Intersectional feminism: Wonder Woman, Palestinians, Wakanda and Zionism

Middle East
on 59 Comments

Though I’m not by any means an expert or anything, I was a historical consultant for one of the better documentaries out there on Wonder Woman, released long before there was even the hint of any hope for a Wonder Woman film—a role I began in 2008 for a film released in 2012. That’s not to validate the opinion that follows here, just to convey the fact that I’ve been thinking about Wonder Woman for quite some time. In fact, even much longer than that. The first “comic trade paperback” I ever read was probably the first publication that could rightly be called such–Gloria Steinem’s collected Golden Age Wonder Woman stories published in a bound volume of comic book-sized dimensions in the 1970s. Steinem considered the 40’s to be the most feminist Wonder Woman iteration, when the comic was still authored by creator, William Moulton Marston.

Wonder Woman gracing her first cover on the January issue of Sensation Comics, 1942. (Photo: Dibner Library/NMAH, SI)

Marston was an unapologetic visionary quack of the period. He had an open marriage with two women who co-parented his children, he invented a version of the lie detector, he was a not-very-closeted bondage fan, he probably believed in Orgones. But Marston also wanted to create an antidote to violent, misogynist superheroes, and I think most people would think he was at least mildly successful in creating Wonder Woman, who used violence sparingly and brought a message of love and harmony to “man’s world”. Yes, there was Etta Candy and questionable spankings, there was unfortunate objectification and stereotyping. But Marston’s vision for Wonder Woman was wonderfully surreal, fun, and proto-feminist.

I remember being a nine-year-old boy at the library getting lost in Marston’s absurdist larger than life narratives and villains, many of whom were misogynist archetypes put in Princess Diana’s way for rhetorical slaying purposes [Dr. Psycho, being my favorite]. I loved Wonder Woman: the way she was drawn at that time, all sinew and modest star-spangled skirt and her just out of the salon coiffure of curly hair that reminded me of my sister. Her reasonable attitude that men were cool as long as they admitted she was their superior. Like many boys, I imagine, and girls, I enjoyed watching the extremely honky Steve Trevor being regularly humbled by her. My favorite Wonder Woman scene of all time, in fact, is the image of Steve Trevor happily breaking a magical device that had imbued him temporarily with superhuman strength surpassing even Diana’s after she flatly told him they could never be together if he was physically stronger than her.

I could go on and on about Wonder Woman, and her many evolutions and devolutions, the loss of her powers and ambition, the permanent straightening of her curly coiffure. One day I’m going to write the definitive argument that Nuyorican writer/artist George Perez is the only author since Marston who brought the character to life as a feminist icon and underdog with a personal life that revolved around other women, not just Steve Trevor and the sausage factory at the Justice League Satellite. And definitely, Perez knew like I knew that Wonder Woman was a person of color, no matter what Marston imagined. But that’s not what the following piece is about, as you may have guessed.


I was not one of the people excited to see Wonder Woman brought to the screen. By 2017, the film franchises have made a gross joke out of the superheroes they reify in film, so that my common reaction to almost any such announcement is discomfort and boredom. But I did look forward to a mildly entertaining film series. I also understood the cultural impact of having a female superhero burst through the celluloid ceiling after many years sucked into the maw of conventional wisdom about what kind of movies people [a term which for these purposes excludes women and people of color] will watch. Then Gal Gadot was cast in the role.

I have seen very little written about the casting of an avowed Zionist as Wonder Woman, until recently, and even now, there’s precious little commentary about it. I’m saddened to see a narrative franchise I’ve loved from childhood sullied by direct immersion in anti-Palestinian bloodlust, yeah. But this isn’t my first rodeo by a long shot. I’ve lost track of how many times a narrative I’ve enjoyed has found a way to needlessly insert Israel into the mix, and further trumpet the nation’s skill at subjugating Palestinian trolls and goblins. There is often very little narrative logic to including Israelis in a movie or text, it just seems to be something exotic and hyper-martial to add to a story when a writer is in a slump.

Fables comic, volume 8, references Israel. (Image: DC Comics/

The most memorable instance of this dynamic for me, the world-class championship winner of sticking in Israel when there is no conceivable plot necessity was in the comic Fables, about fairy tale characters come to life and living in Manhattan. The absurd way Israel’s excellence at killing Palestinians was woven into a substantive part of that narrative has always astounded me.

