June 2017
Volume 30
Number 6


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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






We survive through income from paid subscriptions, sales of videos and books, online Sustainers, individual donations. and periodic fundraising. We are non-profit, tax exempt under the Institute for Social and Cultural Communications. We are currently in dire need of funds. To donate by mail, send checks payable to Z Magazine, 215 Atlantic Ave, Hull, MA 02045 (508- 548-9063). To donate online go to: and become a Sustainer.





Is it a presidency where he makes his late night calls to his moneybag friends, like the billionaire Mercers and others, to find out “How am I doing guys’’? while the rest of the representatives of the economic and political elite run the show? Is this a Trump presidency or a government by Generals-Goldman Sachs-Pence, with son in law Kushner functioning as intermediary between them


What would happen if a social balance sheet, as well as financial one, had to be filed every year and companies continually in a deficit position would eventually disappear?


There are now 1.4 million children at risk of dying from famine. No one apparently has shown Donald Trump, or his daughter Ivanka, any photos of these at-risk children. So, the U.S. president is comfortably ignoring this statistic.


Israel has resorted to three main strategies to suppress Palestinian calls for justice and human rights, including the Right of Return for refugees. One is dedicated to rewriting history; another attempts to distract from present realities altogether; and a third aims at reclaiming the Palestinian narrative as essentially an Israeli one


Recently U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced that President Trump plans to issue an executive order expanding offshore drilling in areas now off limits, including the Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic.


Young women are leading the most exciting and dynamic aspects of the 21st-century progressive movement, and they’ve been at this for a while now


Whenever there are obvious conflicts within the ruling class, the concept of a Deep State is brought out to explain why our government seems to be coming apart at the seams


Trump takes us for chumps. The Republic is nothing to him but a crap game. And he loads the dice.


The U.S., in the person of General Nicholson, chose to use the weapon with the media-friendly nickname “mother of all bombs,” which of course it isn’t at all, though it does serve very well as a good, shiny-object distraction for the media.


Right now, the United States is supporting Saudi Arabian military attacks and a famine policy—a starvation policy—overt policy of starvation in Yemen that is going to kill tens of thousands of people; it already is, in fact.


As a candidate, Trump displayed a shocking misunderstanding of settled constitutional values. On one occasion, he suggested that flag burners go to jail and lose their citizenship. He has also repeatedly threatened to change the libel laws to make it easier to sue the media over perceived falsehoods


Ever since he rode a Trump Tower escalator into the presidential race in June 2015 and swore to build his “great wall” and stop Mexican “rapists” from entering the country, undocumented immigrants have been the focus of Donald Trump’s ire. Now that he’s in the Oval Office, the news has been grim. A drumbeat of frightening headlines and panicked social media posts have highlighted his incendiary language, his plans and executive orders


From January 2012 to February 2013, those drone attacks in northeast Afghanistan killed more than 200 people, but only about one-sixth of them were the intended targets


No, you can’t really make this stuff up: orthodox economists continue to tell us that the reason for ongoing economic stagnation is that wages and unemployment benefits are too high. Yes, that’s right. You haven’t suffered enough


Witness to the Revolution repeatedly underscores how much vitriol some had to endure as elites attacked both the messengers and the message in the student, vet, Black Power and anti-war movements.


EVENT LISTING: ACTIVIST CAMP - Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.

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ACTIVIST CAMP - Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.


WHISTLEBLOWING - June 1-7 is International Week to Support Whistleblowing. Events and actions are planned all over the world.

Contact: Stand Up For Truth, c/o Institute for Public Accuracy, 980 National Press Building, Washington, DC 20045; 202-347-0020Æ;

LEFT FORUM - The Left Forum will be held June 2-4, at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.

Contact: 212-817-2003;;

RURAL ARTS/CULTURE - The 2017 Rural Arts and Culture Summit will be June 2-4, in Morris, MN. This year’s theme, From the Ground Up: Cultivating Creative People and Places will highlight the important role of art and culture in shaping the rural narrative.

Contact: Springboard for the Arts, 218-770-3485; michele@ springboardforthe; http://www

BIKES - Bikes Not Bombs is holding its 30th annual Bike-A-Thon in Boston, MA on June 4.

