By examining an 800-year-old piece of resin or tree sap, a Smithsonian scientist is helping reconstruct ancient sea trading routes and human uses of plants.
Explore news related collection objects from across the Smithsonian.
Let balloonamania carry you away with these picks from the collections.
Tattoos are not just skin deep; they tell us about individuals and their cultures.
The 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival will feature Circus Arts. Enjoy these related objects from across the Smithsonian.
Explore items related to the year, including the Spirit of St. Louis and its famous flight May 20-21, 1927.
This 17th century natural science illustrator brought artistic observation to scientific practice.
How the Hopewell came by enough near-pure iron to produce a handful of exotic beads, small tools, and other decorations.
Learn about the 200-pound Enterprise studio model used in the original 1960s television series.
Explore the spacecraft that carried astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins to the moon.
Who wore it best?