But let’s be honest. That speaks more to the dominance of the Zionist narrative in American culture. It’s a barometer of the “good” struggle, machismo, moral certitude and smarmy sentimentality. Israel as the Superman-like Solomon, dispensing unerring just terror from above, is part of the mainstream American ideology in this godforsaken nation of bigots, and I have given up fighting that on a day to day level for sanity’s sake.

So, no, my problem really isn’t just that Gadot is an Israeli, an IDF veteran and an enthusiastic cheerleader for Israel’s habit of “cutting the grass” in Palestine by murdering children and destroying entire cities with missiles. Just like the surprising number of all types of films and texts that portray killing Palestinians as a happy and wonderful thing—things that I often overlook in movies—many of my favorite films are helmed by or star people with horrendous qualities and ideology. I don’t mind Sylvester Stallone for example, or Mel Gibson, and I will literally watch any movie with Tom Cruise in it. The presence of Scarlet Johanson has never prevented me from watching, and being disappointed by, an Avengers movie.

black panther coates

“Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet,” Book 1, released September 13, 2016, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, illustrated by Brian Stelfreeze. (Photo: Marvel)

What has bothered me, however, is the uncritical acceptance of the person of Gadot as a feminist icon on the left. My Twitter timeline, for example, is awash in woke folks experiencing memetic orgasms over Gadot, photos of queer and women cosplay inspired by her characterization in the film, hilarity ensuing over fanboy backlash at women’s only screenings. The almost unified left-wing disinterest in Gadot’s anti-Palestinian warmongering has been a source of frustration obviously. But it’s also been a continuation for me of a disappointing trend that began with the celebration of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ taking over the Black Panther comic.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m uncomfortable even suggesting that women—and especially Black women and men—should have to interrogate their heroes in those rare moments when a Black or female superhero makes it on to screen. I am not trying to establish a checklist that has to be satisfied before you can enjoy a race or gender champion brought to the silver screen. But I think a larger question centers around Zionism’s compatibility with both feminism and Black empowerment. This is a question that is, unfortunately, much more frequently brought up by Zionists who also identify as leftists, who seek to marginalize Pro-Palestinian positions as the square peg in a discourse of liberation.

Recent controversies and articles around the anti-Trump women’s march and the constant criticism of pro-Palestinian positions taken in the course of Black Lives Matters actions stand out as typical of this dynamic. Zionists go on the offensive, asking if it’s really okay to include Palestinians as members of the fraternity of the colonized and oppressed, since they are all, you know, awful. And, unfortunately, it’s the mainstream left that often leave the opposite argument unspoken, and Zionism’s toxic ideology unexamined when it comes into play over Black and gender discourses and activism. Gadot and Coates are perfect examples in that latter group of Zionist support in the terrain of ideological heavy-lifting comic book characters.

Gal Gadot Facebook post during the 2014 Gaza war.

In both cases, Gadot and Coates have been unapologetic and open about their support of anti-Palestinian violence. During Operation Protective Edge, Gadot, just cast as Wonder Woman, used her new platform to defend direct attacks on civilians, including women and children. Gadot celebrated Israeli propaganda that every such casualty was Hamas’ fault for storing weapons close to them in the most densely populated open-air prison camp on earth. The most frustrating thing to me is how obviously this invalidates Gadot as a feminist icon, and Wonder Woman as well, when the character is brought to life by Gadot. If gender is shared by all racial groups, feminism cannot be Zionist, just as it cannot be neo-Nazi—feminism that doesn’t have an understanding of how it intersects with racial and ethnic oppression is simply a diversification of white supremacy.

Coates is perhaps even worse than Gadot, with a host of publicly expressed enthusiasms for Zionism. German reparations to Israel for the holocaust—which were deliberately directed to Israel’s colonial project in Palestine—are a central rubric of Coates’ proposed methodology for African-American reparations. Coates, in fact, introduced the idea co-jointly with his editor at the Atlantic Monthly, Jeffrey Goldberg. Goldberg, an Iraq war supporter and Islamophobe is also a rabid Zionist. Two decades ago, Goldberg traveled to Israel to live a vicarious life of bigotry and violence as an IDF guard in a prison for Palestinians arrested for violations of Israeli martial law. Coates made sure the world knew that his relationship with Goldberg was not just professional, that of an editor and journalist, or even colleagues who see eye to eye on a thing or two. Rather, Coates fondly recalls his regular family breakfasts with an unindicted war criminal in warm tones during an interview with Goldberg for the Atlantic a few years ago.

