

Robert Dessaix

Author Robert Dessaix collects languages like other people collect  objects.  He is currently studying Indonesian.

Robert Dessaix's latest witty and philosophical offering springs from observing that people are increasingly anxious about how they spend their time.

The Green Bell: A beautiful and wise memoir

A beautifully written memoir.

Paula Keogh and poet Michael Dransfield were in their mid-twenties when they met in a psychiatric ward and fell in love. Half a lifetime later, Keogh writes of this dark and ecstatic time.

A search for identity

Jenevieve Chang, author of <i>The Good Girl of Chinatown</i>.

One woman's journey of discovery took her back to the very place she wanted to escape from.


Illustration by Simon Letch.

Pronouncing words the right way is important but it's far from an easy matter when it comes to the English language.