
Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins is economics editor of the SMH and an economic columnist for The Age. His books include Gittins' Guide to Economics, Gittinomics and The Happy Economist.

Workers in retail and hospitality are being paid too much on weekends, according to this millionaire public servant on a ...

Brace yourself for a year of con jobs and flying bulldust

There's a long history of politicians professing to be terribly concerned about "the cost of living" and nothing good ever comes of it. It's always about saying things to keep or win your vote and rarely about doing anything real – let alone sensible – about prices.

Pensioner rage: An elderly man fights for his rights and his dignity in Ken Loach's <i>I, Daniel Blake</i>.

Pensioner rage: Centrelink beware

Of the loads of films I saw last year, the most memorable was Ken Loach's I, Daniel Blake. I go to the movies for escapist entertainment, not to give my emotions a good workout but, even so, it left a lasting impression.

Could Tuesday's census turn back time?

How to find more time for fun next year

I don't know about you, but it's at this time of year, when the Christmas rush is over and things slow down - even for those who are "working through" - that I get a bit more philosophical, a bit more reflective.

Treasurer Scott Morrison and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.

Why I'm sorry our credit rating wasn't downgraded this week

There is no good reason any sovereign Australian government – federal or state – should allow a few American for-profit businesses to dictate how much it should or shouldn't borrow (nor engage in hugely expensive ways of disguising the true extent of its liabilities).