Gal Gadot poses for Maxim magazine, in a special “Women of the Israeli Defense Forces” feature, seen here in an event for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Image: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Again, this is not a commentary on the value of the narrative behind Gadot’s Wonder Woman or Coates’ Black Panther, nor Gadot’s acting prowess, or the strength of Coates’ observations about the Black experience of U.S. oppression. Instead, it’s an open question about whether it’s possible to support Zionism while also proposing useful iterations of feminism and racial justice.

Is it possible to openly call for the death of women in a neighboring state, to support a political and economic regime that without a doubt contributes to their subjugation both at the hands of Israel, and in Palestinian society, and still be a feminist? And can one use the funding of European colonialism in historical Palestine as a viable blueprint for African-American reparations and not lose something inherent to racial justice in the process? This is more than just an issue of being ignorant to intersectionality because the left-wing audience I am talking about is comfortable and familiar with ideas around intersectionality. I guess I’m asking if Palestinians even rate high enough on the scale of human beings to be seen as worthy of intersecting with. So far, from what I’m seeing, I don’t like the answer.

This article was originally published on Jaime Omar Yassin’s blog here, on June 3, 2017. 

About Jaime Omar Yassin

Jaime Omar Yassin is writer and activist in Oakland. He has many unpopular ideas.

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59 Responses

  1. Citizen
    June 9, 2017, 5:31 pm

    Some Wonder Woman. Imagine a beautiful and equally athletic and charismatic German lady in the role, even though this is not 1935, but 2017. There would be plenty of talk about her background. I think the point is, there’s none about this one’s background in the main media.

  2. JosephA
    June 9, 2017, 8:38 pm


    Wow! Thanks for such a thorough lambasting of the racists.

  3. Mooser
    June 9, 2017, 10:01 pm

    Wonder Woman! She’s the Super-hero lady with the incredible shrinking costume!

  4. Arafatbastard
    June 10, 2017, 8:18 am

    You should probably accept that you’re not anti-Zionist: you just hate Jews.

    I have no problem with that, but some honesty would be welcome.

    You really have to ask yourself, why Hamas would start an unwinnable war with Israel, and why it would fire missiles from within civilian areas?

    By the way, you should probably also try to come up with some new cliches, rather than using ones such as “open air prison”. It’s a very liberal sort of prison regime that allows inmates to drive Mercedes, dig tunnels, import weapons, murder Gays, carry out “honour killings”, and fire thousands of missiles at civilians living on the other side of the prison wall.

    3/10: could do better.

    • JosephA
      June 10, 2017, 10:00 am

      This was your conclusion after reading the article, that the author “hates Jews”? This seems childishly simplistic.

      Also, that you would be OK with the author hating Jews seems not only sad, but strange.

      The modern state of Israel is rather anti-Jewish (I know, counter-intuitive, right?), severely antithetical to Jewish values. Wrap your mind around that, if you dare.

      • Arafatbastard
        June 11, 2017, 3:14 am

        I know and don’t care that you or the author hate Jews, but I would just ask you to be honest.

        The reason that I don’t mind, is because you will both be disappointed when Israel still exists, stronger than ever, on the day you die.

        That will really hurt you inside. Your life of campaigning for its destruction will have been a wast of your time. If you really cared about Palestinians, you would be campaigning against Hamas, the PLO and Assad, but you don’t.

        Your final sentence seeks to justify your bigotry, but it’s a nonsense, of course.

    • Citizen
      June 10, 2017, 11:01 am

      Trapped “From Fence to Fence” in Gaza. The World’s Largest Open Air Prison (Paid for by USA, mostly) via @grtvnews

    • Keith
      June 10, 2017, 11:44 am

      ARAFATBASTARD- “By the way, you should probably also try to come up with some new cliches, rather than using ones such as “open air prison”.

