We are a not-for-profit organisation which exists to serve the interests of the non-religious; those who do not have a belief in gods or the supernatural.

What we Believe


“How should we live?” is a question that both secular and religious philosophers have provided many different answers to. Members of the NZARH believe that this question is best answered by a secular humanist approach.


The NZARH strongly believes that government should be secular; that is dealing with the issues of this world rather than following a religious agenda.


A rationalist believes that knowledge and truth are ascertained by using reason and logic, and not by divine or supernatural revelation.

What we Do


We stand up for the rights of the non-religious


We present submissions to parliament from a secular perspective


We provide a place and opportunities for likeminded non-believers to socialise


We highlight and discuss issues of interest


We provide educational material

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Latest News




Rationalists and Humanists commit to meet donations.

The NZ Rationalists and Humanists have committed to meeting donations dollar for dollar to support the legal campaign of David Hines and Tanya Jacob up to $50,000. David and Tanya along with numerous other parents and educational experts are conducting a legal...
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Rationalists lay complaint against Human Rights Commission

A complaint against the Human Rights Commission has been laid by the New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists, citing the HRC’s failure to address state sanctioned religious discrimination in primary schools. Peter Harrison, President of the Rationalists...
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Bible in Schools case sunk by Supreme Court

An Auckland father's case against school Bible classes has been ended by the Supreme Court. Auckland father Jeff McClintock sued an Auckland school after they persisted in placing his daughter in Bible worship classes without his consent. The classes, called "Values...
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Karakia under the Spotlight

Yesterday there was an article in the New Zealand Herald suggesting that karakia could be affected by the legal action being taken by Jeff McClintock, David Hines and Tanya Jacob. Regardless of the nature of karakia the status of prayer in class is already legally...
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Secular Education going to Court

David Hines and his team have set up a GiveALittle Donation Page to allow people to contribute to the legal costs of supporting Secular Education in a Judicial Review to be held in late April. David Hines and a group of parents affected by religious instruction have...
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