- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 50249
Oktoberfest (German pronunciation: [ɔkˈtoːbɐˌfɛst]) is the world's largest Volksfest (beer festival and travelling funfair). Held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, it is a 16-day folk festival running from mid or late September to the first weekend in October, with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event every year. Locally, it is often simply called the Wiesn, after the colloquial name of the fairgrounds (Theresienwiese) themselves. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture, having been held since 1810. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations, modelled after the original Munich event.
The Cannstatter Volksfest is an annual three-week Volksfest (beer festival and travelling funfair) in Stuttgart, Germany. It is sometimes also referred to by foreign visitors as the Stuttgart Beer Festival, although it is actually more of an autumnal fair.
The festival takes place at the Cannstatter Wasen from late September to early October, spanning a period over three weekends, ending the second Sunday in October. The extensive Wasen area is in the Stuttgart city district of Bad Cannstatt, near the river Neckar. A smaller variant of the Stuttgart festival, the Stuttgart Spring Festival, is also held each year in Wasen.
Although the Volksfest is not strictly speaking a beer festival, it is considered by many to be the second largest beer celebration in the world after the Munich Oktoberfest. According to estimates about 4.2 million people visited the festival in 2006. The Volksfest begins one week later than the Oktoberfest.
Cannstatter Volksfest – Wasen
From an agricultural event to a famous festival
The German reunification (German: Deutsche Wiedervereinigung) was the process in 1990 in which the German Democratic Republic (GDR/East Germany) joined the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG/West Germany) to form the reunited nation of Germany, and when Berlin reunited into a single city, as provided by its then Grundgesetz constitution Article 23. The end of the unification process is officially referred to as German unity (German: Deutsche Einheit), celebrated on 3 October (German Unity Day) (German: Tag der deutschen Einheit).
The East German regime started to falter in May 1989, when the removal of Hungary's border fence opened a hole in the Iron Curtain. It caused an exodus of thousands of East Germans fleeing to West Germany and Austria via Hungary. The Peaceful Revolution, a series of protests by East Germans, led to the GDR's first free elections on 18 March 1990, and to the negotiations between the GDR and FRG that culminated in a Unification Treaty. Other negotiations between the GDR and FRG and the four occupying powers produced the so-called "Two Plus Four Treaty" (Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany) granting full sovereignty to a unified German state, whose two parts had previously still been bound by a number of limitations stemming from their post-World War II status as occupied regions.
The Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Germany during late September and early October. It is attended by six million people each year and has inspired numerous similar events using the name Oktoberfest in Germany and around the world, many of which were founded by German immigrants or their descendants.
The largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany is mostly regarded as being in Canada, in the twin cities of Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (750,000- 1,100,000 visitors), followed by Blumenau, Brazil with (700,000+),Cincinnati, Ohio, United States (500,000+ visitors) and the Denver Oktoberfest Denver, Colorado, United States (450,000+ visitors). However, the largest one mostly depend on specific year's numbers and varies with sources. Currently Oktoberfest is spreading to new geographical locations; starting in September 2007, Montreal began hosting its own Oktoberfest. Parker, Colorado hosts a traditional Oktoberfest each year. It's the most traditional Oktoberfest in Colorado.
The Day of German Unity (German: Tag der Deutschen Einheit) is the national day of Germany, celebrated on 3 October as a public holiday. It commemorates the anniversary of German reunification in 1990, when the goal of a united Germany that originated in the middle of the 19th century, was fulfilled again. Therefore, the name addresses neither the re-union nor the union, but the unity of Germany. The Day of German Unity on 3 October has been the German national holiday since 1990, when the reunification was formally completed. It is a legal holiday for the Federal Republic of Germany.
An alternative choice to commemorate the reunification could have been the day the Berlin Wall came down: 9 November 1989, which coincided with the anniversary of the proclamation of the German Republic in 1918, and the defeat of Hitler's first coup in 1923. However, 9 November was also the anniversary of the first large-scale Nazi-led pogroms against Jews in 1938 (Kristallnacht), so the day was considered inappropriate as a national holiday. (See November 9 in German history.) Therefore, 3 October 1990, the day of the formal reunification, was chosen instead and replaced the "Day of German Unity" on 17 June, the national holiday of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1954.
Wiesn Finale 2014 Hacker Festzelt, mit Sternwerfer letzte Maß Bier 2014 - wir sehen uns wieder zur Wiesn 2015 im Hacker Festzelt! Beerfestival OCTOBERFEST 2014, Hacker beer tent, final day 2014. See you next year to Munich beer festival 2015!