      More like the Warsaw Ghetto? The siege of Gaza is both illegal and shameful. That you should defend Israel’s actions says volumes about your morality. Putting people on a “diet”, “mowing the lawn”, destroying houses and water purification. And always violating the terms of the cease fire agreements which have all stipulated lifting the illegal siege. If the situation was reversed and it was Jews in Gaza, you would be screaming anti-Semitism at the top of your lungs and justifiably so.

      • Arafatbastard
        June 11, 2017, 3:19 am

        That’s not a new cliche: it’s just a stupid comparison.

        The Nazis were trying to eradicate Jews in Poland.

        Israel isn’t trying to eradicate Muslims and Christians.

        Hamas would like to eradicate the Jews: it’s even in its Charter. Just another broken promise from them.

        Israel is, of course, the safest country in the Middle East these days to be either a Christian or a Muslim. Or a Jew, obviously.

        The way you ignore Hamas’s actions against Israel is very revealing.

        You are a racist.

      • YoniFalic
        June 11, 2017, 11:43 am

        Zionists have been planning the removal or eradication of the native population of Palestine since the 1880s.

        Nordau, 2nd ranked Zionist after Herzl, was a genocide booster and pen-pal with Thomas Dixon, who is author of The Leopard’s Spots and The Klansman, which were combined by Cecil B. Demille to create the script for Birth of a Nation. (Dixon is the ideological founder of US White/Aryan nationalism. Like Jabotinsky he considered European Jews to be Aryans.)

        Until 1941 the German Nazis only intended to drive Jews out of German controlled territories. Likewise every student in my graduating class at Blich (including me) supported driving Palestinians out of Israeli controlled territories.

        German Nazis only switched to systematic mass murder to annihilate European Jews when they were drunk on initial German successes in the invasion of the Soviet Union and when it became clear it was impossible to drive all of European Jews out of Europe.

        Anyone not in denial and with half a brain should be able to perceive that the white racist genocidal European settler colonist invaders (and their lackeys) are moving in the exact same direction as the German Nazis did in 41-42.

      • Keith
        June 11, 2017, 2:27 pm

        ARAFATBASTARD- “The way you ignore Hamas’s actions against Israel is very revealing.”

        Your apologetics for Israeli atrocities indicates a blatant disregard for the lives and well being of non-Jews, as well as a shameless blaming the victim. Over half of the population of Gaza are children, 90% of which don’t have access to clean drinking water thanks to Israel and the siege. Hamas is a consequence of the deplorable conditions which Israel has imposed upon Gaza. Israel has the unilateral power to both end the siege and create the conditions for peace. Hamas does not, it’s ineffectual bottle rockets providing Israel with a convenient pretext to “mow the lawn” and test new weapons on the inhabitants, which it then markets as operationally tested. Gaza has become a huge laboratory where Israel refines its matrix of control which it then sells abroad. Noam Chomsky comments on Operation Protective Edge:

        “This is, however, just the most recent of a series of ceasefire agreements reached after each of Israel’s periodic escalations of its unremitting assault on Gaza. Throughout this period, the terms of these agreements remain essentially the same. The regular pattern is for Israel, then, to disregard whatever agreement is in place, while Hamas observes it — as Israel has officially recognized — until a sharp increase in Israeli violence elicits a Hamas response, followed by even fiercer brutality. These escalations, which amount to shooting fish in a pond, are called “mowing the lawn” in Israeli parlance. The most recent was more accurately described as “removing the topsoil” by a senior U.S. military officer, appalled by the practices of the self-described “most moral army in the world.” (Noam Chomsky)

  5. Keith
    June 10, 2017, 11:18 am

    JAIME OMAR YASSIN- “There is often very little narrative logic to including Israelis in a movie or text….”

    There is little narrative logic, however, there is a profound Zionist logic. Or have you forgotten the immense influence that Zionist Jews have on the doctrinal system? Or that Hollywood is the imperial myth-making machine? That we should identify an Ashkenazi Israeli as a super good guy makes perfect sense from a propaganda point of view. And don’t hold your breath waiting for the IDF (or the US military, for that matter) to be portrayed as the stormtroopers they are. I would expect to see more of this as Hollywood attempts to push the Israelis-R-Us meme.

