْ بِاسْمِ اب...
TOHorror Film Fest 2009 - "Fascination" di Jean Rollin - incontro con l'autore
([§§¤"Lafter Tarlef /& Jeffactor"¤§§]) voila encore des news du( web & net )! en exclusivité une toute nouvelle présentation de "Video K7VHS very rare" et pratiquement introuvable commercialement.sur l cinéma/films classique: {£.d 'horreur et d 'épouvante et fantastique .£} mis en scène sous forme d 'émission cinématographique dédier a ce genre , qui va vous angoisser!! ...Alors pour commencer on a un film de serie b qui s 'appelle "Ratman" qui est un terrifiant voyage au bout de l 'horreur !avec des scéne gore a souhait et une bo plutot assez flippante!!., dans l 'ensemble" Ratman "est plutot réussit et efficace malgré quelques defaut mais le reste du film reste plaisant a voir et surtout angoissant comme pas possible! ! pour continuer alors la , on a un pur Chef d 'oeuvre Culte du genre...
Des rumeurs selon lesquelles une petite créature ressemblant à un bébé loup garou aurais été trouvée en Malaisie, alors vrais ou pas ? ✅------ABONNE TOI pour plus de vidéo ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbohj38jMAtTUVZiprgaXXQ ✅------Mon Tipeee ! : https://www.tipeee.com/mr-ouathefeuk VIDÉOS TOUS LES JOURS !!! REJOINS LA CHAINE POUR NE RIEN RATER ;) Salut a tous ! et bienvenue sur la chaine 100% wtf 100% insolite, , si la vidéo t as plu n'oublie pas de liker et de partager, sur ce, bon visionnage ! 🔴-----------------------MON SETUP------------------------------------------🔴 pc kevin : http://amzn.to/2wtgwOb Webcam c922 pro : http://amzn.to/2xZ2MMw Mon micro : bird UM1 http://amzn.to/2fPznjh Mon pc : http://amzn.to/2yzJGvp mon clavier : http://amzn.to/2yzP0ix Mon écran : http://a...
s'il vous plaît visitez: http://www.bonnepersonne.com/ http://www.trouverdieu.com/ http://gethsemane.weebly.com/index.html ---- Plus de Mots clés:: question, million, dollars, laïques, les déchets, la vie, Madonna, Britney, Spear, Dr Dre, Eminem, 2Pac, MTV, la luxure, la pornographie, l'homo sapiens, homosexuel, le singe, le rock, univers, athée, l'athéisme, révolutionnaire, l'adultère, la bière, la drogue, la cocaïne, de la prostituée, en retard, la nuit, bête, stupide, télévision, spectacles, Rockefeller, Jay Z, Rihanna, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Vampire, youtube, Netlog, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Earth, interview, documentaire , la production, mob, lady, gaga, ladygaga, avril, lavigne, 50cent, soulja, boy, cellule, la vie, croire, version, haineux, désobéissant, ...
Spoopy Story time! When I was 14, my friend and I made an attempt to summon a ghost which left me with a creepy haunted radio and some seriously paranormal memories. I'm not one to really be like "omg guys, ghosts!", even after this incident. Though, I figured this little Halloween story time would be fun to animate and share with you guys! It might have all been in my head, but you can bet that I'm never doing that crap again. Still makes for a good storytime xD // *See my face in other Internet places* Twitter ----------- thecrystaljoy Instagram ------ thecrystaljoy Facebook ------- thecrystaljoy Tumblr ----------- thecrystaljoy Snapchat-------- thecrystaljoy *Send meh stuff* PO Box 20284 244 E 3rd Street New York, NY 10009 *Teh musics* An Unexpected Surprise https://www.youtub...
http:\\www.channelingerik.com Jesus interviewed from heaven and the afterlife by world renowned medium Jamie Butler (withloveandlight.com) with the help of my deceased son, Erik Medhus. Jamie asks Jesus about his life, God, Jesus' mission on Earth as well as what is heaven, where is heaven and what heaven is like. At 26:30, when I ask Jesus if he has reincarnated, you can here him say, "Yes." Also, at 33:07, when Quentin Crisp comments on what a good looking man Jesus is, you can hear what I think is Mr. Crisp saying, "Can you get him to come to breakfast?" It sounds like Quentin's voice when you listen to YouTubes of his interviews. THIS MAY BE THE FIRST TIME ANYONE HAS HEARD JESUS'S VOICE IN OVER 2000 YEARS! Visit Erik's Facebook page at http:\\www.facebook.com/ChannelingErik as well a...