Die GRIP-Moderatoren Miriam Höller, Matthias Malmedie und Helge Thomsen treten zum etwas anderen Oktoberfest an. Wer gewinnt die Challenge? Komplette Folgen GRIP bei RTL II NOW: http://rtl2now.rtl2.de/grip-das-motormagazin.php Alle Infos zur Sendung: http://www.rtl2.de/grip GRIP bei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grip GRIP bei YouTube abonnieren: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GRIPRTL2 "GRIP - Das Motormagazin", immer sonntags um 18.00 Uhr im TV bei RTL2.
Da ich nun eine Münchnerin bin, denke ich, dass ein Vlog zum Oktoberfest auf meinem Kanal ziemlich passend ist. Hier ein paar Tipps zur Wiesn und welche Zelte cool sind. Wie man seine Schürtze richtig trägt- ob single oder vergeben und ob es für mich ein Weltuntergang ist, wenn man mal ein bisschen feiern geht. :) Hoffe euch gefällts! Falls ja, dann lasst einen Daumen nach oben da und vor allem ein Kommentar, falls ihr noch weitere Insider habt 😁 ❤️ JOLIE MAGAZIN: http://bit.ly/2dg4H4t JOLIE VIDEO TUTORIAL: http://bit.ly/2cJlP29 👻 Snapchat: roxisecke 💁 Instagram: www.instagram.com/roxisecke 👮🏻 Facebook: www.facebook.com/roxisecke 🎥 Schon gesehen? Mein Superfood: https://youtu.be/YUwdomqkm2Y Q & A: https://youtu.be/syuIyBYQYFM Po Workout mit Fitnessoskar: https://youtu.be/NSUnvIOQc...
Bier, Volksfeste, Fahrgeschäfte. Drei Dinge, die Thilo Mischke überhaupt nicht mag. Trotzdem wagt er sich aufs Oktoberfest - und zieht für sich ein klares Fazit.
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In München hat das 183. Oktoberfest begonnen. Trotz Regenwetter kamen viele gut gelaunte Gäste auf die Wiesn. Trachtenumzug, Anstich & Co. wir waren dabei. Jetzt abonnieren: http://bit.ly/AboMuenchenTV Homepage: http://www.muenchen.tv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muenchentv Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/muenchentv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/muenchentv Google+: https://plus.google.com/+muenchentv2/
Ohne Alkohol geht auf der Wiesn nichts. Aber wie viel Alkohol haben die Menschen auf dem Festplatz schon vor der Öffnung der Zelte im Blut. Das Oktoberfest in München, auch Wiesn genannt, ist das größte Volksfest der Welt. Das Oktoberfest findet seit 1810 auf der Theresienwiese in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München statt und wird Jahr für Jahr von rund sechs Millionen Menschen besucht; im Jahr 2011 zog das Oktoberfest in München fast sieben Millionen Besucher an.[1] Für das Oktoberfest, die Wiesn, brauen die Münchner Brauereien ein spezielles Bier (Wiesn-Märzen) mit mehr Stammwürze und damit auch mit höherem Alkoholgehalt (rund 6--7%). Die Münchner Brauereien heißen Ammer, Armbrustschützen, Augustiner Festhalle, Bräurosl-Festhalle, Fischer-Vroni, Glöckle Wirt, Hacker Festhalle, Hei...
www.swm.de/privatkunden/info/veranstaltungen.html Am 16. September wird auf der Theresienwiese das Oktoberfest 2017 eröffnet. Für die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Stadtwerke München und der Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft haben die Vorbereitungen dafür teils aber schon im Frühsommer begonnen. Nicht zuletzt die Leistungen von SWM und MVG sind es, die die Wiesn erst möglich machen. Diskret im Hintergrund, so verlässlich und sicher wie seit weit über 100 Jahren garantieren sie ein vergnügliches und entspanntes Oktoberfest. Der Film wurde von muenchen.tv zur Verfügung gestellt. Mehr Infos: www.swm.de/privatkunden/info/veranstaltungen.html
Auf dem Oktoberfest wird von der Jacke über Kostüme bis hin zu wichtigen Dokumenten alles verloren. Im Fundbüro der Wiesn tauchen täglich die kuriosesten Gegenstände auf und warten darauf von ihrem Besitzer abgeholt zu werden. Clip ------------------------------- Das Oktoberfest in München, auch Wiesn genannt, ist das größte Volksfest der Welt. Das Oktoberfest findet seit 1810 auf der Theresienwiese in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München statt und wird Jahr für Jahr von rund sechs Millionen Menschen besucht; im Jahr 2011 zog das Oktoberfest in München fast sieben Millionen Besucher an.[1] Für das Oktoberfest, die Wiesn, brauen die Münchner Brauereien ein spezielles Bier (Wiesn-Märzen) mit mehr Stammwürze und damit auch mit höherem Alkoholgehalt (rund 6--7%). Die Münchner Brauereien ...