  6. Ossinev
    June 10, 2017, 11:48 am

    Not sure whether this new nom de plume is a a self portrait or a juvenile attempt at describing all those who disagree with your repulsive Nazi thinking.
    “You really have to ask yourself, why Hamas would start an unwinnable war with Israel, and why it would fire missiles from within civilian areas”
    For much the same reason that the brave young Jewish resistance fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto chose to take on the might of the German army:

    • Arafatbastard
      June 11, 2017, 3:21 am

      So, you applaud the way that Hamas starts a war that results in the death of 1,500 of its terrorists, and 800 civilians, and which ends with many civilians homeless?

      You’re an Hamas Groupie.

      • John O
        June 11, 2017, 2:10 pm

        ‘an Hamas groupie’

        Please note, Arafatbastard, the ‘h’ in ‘Hamas’ is not silent. It is to be pronounced in much the same manner as the letter ‘g’ is in Dutch, or the ‘ch’ in Scots ‘loch’.

        If you’re still not sure, ask Marc Regev, former flack to the Israeli government and current Israeli ambassador to the UK.

  7. YoniFalic
    June 10, 2017, 3:16 pm

    Wonder Woman is supposed to be Greek and not Eastern European Slavo-Turk.

    The testosterone-poisoned Muskeljudentum and brutal genocidal oppression of Zionism constitute exactly the opposite of what the Amazons of Themiscyra (the Island in the DC universe) are supposed to represent.

    Gadot’s husband Versano belongs to the ethically questionable class of Israeli real estate developers. They differ little from the Trumps or from the Kushners. According to my former Israeli relatives Versano has made a goodly amount of money from flipping stolen Palestinian land.

    • Mooser
      June 10, 2017, 4:18 pm

      “Wonder Woman is supposed to be Greek”

      That would make her a classical feminist gyroine.

      • gamal
        June 10, 2017, 5:28 pm

        “a classical feminist gyroine”

        i am surprised to have to help a guy out gyro implies revolution so that would be

        “a classical revolutionary feminist gyroine”

        don’t let it happen again, its best with…its a lot harder to combine tzedakah with tzatziki than i had thought, my intersections are clogged.

      • Mooser
        June 10, 2017, 10:28 pm

        “gamal”, it was a stupid pun on “heroine” and “gyro” (the Greek sandwich).

    • Jon66
      June 10, 2017, 6:41 pm

      “Wonder Woman is supposed to be Greek and not Eastern European Slavo-Turk. – See more at:
      And Elizabeth’s a Taylor played Cleopatra and wasn’t Macedonian.
      And Laurence Fishburne played Othello and he isn’t a Moor.
      And worst of all, Christopher Reeves played Superman and he wasn’t from Krypton.
      I guess that’s why it’s called acting.

      • Mooser
        June 10, 2017, 10:13 pm

        “I guess that’s why it’s called acting.”

        Wow, “Jon s”! Is there anything you don’t know?

      • YoniFalic
        June 11, 2017, 10:10 am

        I’m not convinced that film performers act in the same sense as theater performers, who don’t have the benefit of retakes and editing.

        Film is the propaganda medium par excellence as Melani McAlister points out in Epic Encounters.

        If it did not make a difference who played a given role, there would have been no controversy over the appearance of Sir Lawrence Olivier in blackface to play Othello in the movie of the same name. More recently there has been pressure to make sure actors and actresses with disabilities depict actors and actresses with disabilities.

        In addition, Leni Riefenstahl was effectively banned from cinema for decades because of her association with German Nazism. Having been an Israeli “Jewish” Zionist and being an historian of modern Jews, I know that there is no meaningful distinction between German Nazis of the 30s and the Jewish Zionists of the 20-teens. Zionists in the film industry should be treated exactly as Nazis have been since the defeat of Nazi Germany.

        In accord with international anti-genocide law, all Zionist assets should be seized and the Zionist leadership both Israeli and international should be facing trials at the Hague.

        Zionists like Sandler, Johansson, Portman, Kidman, Spielberg, etc. should be permanently banned from the film industry while the Jewish proportion of the US film industry should be reduced to the same proportion that “Jews” represent in the world population.

        Because of the sensitive nature of the film industry, only “Jews” with spotless anti-Zionist credentials should be allowed to work in it.

        BTW, I believe the “Jewish” community would howl in outrage if a Palestinian actress (almost certainly descended from Greco-Roman Judeans) were selected to depict Mary mother of Jesus in a new nativity film.

