- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 167602
In the context of human society, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word "family") and/or shared consumption (see nurture kinship). Members of the immediate family includes spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, sons and/or daughters. Members of the extended family may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and/or siblings-in-law.
In most societies, the family is the principal institution for the socialization of children. As the basic unit for raising children, anthropologists generally classify most family organization as matrifocal (a mother and her children); conjugal (a husband, his wife, and children, also called the nuclear family); avuncular (for example, a grandparent, a brother, his sister, and her children); or extended (parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family). Sexual relations among the members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo.
The Large Family was a British and French animated television series based on the book series of the same name written by Jill Murphy (from 1986). The series was produced by GO-N Entertainment, Coolabi and DQ Entertainment. It aired on CBeebies in the UK (and on other countries with a version of CBeebies), and on ABC in Australia. The series focuses on a family of anthropomorphic elephants, the Larges. It consists of two seasons with 26 episodes of 11 minutes each. The first season aired on 2007, and the second season aired on 2010.
The Large Family Queen Of The Castle
DOCS: The World's Biggest Family and Me
The Big Cason Family Are Expecting Their 17th Child
The Large Family Mystery Of The Missing Elephant
The Large Family The Great Explorer
What's In My Freezer?? || Feeding My Large Family
The Large Family
House Tour of an Australian Large Family
Shopping with Helpers ║ Large Family Shop with Me Vlog│ May 2017
1 Day/3 Trips into Walmart ║ Summer Clothes Haul│Large Family Shop with Me │April 2017
SUBSCRIBE to the Barcroft network: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj We live in a world of declining family size - in many Western societies couples are having less than two children per family, not even replacing themselves. And in Britain big families are viewed with suspicion, even hostility. So what makes some people buck this trend and have ten or more children? Is it religion? Their own family background? Or maybe ego? Mark Dolan is on a mission to find out what dictates their need to breed. Having just one child himself, he learns about how big families operate in Britain, Spain, The United Arab Emirates and Canada on a journey that has him questioning the very nature of family. CREDIT: DRG Barcroft TV: https://www.youtube.com/user/barcroftmedia/featured Barcroft Cars: https://www.youtube.co...
The Large Cason Family Are Expecting Their 17th Child SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj Mom and dad of the large family of 16 children Christi and Dave Cason love having children so much - Mum Christi is pregnant and they're expecting their 17th baby. While some parents struggle with one or two, the couple are expanding their already huge family, and even used fertility medication to help them conceive another child to make their family even bigger. Christi and Dave, who have nine boys and seven girls, aged 23 down to two, would love to have 20 children in total. They suffered 20 months of heartache, including two miscarriages, before falling pregnant in February. Videographer / Director: Laurentiu Garofeanu Producer: Karen Grattage Editor: Ian Phillips For more amazing footage of the am...
As promised, I'm sharing with you today what's in my freezer. This video is meant to help explain how I feed my large family on a small budget. It's all about stocking up and having adequate storage for the family you have. I hope that you enjoy! Thank you for your love and support! Find me here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/akaMommyMel Instagram: https://instagram.com/melony_akamommy/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/melonyk/ Email: melonyakamommy@gmail.com YouVersion Bible App: https://www.bible.com/users/melonyk Mailing address: Melony akaMommy PO Box 309 Quinlan, TX 75474 Feel free to leave suggestions, questions, or constructive criticism in the comments section. However, I intend for this channel to be a space of encouragement to others. Therefore, comments...
the large family
This month's shopping trip to Walmart is not typical. I was too busy to go shopping on my normal shopping day so I'm going on a busy Saturday. I'm taking you along for the whole day for two trips to Gillette, two trips to Grandpa Frank's and two trips to the store (Walmart and Diehl's Supermarket.) Oh, and a stop at Home Depot. I end up taking five of our children to Walmart. (Normally I shop alone.) I don't do any price break downs in this video, nor do I share my on-line orders or the rest of the month's shopping. Hopefully next month things will be back to normal! There's nothing mentioned in the video, but our garden is producing for us a little and we'll have some pictures of what we've harvested in next month's Shop with Me vlog. www.andreamills.tv Mills Family P.O. Box 323 Moorcro...
Today I'm going to Walmart to stock the pantry for our family of 10. It's also time to buy spring and summer clothes. I forgot to buy two things and had to go into the store a second time. Then I discovered I didn't make it home with one of my bags so Tom and I drove back to Walmart for the 3rd time shopping in one day! I also show what we bought at our local store during our weekly trips, plus the things I ordered on Amazon, Walmart, Oriental Trading and Gurney. (We're getting ready for a couple of birthdays and to get out garden planted.) As per the many requests, this time I kept the camera going to show the action when I got home. www.andreamills.tv Mills Family P.O. Box 323 Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 Carefree by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (...