Die Wiesn und der Kotzhügel: Selfies von Touristen und Schnapsleichen. Mehr Ordnung als im letzten Jahr. Mehr Infos: http://bit.ly/kotzen_wiesn Ingo Wohlfeil auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ingowohlfeil BILD jetzt abonnieren: http://on.bild.de/bild_abo
Auf der Wiesn wird geflirtet was das Zeug hält. Was sagen Frauen dazu das sie ständig von Männern angemacht werden und welche Tricks sie haben sich zu wehren. Das Oktoberfest in München, auch Wiesn genannt, ist das größte Volksfest der Welt. Das Oktoberfest findet seit 1810 auf der Theresienwiese in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München statt und wird Jahr für Jahr von rund sechs Millionen Menschen besucht; im Jahr 2011 zog das Oktoberfest in München fast sieben Millionen Besucher an.[1] Für das Oktoberfest, die Wiesn, brauen die Münchner Brauereien ein spezielles Bier (Wiesn-Märzen) mit mehr Stammwürze und damit auch mit höherem Alkoholgehalt (rund 6--7%). Die Münchner Brauereien heißen Ammer, Armbrustschützen, Augustiner Festhalle, Bräurosl-Festhalle, Fischer-Vroni, Glöckle Wirt, Ha...
Hoch die Krüge! Beim größten Volksfest der Welt geht es feuchtfröhlich zu. Und heftig geflirtet wird auch. Doch was tun, wenn aus dem Flirt mehr wird und im Eifer des Gefechts nicht verhütet wird? Wir klären auf! ► Mehr Informationen unter: https://pille-danach.de ► Folge uns auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nurwennicheswill/ ► Folge uns auf Snapchat: bedsidestories
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2 Tage lang, hatten wir die Möglichkeit hinter die Kulissen der Sanitätsstation des Münchner Roten Kreuzes auf dem Oktoberfest zu blicken. Und das kam dabei raus: Interessante Einblicke in die Motivation der ehrenamtlichen Einsatzkräfte und der Ärzte des BRK-Kreisverband München. 2013 versorgten sie über 7.500 verletzte und erkrankte Wiesnbesucher und -Mitarbeiter. Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an alle die uns unterstützt haben um dieses Projekt erst möglich zu machen. "C-Funk" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Die Spezialität auf der Wiesn ist der Ochsbraten. Aber wie kommt dieser dorthin und wie wird er zubereitet? Clip Das Oktoberfest in München, auch Wiesn genannt, ist das größte Volksfest der Welt. Das Oktoberfest findet seit 1810 auf der Theresienwiese in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München statt und wird Jahr für Jahr von rund sechs Millionen Menschen besucht; im Jahr 2011 zog das Oktoberfest in München fast sieben Millionen Besucher an.[1] Für das Oktoberfest, die Wiesn, brauen die Münchner Brauereien ein spezielles Bier (Wiesn-Märzen) mit mehr Stammwürze und damit auch mit höherem Alkoholgehalt (rund 6--7%). Die Münchner Brauereien heißen Ammer, Armbrustschützen, Augustiner Festhalle, Bräurosl-Festhalle, Fischer-Vroni, Glöckle Wirt, Hacker Festhalle, Heilmaier, Hendlbraterei, Heime...