      • Mooser
        June 11, 2017, 3:50 pm

        “Jewish proportion of the US film industry should be reduced to the same proportion that “Jews” represent in the world population.”

        Wait a minute, “Yoni”. Do we count a half-Jewish producer as one whole person?

      • RoHa
        June 11, 2017, 7:18 pm

        Sandler should be banned anyway, regardless of his political views. The combination of corn syrup and Adam Sandler films is destroying the few brains Americans are born with.

    • eljay
      June 10, 2017, 6:51 pm

      || YoniFalic: Wonder Woman is supposed to be Greek and not Eastern European Slavo-Turk. … ||

      AFAIK, Wonder Woman is supposed to be a strong, attractive woman. Ms. Gadot fits the bill, IMO.   :-)   It’s a damned shame she’s a Zionist.

      • Mooser
        June 10, 2017, 10:20 pm

        “AFAIK, Wonder Woman is supposed to be a strong, attractive woman.”

        There was no shortage among the Isles.

      • Sibiriak
        June 11, 2017, 12:29 am

        Why Wonder Woman is a masterpiece of subversive feminism

        Did you weep watching Wonder Woman? You weren’t alone

        Like a lot of other women I know – and a lot of women I don’t – I found myself crying at unexpected times during the film. Watching the Amazon women of Themyscira practice fighting, their strength and athleticism on full display; the battle scene where their bodies flew through the air, beautiful but not sexualized; the incredible moment Diana reveals herself and liberates a town by climbing above the trenches and doing what no man had been able to do before.

        Meredith Woerner described it best in the Los Angeles Times when she wrote: “I felt like I was discovering something I didn’t even know I had always wanted.” To see a woman brave, powerful and invincible.

        Yes, we’ve seen female action stars before – but not like this. Not in a way where the camera lingering on a woman’s body feels strong instead of lascivious. Not in a movie where a woman’s strength is depicted as inevitable and natural.

        When the movie was over, I openly wept outside the theater to my husband – I needed a minute to compose myself. It’s one thing to intellectually recognize the power of representation, quite another to feel it in your bones when you finally see it.

        We’re in a political moment when rooms full of men are making decisions about women’s future and the country is being run by a man who brags about sexually assaulting women. Feminist backlash is so severe that theaters holding women-only showings of the movie have been the target of online ire, even lawsuits. (I have a few friends who didn’t attend such viewings for fear that one of these angry men would show up to do harm.)

        When so many of us feel powerless, seeing the extraordinary power of one woman felt like a cathartic release. A reminder of what is possible, and of what our daughter – and ourselves – deserve.

      • Arafatbastard
        June 11, 2017, 3:23 am

        Yes, such a shame that a Jew wishes to be a Jew.

      • eljay
        June 11, 2017, 8:34 am

        || Arafatbastard: Yes, such a shame that a Jew wishes to be a Jew. ||

        A Zionist anti-Semitically conflates Jews with Zionism and Zionism with Jews. Wonders never cease.

      • Keith
        June 11, 2017, 3:04 pm

        SIBIRIAK (Quoting Jessica Valenti)- “Like a lot of other women I know – and a lot of women I don’t – I found myself crying at unexpected times during the film. Watching the Amazon women of Themyscira practice fighting, their strength and athleticism on full display; the battle scene where their bodies flew through the air, beautiful but not sexualized; the incredible moment Diana reveals herself and liberates a town by climbing above the trenches and doing what no man had been able to do before.”

        Wonder Woman is, perhaps, the ultimate imperial feminist. That is to say, not a feminist at all. Rather, she represents the (dare I say it?) the masculinization of feminism. The feminist as a warrior princess. Wonder Woman fits in well with our hyper militarized warfare state where violence is the primary method of combating “evil.” A real feminist would be a staunch opponent of militarism and foreign interventions, would struggle to redirect “defense” spending towards universal health care, child care, eliminating nuclear weapons, dealing with climate change, etc. In other words, transforming society away from war and militarism rather than becoming female warriors. All of these films about comic book super heroes are manifestations of a sick society. And having a Zionist Israeli as the warrior princess adds another layer of manipulation to this toxic mythology.

      • German Lefty
        June 11, 2017, 3:40 pm

        “Did you weep watching Wonder Woman? You weren’t alone”

        What feminist women and Zionist Jews have in common is their victim mentality and their desire for reverse discrimination.

