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Australian John Zakhariev grim about outlook for his Bulgarian terror trial

Sofia: John Zakhariev, the 21-year-old former Sydney schoolboy facing terrorism charges in Bulgaria, has accused a judge of ignoring evidence that could prove his innocence.

Mr Zakhariev, who says he has was sold to Bulgarian authorities by ASIO, said he expects to be found guilty next month. He has appealed to the Australian government to help him serve his sentence back home rather than in a "miserable" Bulgarian prison.

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Zakhariev grim about outlook for Bulgarian terror trial

Former Sydney schoolboy John Zakhariev says he expects to be found guilty of terrorism charges next month.

Mr Zakhariev attended Sofia's Special Criminal Court on Tuesday in handcuffs, dressed in a hoodie, cargo pants and sneakers, and flanked by two armed guards.

In a last-ditch effort to introduce new evidence, Mr Zakhariev's lawyer asked the court to order Facebook to unlock his client's account, to retrieve messages he said would prove Mr Zakhariev was converting to Christianity at the time he was allegedly training to join Islamic State.

However judge Biljana Vrancheva refused the application, saying the court had all the evidence it needed, and the legal claim was "unfounded and groundless" and would not help its deliberations.

"I think this shows what kind of a justice system there is in this country and what kind of trial I'm facing," Mr Zakhariev told reporters including Fairfax, in a short interview permitted by the judge after the hearing before his return to jail.


"I think I'll definitely be facing a guilty verdict â€Ĥ it would not surprise me if I was to receive the maximum (sentence)."

He could be jailed for up to eight years if found guilty.

Mr Zakhariev said he was "absolutely not" a terrorist.

"What kind of a terrorist am I, when they raided my apartment they found absolutely nothing, just religious material which even a previous expert said is actually normal religious material," he said.

"And the prosecutor claimed it was jihadist material. So the court appointed expert actually contradicted her."

Mr Zakhariev has been in custody since September, in the foreigners' wing of Sofia's maximum security prison.

The prosecution alleges he had been training in Bulgaria with the intention of travelling to Syria to join IS. He had previously visited Syria in 2013 where he stayed with a jihadist group which later pledged allegiance to the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front.

They said he had attended shooting ranges and possessed jihadist material. Mr Zakhariev admitted attending the range, but his lawyer claims he was entrapped by a Bulgarian counter-terror agent, a family friend who kept texting or calling, inviting him to go shooting.

Mr Zakhariev said the "miserable" Bulgarian prison system was "not designed to rehabilitate people".

"They lock us up for 22 hours a day without giving us much to pass the time," he said.

He appealed to the Australian government to help him by arranging for him to serve his sentence in Australia so he could "actually do things to pass the time".

Australia had a "moral obligation" to do this, he said, "considering it was ASIO which actually sold me to the Bulgarians in the first place".

He also said he was angry that the Australian consul had not attended any of his court appearances, and only arranged rare prison visits "to check that I'm alive".

The next hearing is on June 5. Judge Bilyana Vrancheva told the defence and prosecution lawyers to prepare their final arguments for that date, which will be followed by the verdict.

Hristo Botev, Mr Zakhariev's lawyer, said he was "not very hopeful" about the verdict.

The court's dismissive response to his arguments suggested "that already the court has (an) idea is he guilty or not, and how guilty he is if he is guilty", he said.