Wir präsentieren eine lebendige & authentische Wiesn. Täglich senden wir wieder ab dem 16. September 2017 vom Anstich und ab 18 Uhr drei Stunden live vom Oktoberfest. Wir bringen die Wiesn in die Wohnzimmer der Zuschauer! Interessante Gäste, unterhaltsame Berichte und Eindrücke von der Empore des Hofbräu-Festzelts. https://www.muenchen.tv/wiesn/ Jetzt abonnieren: http://bit.ly/AboMuenchenTV Homepage: http://www.muenchen.tv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muenchentv Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/muenchentv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/muenchentv Google+: https://plus.google.com/+muenchentv2/
Trinken, tanzen, flirten: Auf dem Oktoberfest zeigen sich manche Touristen wirklich extrem hemmungslos. Und genau diese haben wir bei ihrem ersten Wiesn-Besuch begleitet. Ob sie wohl bis zur After-Wiesn-Party durchhalten? Das Oktoberfest in München, auch Wiesn genannt, ist das größte Volksfest der Welt. Das Oktoberfest findet seit 1810 auf der Theresienwiese in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München statt und wird Jahr für Jahr von rund sechs Millionen Menschen besucht; im Jahr 2011 zog das Oktoberfest in München fast sieben Millionen Besucher an.[1] Für das Oktoberfest, die Wiesn, brauen die Münchner Brauereien ein spezielles Bier (Wiesn-Märzen) mit mehr Stammwürze und damit auch mit höherem Alkoholgehalt (rund 6--7%). Die Münchner Brauereien heißen Ammer, Armbrustschützen, Augustiner...
Abonniere unseren Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/tzonline Werde „Gefällt mir“ bei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fcbayern.news/ Werde „Follower“ bei Twitter: https://twitter.com/news_fcbayern Alles rund um den FC Bayern auf tz.de: http://www.tz.de/sport/fc-bayern/ München - Nach dem Bundesligaspiel gegen den 1. FC Köln darf der FC Bayern für kurze Zeit abschalten - und zwar beim jährlichen Besuch auf dem Oktoberfest.
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Helpful tips and things to know before going to Oktoberfest in Munich. Songs to learn before you go: https://youtu.be/jHfx1JM9Hqs German words and phrases: https://youtu.be/yy-qJfYHCXU Where else you can find me: WEBSITE & STORE - http://marijohnson.info INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/marijohnson TWITTER - https://twitter.com/missmarijohnson FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/captainslogtravels SNAPCHAT - mari.johnson Cameras I use: - Canon G7X- http://amzn.to/2uj8ir5 & https://youtu.be/OZkwodK2_G8 (my review) - Joby GorillaPod tripod- http://amzn.to/2skbku0 - GoPro Hero 4 Silver- http://amzn.to/2tDf3qd Californian in a constant state of wanderlust. Currently in New York City preparing to go on a round the world trip. I’m here to share my adventures and give you tips about travel...
A travel guide for visiting Munich Germany. Highlights include: Mariensplatz and CIty Hall, Beer Halls including Hofbrauhaus, Beer Gardens, German Food, Viktualienmarkt, Odeonsplatz, BMW Museum, and Transportation. You might enjoy watching these other videos: Oktoberfest Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sBjABLMtews Beijing Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/RTbFz7zTWFA Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel Twitter: ChrisRaney Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions Check out my blog at: http://yelloww.net
So we had an event in Germany later in the week, but we decided to rally and see if we could make it to Oktoberfest on the final day of the season, we were chasing time, but we somehow or another pulled through and made it. Filmed entirely on a GoPro Hero 4 Black! ------ Shot & Edited by Mike Dewey - Social - http://www.mikeandjayexplore.com http://www.facebook.com/mikeandjayexplore http://www.twitter.com/mikejayexplore Mike's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mike_dewey Mike's Snapchat: mike_dewey Jay's Instagram: http://instagram.com/jaymantri Jay’s Snapchat: amantri Jay shoots a bunch of rad photos while we are out on adventures & they are all available for free: http://www.jaymantri.com Interested in free stickers? Fill out this form, and we’ll send them your way. https://mike...
Subscribe to Munchies here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-MUNCHIES When it comes to beer, Oktoberfest is the ultimate destination—but with brews at center stage, most visitors forget to eat their way through the delicious food stands. Our host Michel Niknafs travels down to Bavaria to explore the culinary aspects of the world's biggest folk festival. From a traditional Weisswurst to German mackerel and crunchy pork knuckles, Oktoberfest is a true foodie heaven. Read Now: Oktoberfest in Palestine: http://bit.ly/1v0scR0 Check out our series Al-Kee-Hol: http://bit.ly/Al-Kee-Hol Check out http://munchies.tv for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: http://facebook.com/munchies Twitter: http://twitter.com/munchies Tumblr: http://munchies.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/munchiesvice...