      • Mooser
        June 11, 2017, 4:07 pm

        “What feminist women and Zionist Jews have in common is their victim mentality and their desire for reverse discrimination.”

        Well, I think we can agree that’s really right, “German Lefty”.

      • Mooser
        June 11, 2017, 5:01 pm

        “Rather, she represents the (dare I say it?) the masculinization of feminism”

        Men, using their position of gender privilege to co-opt and sabotage feminism? By telling women what is “masculine” and “feminine”?

        No gentleman would do that.

      • RoHa
        June 11, 2017, 8:23 pm

        Indeed not, Mooser. But I don’t think Keith was suggesting that coarse men were responsible for the “masculinization of feminism”.

      • Keith
        June 11, 2017, 9:22 pm

        MOOSER- “Men, using their position of gender privilege to co-opt and sabotage feminism?”

        No, imperial fat-cats using the doctrinal system to co-opt and sabotage feminism. Mostly men, but with a lot of help from East Coast power “feminists”. More women in power pursuing the goals of the 1% seen as some sort of “feminist” victory. Hillary Clinton as Wonder Woman in a chainmail pantsuit!

      • CigarGod
        June 12, 2017, 9:21 am

        She is more a Parrot than a Zionist…as are most Zionists.

      • German Lefty
        June 12, 2017, 1:10 pm

        Keith: “More women in power pursuing the goals of the 1% seen as some sort of ‘feminist’ victory. “

        Exactly! And this mentality of “Support me because I’m a woman although I’m a crappy person.” Such feminist women behave just like sexist men.

      • Mooser
        June 12, 2017, 1:14 pm

        “But I don’t think Keith was suggesting that coarse men were responsible for the “masculinization of feminism”.

        Well, he should be careful. The last time I argued the definition of feminism with a woman I lost by a knock-out.

    • Mooser
      June 10, 2017, 10:48 pm

      ” Eastern European Slavo-Turk.”

      “Yoni” that’s way too many syllables for an epithet. Isn’t there some way we can get it down to one word?

      • Citizen
        June 11, 2017, 4:01 am


      • YoniFalic
        June 11, 2017, 10:50 am

        I try to avoid the use of liturgical terms to describe ethnicity.

        How about Slurk = Sl(avo-T)urk?

        Of course, the term Slurk would apply to me, but I consider this identity to be a disease from which I must strive to recover.

      • Sibiriak
        June 11, 2017, 11:18 am

        YoniFalic: I try to avoid the use of liturgical terms to describe ethnicity. How about Slurk = Sl(avo-T)urk? Of course, the term Slurk would apply to me, but I consider this identity to be a disease from which I must strive to recover. [emphasis added]

        You seem to be conflating ethnicity and identity (constructed/essentialized) and slipping into racism.

      • Mooser
        June 11, 2017, 2:16 pm

        “You seem to be conflating ethnicity and identity (constructed/essentialized) and slipping into racism.”

        Go easy on him, “Sibiriak”. Keep in mind, he grew up in Israel.

      • Mooser
        June 11, 2017, 4:24 pm

        Just remembering to parenthetically add “not that there’s anything wrong with that”, after each “Eastern European Slavo-Turk” would help a lot.

    • German Lefty
      June 11, 2017, 3:35 pm

      “Wonder Woman is supposed to be Greek”

      I am a fan of Elena Paparizou, but she’s a singer, not an actress.

  8. Liz
    June 10, 2017, 4:34 pm

    This piece is one of the best written essays on this site! A beautiful exploration of the need for true intersectionality (and the lack of it). Thanks for it.

    • Mooser
      June 10, 2017, 6:07 pm

      “Her reasonable attitude that men were cool as long as they admitted she was their superior.”

      “That’s not a reasonable attitude. That’s a sexist attitude”

      Yeah, women have to do their part in maintaining the proper power-relations between the sexes. Gosh darn it, us guys can’t to do it by ourselves!

      • gamal
        June 10, 2017, 6:52 pm

        “us guys can’t to do it by ourselves!”

        to be fair us guys are notorious for doing it for our selves, more than others anyway and probably more than is good for us, laziness!

