On 30 August 2013, it was announced that De Montemas had joined the cast of Neighbours in the guest role of Alek Pocoli. He made his first screen appearance on 9 September.
Sign up for our PoliticsNY newsletter for the latest coverage and to stay informed about the 2021 elections in your district and across NYC... He is lured through the space by D (Damian de Montemas), but when he is spotted by B, Sequin makes an escape by coupling up with F (SamuelBarrie) a young man with whom he experiences sexual pleasure ... .
“A homosexual film by Samuel van Grinsven” ... Sequin is an accomplished ghost ... In a sleek, wonderfully choreographed one-take sequence that proves a triumph for production designer AnnaGardiner and cinematographer Jay Grant, Sequin visits the Blue Room, an anonymous orgiastic party to which he is welcomed by host “D” (Damian de Montemas) ... .
Continually stuck in her brother’s shadow and sidelined by their glory-seeking father (Damian de Montemas), she’s smart, plucky, committed to chasing her auto-engineering dreams, and won’t let anyone push her aside because of her gender.