Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

21st Century Fascism

In this issue: Dan Glazebrook charts the global rise of the new right; Laura Carlsen explores how NAFTA should be renegotiated to insure living wages across borders; the FBI in Hollywood: David Price details the feds’ decades long pursuit of radical film-maker Haskell Wexler; Myths and Madness: Matthew Stevenson’s pursuit of the truth about the Kennedys; Fog Machines: David Swanson details how war propaganda works; Money Trails: David Macaray on the financial conflicts of interest inside the Trump Empire. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the death penalty in American politics; Yvette Carnell on race, crime and punishment; Mike Whitney on Trump voters; Lee Ballinger on the new poverty. And much more.

Sometimes Our Nightmares Don’t Come True: the Tories Lose Their Majority

When Theresa May called a snap election a few weeks ago, she enjoyed a 20-point lead in the opinion polls. Translated into votes, this lead would create a huge Tory margin of victory of around 100 seats in parliament. The Tory working majority after winning the 2015 election was 12 seats.

At the same time, Labour’s prospects looked dire. The unceasing sprays of venom directed at him by the billionaire tax-dodgers who own the right-wing media, and by the supposedly neutral BBC and the supposedly “liberal” Guardian, were compounded by the Blairite backstabbers in his own party, who made desperate attempts to unseat him as party leader. Corbyn has long said that Blair should stand trial at The Hague for war crimes, so it is just as well that Labour did not beat the Tories, even if it prevented them from having an absolute majority. More

What the Nazis Did to Us

The speaker did not give his name, but he was apparently a well-known member of the Hebrew University academic community in Jerusalem. He was a sociologist who started his presentation by pulling up his sleeve and showing the numbers tattooed on his arm. He was a Holocaust survivor who had immigrated to Israel from Poland. He reminded everyone in the room that he had spent his entire professional life on the subject of the Israeli policy toward the Palestinians. More

Mr. President, Be Careful What You Wish for: Higher Interest Rates Will Kill the Recovery

In its Global Financial Stability report in April, the International Monetary Fund issued another dire warning: projected interest rises could throw 22% of US corporations into default. As noted on Zero Hedge the same month, “perhaps it was this that Gary Cohn explained to Donald Trump ahead of the president's recent interview with the WSJ in which he admitted that he suddenly prefers lower interest costs.” But the Fed was undeterred and is going full steam ahead. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Mike King
  • TOPICS: Protests against the right-wing government in Brazil.

CAGED – by Chris Hedges

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