Ellen sat down with Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos and building engineer Stephen Schuck, who were the first people to encounter the assailant on the night of the mass shooting. To help those affected by the tragedy, visit Ellen's GoFundMe Page: www.gofundme.com/theellendegeneresshow.
Amazing testimony and words of Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ film, which is the highest grossing R-rated film in history (and rightly so) just like the Holy Bible is the world’s best-selling book (and rightly so). Jim Caviezel is being interviewed by Dave Cooper. This interview is highly inspiring. He talks about how God's Providence allowed him to suffer several very painful injuries and illnesses when filming which allowed him to participate in and portray Christ's Passion in a deep and real way. He tells about the shocking fact that he was struck by lightning at one point in the production. He gives advice to all Catholics about the seriousness of living the Faith, not trying to "fit in" with our neo-pagan society, and the necessity, joy, and hon...
If you could ask Jesus one question while He was on the Cross, what would it be? Watch our interview with Jesus to see if we asked your question! From our Good Friday service on April 29th, 2013
This is an interview with Jesus (George Carlin as Jesus, naturally.) If you're offended by this, you take your religion too seriously :) Credits : Shindai
When people speak of “knowing” Jesus, they refer to having a relationship with Him. Being a Christian is more than knowing about Jesus; being a Christian is knowing Him personally. Jesus spoke of the need to know the Savior when He prayed, “This is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). Many people have wondered if Jesus really loves them. The Bible is clear that no matter what we have done, Jesus does love us. In fact, He promises to both forgive us of every wrong we have done and provide us eternal life if only we will believe in Him: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Romans 5:8 says, “God demonstrates his own ...
Please donate to the project so I can travel further and more often: http://www.gofundme.com/Ask-Project http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... http://www.wix.com/coreygilshuster/un... Want to know what Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East really think about the conflict? Ask a question and I will get answers. Want to contribute? Go to http://www.gofundme.com/Ask-Project People ask Israeli Jews questions. I go out and ask random people to answer.
We went Washington Square Park in New York City to ask people, "Who is Jesus?" http://christlife.org/discover To watch the whole talk "Why Does Jesus Matter?", visit: https://christlife.org/store/product/discovering-christ-why-does-jesus-matter-rental
Whilst in New York, CityTV caught up with Gabriel Jesus to have a look what's in his suitcase! Subscribe for FREE and never miss another Man City video. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mancity http://www.mancity.com http://www.facebook.com/mancity http://www.twitter.com/mancity www.instagram.com/mancity https://www.snapchat.com/add/mancityofficial
Ramona Koval, host of The Monthly Book, speaks to writer and philosopher Raimond Gaita about JM Coetzee's 'The Childhood of Jesus'.
In a distant region among the forests of Russia, Jesus Christ walks the earth again. At least, that is the claim of Vissarion, a man who says he is the reincarnated Son of God. Many people believe him, and a community has risen around this mysterious man – a community some dismiss as a cult. Tom Clarke, during his final year at Glasgow University, made it his mission to understand the Vissarion Community. Travelling to the Siberian Taiga forests, spending five days at the Abode of Dawn; he recorded his experiences, with footage ranging from a spine tingling ceremony to an interview with the supposed messiah himself. A deluded zealot who has deceived others? A cynical con-man with a flair for theater? Or maybe – just maybe- something more? Watch and decide for yourself. ------ Thank you...
Ram Gopal Varma talking about Jesus Christ in Sakshi TV interview
Renowned academic and author Reza Aslan is forced to respond to a barrage of Islamophobic attacks during an interview with Fox News host Lauren Green.
Interview to Jim Caviezel, the actor who perform the role of Jesús in the movie "The Passion of the Christ"
http://www.jemblog.com - Lady Gaga talks about being bullied as a kid and thrown in a trash can. She made it to the top and wants her fans to know that anyone can make it. You don't have to have a dollar in your pocket. You can still be successful.