SUBSCRIBE to the Barcroft network: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj We live in a world of declining family size - in many Western societies couples are having less than two children per family, not even replacing themselves. And in Britain big families are viewed with suspicion, even hostility. So what makes some people buck this trend and have ten or more children? Is it religion? Their own family background? Or maybe ego? Mark Dolan is on a mission to find out what dictates their need to breed. Having just one child himself, he learns about how big families operate in Britain, Spain, The United Arab Emirates and Canada on a journey that has him questioning the very nature of family. CREDIT: DRG Barcroft TV: https://www.youtube.com/user/barcroftmedia/featured Barcroft Cars: https://www.youtube.co...
The Large Cason Family Are Expecting Their 17th Child SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj Mom and dad of the large family of 16 children Christi and Dave Cason love having children so much - Mum Christi is pregnant and they're expecting their 17th baby. While some parents struggle with one or two, the couple are expanding their already huge family, and even used fertility medication to help them conceive another child to make their family even bigger. Christi and Dave, who have nine boys and seven girls, aged 23 down to two, would love to have 20 children in total. They suffered 20 months of heartache, including two miscarriages, before falling pregnant in February. Videographer / Director: Laurentiu Garofeanu Producer: Karen Grattage Editor: Ian Phillips For more amazing footage of the am...
As promised, I'm sharing with you today what's in my freezer. This video is meant to help explain how I feed my large family on a small budget. It's all about stocking up and having adequate storage for the family you have. I hope that you enjoy! Thank you for your love and support! Find me here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/akaMommyMel Instagram: https://instagram.com/melony_akamommy/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/melonyk/ Email: melonyakamommy@gmail.com YouVersion Bible App: https://www.bible.com/users/melonyk Mailing address: Melony akaMommy PO Box 309 Quinlan, TX 75474 Feel free to leave suggestions, questions, or constructive criticism in the comments section. However, I intend for this channel to be a space of encouragement to others. Therefore, comments...
the large family
This month's shopping trip to Walmart is not typical. I was too busy to go shopping on my normal shopping day so I'm going on a busy Saturday. I'm taking you along for the whole day for two trips to Gillette, two trips to Grandpa Frank's and two trips to the store (Walmart and Diehl's Supermarket.) Oh, and a stop at Home Depot. I end up taking five of our children to Walmart. (Normally I shop alone.) I don't do any price break downs in this video, nor do I share my on-line orders or the rest of the month's shopping. Hopefully next month things will be back to normal! There's nothing mentioned in the video, but our garden is producing for us a little and we'll have some pictures of what we've harvested in next month's Shop with Me vlog. www.andreamills.tv Mills Family P.O. Box 323 Moorcro...
Today I'm going to Walmart to stock the pantry for our family of 10. It's also time to buy spring and summer clothes. I forgot to buy two things and had to go into the store a second time. Then I discovered I didn't make it home with one of my bags so Tom and I drove back to Walmart for the 3rd time shopping in one day! I also show what we bought at our local store during our weekly trips, plus the things I ordered on Amazon, Walmart, Oriental Trading and Gurney. (We're getting ready for a couple of birthdays and to get out garden planted.) As per the many requests, this time I kept the camera going to show the action when I got home. www.andreamills.tv Mills Family P.O. Box 323 Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 Carefree by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (...
Happy Easter to everyone, I hope you have a great day and enjoy our live stream
This is EPIC! We found a REAL treasure chest full of money! Amazing! YESTERDAYS VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdOITdkdsJM&list;=PLHStQFQUewgUtEimJrvJi16uTT8x0jPoW&index;=1 SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/1GdjNAB ↓↓↓↓↓↓ CLICK TO SEE MORE ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Uncle Ryan spent months on making this most epic of treasure hunts ever! He created each of these clues and did it all(most of it) hidden from the prying eyes of our crazy cute kiddos. They were on to him but it was still more awesome than anything we have ever seen before! Subscribe to Pins and Things too! http://bit.ly/1OvqAYn 1 YEAR AGO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDE9viuKWLU&index;=316&list;=PLHStQFQUewgUM-Yg2hpUgse1-yIzb8T7u 2015 Year in Review! http://bit.ly/1PVOMGf PAUSE THE GAME ORIGINAL MUSIC VIDEO! http://bit.ly/1O...
Review of the Ford Transit vs Nissan NV part 4 from a mothers perspective with a large family.