  9. German Lefty
    June 10, 2017, 4:59 pm

    “Her reasonable attitude that men were cool as long as they admitted she was their superior.”
    -> That’s not a reasonable attitude. That’s a sexist attitude.

    “I will literally watch any movie with Tom Cruise in it. The presence of Scarlet Johanson has never prevented me from watching, and being disappointed by, an Avengers movie.”
    -> I boycott films with these two people. Cruise is a Scientologist and Johansson is a Zionist.

    “The most frustrating thing to me is how obviously this invalidates Gadot as a feminist icon, and Wonder Woman as well, when the character is brought to life by Gadot.”
    -> Lynda Carter is my Wonder Woman and Helen Slater is my Supergirl. No remake can ever change this. Call me shallow, but I have never watched these films for feminist reasons. I watched them simply because I found the actresses super hot. As Gal Gadot is a Zionist and Zionism is extremely unsexy, I have zero interest in the film.
    Just yesterday, I read an article about Gal Gadot in which she came across as a likeable person. This made me wonder what her degree of Zionism is and I hoped that she is at least a “liberal Zionist” or even an anti-Zionist. Thanks to Jaime’s article, I now know that she’s a full-blown Zio. Huge disappointment.

    • MHughes976
      June 10, 2017, 6:00 pm

      Quite right, GL. I suppose that there will be a series of films, each more propagandist than the last.

    • Sibiriak
      June 11, 2017, 12:37 am

      Actor ≠ character

    • Sibiriak
      June 11, 2017, 1:03 am

      I boycott films with these two people. Cruise is a Scientologist and Johansson is a Zionist

      I find it useful to have a well-organized database with detailed ideological profiles of thousands of artists–actors, writers, musicians, painters etc. Software such as No Platformer etc. can generate up-to-date boycott lists based on variable political correctness scales. It’s quite customizable. The pre-sets aren’t bad either, though “anti-Zionist” needs a bit of tweaking– some “non-Zionists” and even a few “liberal Zionists” manage to sneak through somehow.

      • Arafatbastard
        June 11, 2017, 3:22 am


      • echinococcus
        June 11, 2017, 9:34 am

        Quite so, Sibiriak. But that is no argument against a boycott. I won’t buy a turnip if sold by a Zionist, and I won’t buy a movie in which one is playing.
        That’s the only way to deny them their livelihood.

        You still didn’t get the memo that there is a war? A real one.

      • German Lefty
        June 11, 2017, 3:30 pm

        @ Sibiriak

        “Actor ≠ character”
        -> Of course, I know this. But I am not a reader of comics. I only know the films. So, to me, Wonder Woman looks like Lynda Carter.

        “I find it useful to have a well-organized database with detailed ideological profiles of thousands of artists–actors, writers, musicians, painters etc.”
        -> I have no idea if this is meant seriously or as a joke, but a database would be like persecution.

      • Mooser
        June 12, 2017, 1:24 pm

        ” I have no idea if this is meant seriously or as a joke,”

        By having photos, bios of a lot of other “actors, writers, musicians, painters etc”, I can somewhat disguise, camouflage, my obsession with Janice Jansen.

  10. German Lefty
    June 10, 2017, 5:21 pm

    “I’m uncomfortable even suggesting that women—and especially Black women and men—should have to interrogate their heroes in those rare moments when a Black or female superhero makes it on to screen.”
    -> Seriously? I think that everyone should interrogate their heroes. Nobody should be exempted from this. Also, you seem to think that women only have female heroes and that black people only have black heroes. As a woman, I can totally have a hero who happens to be male. What matters is that the hero represents my values. The hero doesn’t need to have the same genitals as me.

    • Mooser
      June 10, 2017, 10:16 pm

      “The hero doesn’t need to have the same genitals as me.”

      Maybe, but he can’t be a man, cause he doesn’t smoke the same cigarettes as me!

  11. Ossinev
    June 11, 2017, 11:33 am

    I wonder during her most moral service if she got to Zap Pow one of those terrifying 8 year old Palestinian children in an elite most moral zap pow 3 a.m. shack attack raids. I wonder if she managed to get a live zap pow hit on an innocent Palestinian as part of her most moral live practice training. Hey I even wonder if she got to register a live zap pow kill on an innocent Palestinian.

    With Zionist lunatics wonders never really cease.

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