Contact: Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130; 617-522-0222;;

FEMINIST CAMP - Feminist Camp is open to all who are interested in learning more about transforming feminist theory into practice. Camps are scheduled June 5-9 in New York City; June 26-30 in Seattle.


LABOR - The Eastern Conference For Workplace Democracy will be held June 9-11, at Fordham University Lincoln Center in New York City, in partnership with NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives and Fordham University Law School’s Economic Development Clinic.


LGBTQX/PRIDE - The National Pride March will be held June 11, in Washington, DC., Austin, TX, Portland, ME, Indianapolis, IN and other cities nationwide.

Contact: information available online.

MEDIA - The 24th annual Media Consortium Conference will be held June 13-15, in Boston, MA. The conference brings together over 100 leaders of independent news.


JUNETEENTH - June 16 is Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the announcement of the end of slavery in Texas and in the rest of the U.S. through the Emancipation Proclamation; June 19 is Juneteenth Independence Day.

Contact: http://national juneteenth .com/Juneteenth_Movement.html.

MEDIA - The 19th annual Allied Media Conference will be held June 15-18, in Detroit. The conference brings together a vibrant and diverse community of people using media to incite change: filmmakers, radio producers, technologists, youth organizers, writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, dancers, and artists.

Contact: Allied Media Projects, 4126 Third St., Detroit, MI 48201; 313-718-2267;

ANTIWAR - The Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad conference will be June 16-18, in Richmond, VA, hosted bt the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC).


NUCLEAR - The Women’s March to Ban the Bomb will be June 17, in New York City. Sponsored by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, a steering group member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

Contact: http://www.;

LABOR - The LAWCHA (Labor and Working Class History Association) will hold its conference, Scales of Struggles: Communities, Movements, and Global Connections, June 23-25, in Seattle, WA.

Contact: LAWCHA, 226 Carr Building (East Campus), Box 90719, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708- 0719;;

REPARATIONS - The People’s Organization For Progress (POP) is calling a March  to demand Reparations for African Americans for the enslavement of African ancestors. June 24, in Newark, NJ.

Contact: People’s Organization For Progress, PO Box 22505, Newark, NJ 07101-2505; 973-801-0001;; http://

LA RAZA - The annual National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Conference is scheduled for July 8-11 in Phoenix, AZ, with workshops, presentations and panel discussions.

Contact: NCLR Headquarters Office, Raul Yzaguirre Building, 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202-785-1670;

CUBA - The 28th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba is traveling through the US from July 11-28.


MEDIA - Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and the National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC) will host a joint conference in Minneapolis, July 12-14.

Contact: http://www. allcommunity

RADIO - The Annual National Federation of Community Broadcasters Community Media Conference will be held July 17-19, in Denver, CO, with break-out sessions, two keynotes, affinity group summits, panel discussions and tours around the host city.

Contact: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20004; 202-756-2268; comments;

TEACHERS - The Badass Teachers Association will have their annual conference in Seattle, WA, July 22-23.


WOMEN/PEACE - The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 33rd Triennial Congress will be held July 27-30, in Chicago.


DEMOCRACY - The Democracy Convention, Universalizing Resistance, Democratizing Power! will be held August 2-6, at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

Contact: http://www.democracyc

FOLK FESTIVAL - The Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will be held August 4-6, in the Berkshires, NY.


HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI - August 5-8, annual Hiroshima Day and Nagasaki Day peace vigils and demonstrations will be held worldwide. Ground Zero Center’s weekend of events commemorating the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakiace from August 7-9

Contact: 16159 Clear Creek Rd. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370; 360-930-8697;

VETERANS/PEACE - Veterans for Peace annual convention is August 9-13 in Chicago. This year’s theme is, Education Not Militarization.

Contact: http://www.vfpnational

PEACE - The 18th Annual Kateri Peace Conference: Confronting the Politics of Fear, will be held August 17-18, in upstate New York

Contact: http://kateri

WOMEN’S CONFERENCE - The annual Twin Oaks Women’s Gathering will be held August 18-20.

Contact: 138 Twin Oaks Road # W, Louisa, VA 23093; 540-894-5126;; http://womens

DISSIDENT ARTS - The Dissident Arts Festival will take place August 19, in New York City.

Contact: John Pietaro, 646-599-0060;;


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