Münich offers much more than the Oktoberfest, the pretzel, large cups of beer and huge shopping malls. The neo-gothic palace of the City Hall, the unique domes of theCathedral of Our Lady, the pillars of the generals, the city gates, the eclectic buildings of the Residenz are all there for the eyes, while the markets and the taverns all serve the needs of the body. Besides that parks full of statues and fountains, temples from the middle age, rich museums and theatres make up the tempting force of the Bavarian capital. The modern city is represented by the BMW headquarters and the Olympic village, while outside the city there are such things as the Nymphenburg Palace
http://www.dw.de Munich cabaret artist and author Moses Wolff has written the first handbook to the Oktoberfest. Wolff says he's never missed a day of the fall-time festival: He knows all the beer tent service staff, loves the rides, and knows who serves the best Bavarian specialities. Moses gives us an insider's tour of the world's biggest beer bash. For more go to: http://www.dw.de/dw/episode/9798/0,,16209755,00.html
www.facebook.com/MorgansVeryunOfficialTravelGuides Morgan's un-official Guide to Oktoberfest Part 1
We went to the largest festival in the world - opening day of Oktoberfest was a success! GET A FREE AUDIOBOOK - Click Show More ▼▼▼ We’ve partnered with Audible! Get a free audio book when you start your 30-day free trail using our link below. We highly recommend Vagabonding by Ralf Potts. This book changed our life! I’m not sure we’d be traveling right now had I not read this book in college. http://www.audibletrial.com/karaandnate Our Links —————————— KEEP US ON THE ROAD: http://karaandnate.com/keep-us-on-the-road/ SEE OUR CAMERA GEAR: http://karaandnate.com/vlogging-gear/ CHECK OUT OUR PACKING LIST: http://karaandnate.com/travel-essentials/ JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST: http://karaandnate.com/sunday-summary NATE'S BOOK: http://learn.karaandnate.com/ FLIGHT DEAL NOTIFICATIONS: https://g...
Are you ready for Oktoberfest?! Don't forget these tips! Thanks so much for watching!! Don't forget to subscribe for more videos -- new videos every Sunday and sometimes other days too :D Want more Oktoberfest? Let's go! :D https://youtu.be/IDikMFQQQK0 Linky-links: Sichere Wiesn: http://www.sicherewiesn.de/index.php/en/ More fun stuff here: Hang out with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WantedAdventure Chill with me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WantedAdventure Wave to me on Google+ as you drive by: https://plus.google.com/+WantedAdventure
Watch more How to Celebrate Oktoberfest videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/418020-How-to-Attend-the-Oktoberfest-in-Germany Step 1: Know what it's all about Know the history of the Oktoberfest -- the festival first took place in Munich in 1810 to celebrate the marriage of Bavaria's Crown Prince Ludwig I to Princess Therese of Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The original Oktoberfest began on October 12 and lasted 5 days, but the 2-week festival now starts in late September to take advantage of the warmer weather. Step 2: Book your hotel early Book a hotel in Munich as early as possible. There are many within walking distance of the fairgrounds, but with up to 6 million visitors attending the celebration each year, some sell out more than a year in advance. Consider staying in a hotel just ou...
Frothy German beer, festive brass bands and dachsund races — what's not to love about Oktoberfest? California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours the Old World Oktoberfest in this episode of "California Travel Tips." The history of Oktoberfest dates back to 1810 in Munich, Bavaria, when King Ludwig the First married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. Today the Munich Oktoberfest draws more than 6 million people a year. Old World Huntington Beach offers an authentic German Oktoberfest in California. This charming village, built in 1978, mimics a real Bavarian town with cobblestone streets, beautiful murals, European markets, and plenty of authentic German food. You can even go downstairs into a German-style Rathskeller and enjoy real German...
http://www.woltersworld.com Oktoberfest is the largest beer festival in the world with over 6 million visitors. If you are planning on going there are some things you should know and prepare for before heading to this festival of Bier! Let us give you ten facts and tips for enjoying Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Filmed in Muenchen (Munich) Germany Travelling to Munich, Germany? Make sure to check out Okotberfest! Here are a few tips and tricks. 1. Oktoberfest is actually the celebration of a marriage 2. Oktoberfest is the last two weeks of September leading up to the first Saturday of October 3. Over 6 million attend each year Watch this video for tips and tricks to make your Oktoberfest experience (un)forgettable! Prost!
A Dirndl has other secrets than Lederhosen. Here is our 60 seconds special HOW TO OKTOBERFEST Part 2: A guide for the ladies. Thanks to our lovely guest host Julia Kautz! ///// 60seconds.travel. We travel the world. In 60 seconds.///// Check out our brand new website: 60seconds.travel ...and follow us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLjP_oJmM37QtezjyNMJQ5Q It all went too fast? Here are the details: 00:00 First of all: Literally noone in Munich calls the world’s largest beer festival Oktoberfest. Locals appreciate it if you use the term “Wiesn” (“meadow”), after the colloquial name for the fairgrounds where it has been held since 1810, the Theresienwiese. Also, "Wiesn" is more appropriate, as the Oktoberfest confusingly starts in September. 00:06 The Bavaria Statue...
Stuttgart Germany Quick City Travel Guide with Fruhlingsfest and Volksfest. Fruhlingsfest is Europe's largest spring festival and the Volksfest in Autumn is the worlds 2nd largest beer celebration after Munich Oktoberfest. Stuttgart Travel Guide / Stuttgart Festival / Fruhlingfest Stuttgart
Getting crazy at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany! CLICK SHOW MORE... ------------ NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY OUR FLORENCE PROPOSAL: http://youtu.be/3ziaVgyKtl4 Follow us around Europe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=stepstowander Travel Tips: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf0DZMyeQ7-dpaWQkTiP9fLi54hJrpA-s StepsToWander Channel: https://www.youtube.com/stepstowander About us and our relationship: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf0DZMyeQ7-dRSMMeomi3U9__tt2sIC8p Kelsey's WEDDING Channel: http://www.youtube.com/wanderingtoawedding Last Week's Travel Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA7PK_GvMeE&feature;=c4-overview&list;=UUEkfvGbHtngMQJ5t4wsBY0Q ------------- Follow our travel vlog channel as we wander through the steps of life. We're hi...
In Munich, where locals specialize in good living, we visit boisterous markets and go-for-Baroque palaces, while office workers surf in the Isar River. Heading into the foothills of the Alps, we tour the fairy-tale castles of "Mad" King Ludwig, and climb to the highest point in Germany atop the Zugspitze. Then we cross into Tirol to conquer a desolate ruined castle. © 2002 Rick Steves' Europe
Before we leave Munich towards Asia and Central America, we had to do this... Because the Oktoberfest is so much more than beer... Here's the proof in 60 seconds! ///// 60seconds.travel. We travel the world. In 60 seconds.///// Check out our website: 60seconds.travel ...and follow us on Instagram and Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLjP_oJmM37QtezjyNMJQ5Q It all went too fast? Here are the details: 00:00 CONDUCTING Yes, it is possible to get up there and guest-conduct the band. Just ask behind the stage, and for a certain fee, you will have your 5 minutes of fame. Thanks for making this possible Hofbräu-Festzelt 00:09 THE TENTS There are 14 big ones, each in a complete different style and serving different kinds of beer. The Paulaner Festzelt - Winzerer Fähndl has a lovely ...
reuploaded because of some glitches. Part 3: Last part of the travel vlog in Munich. i tried to squeeze everything to make it more interesting. So i went to Munich because 1. i wanted to eat at dunkin donuts. we dont have it in Italy and 2. to see those dudes river surfing. i also went to the world famous hofbrauhaus where Hitler and Mozart was spotted during their times. enjoy! EMAIL: Ldeposoy.vlogs@gmail.com Social Medias: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/thelazylizzy.vlogs/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thelazy_lizzy/?hl=it TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thelazy_lizzy
I present to you 8 important facts to know about Oktoberfest! Please subscribe for more helpful and educational videos. I will be posting every week. Oktoberfest is the world's largest Volksfest (beer festival and travelling funfair). Held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, it is a 16- to 18-day folk festival running from mid or late September to the first weekend in October, with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event every year. Locally, it is often called the Wiesn, after the colloquial name for the fairgrounds (Theresienwiese). The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture, having been held since 1810. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations that are modelled after the original Munich event.
We finally made it to Munich! It was a pretty long journey but we made it safe and sound to our hotel in Munich, Germany. We are in Munich for 3 days for Oktoberfest and this is vlog 1 of 3 so come back soon to see the rest of this 3 part series of Oktoberfest in Munich.
What have you done with me?
You ruined everything
and you don't even see
I still can't believe this is real
My mind plays tricks on me
Please wake me up and say it was just a bad dream
I can't talk
I can't think
I feel dead
All I see is red
I am sick
I can't get up
I see no way out
I need drugs
What have you done with me?
You ruined everything
I bet you don't even see
I want peace
Don't know where to start
I don't wanna feel like this
I'll cut out this heart
Feed it to the pigs