Daniel Purton

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A right wing twat from Melbourne. Purton is the leader of Agenda Australia 26 (A26A), a small online gang of macho assholes obsessed with conspiracy theories, guns and Aussie pride!. He is also the central organiser of Nation Wide United Events, which is aimed at building links between patriot types through subtle art of public BBQs. He also appears to be a bit of a martial arts enthusiasts, but as importantly pointed out by our friends at the Southern Crosstika, he seems to block punches with his nose.

Alright mate

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Agenda Australia 26 logo

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In June 2017 Purton called for the formation of a so called “united front” of patriot militant posturing organisations. On the 11th of that month members of A26A, ASG Security, Soldiers of Odin Melbourne, True Blue Crew and members of Catch the Fire formed the Docklands Public Service in Dandenong. So essentially the bloke has attempted to form a self appointed nationalist vigilante gang to patrol the outer suburbs to “protect” people from African & Arab gangs.

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Mark Latham

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A Sydney based right wing journalist and former politician. Latham entered into politics through the Labor Party, working as an assistant to former PM Gough Whitlam and later as an advisor to former NSW Premier Bob Carr. Latham also had a run at being the mayor of Liverpool during the late 80s. Latham would quickly become defined by his aggressive and hateful demeanour within politics, notably for his schoolyard name calling of political opponents.

In the early 2000s, Latham beat his hated political rival Kim Beasley for the leadership of the Labor Party and head of the opposition to the Howard government. As head of the ALP, Latham was known for riding populist sentiment against the neo conservative war in Iraq, claiming he intended to pull out Australian troops if he was elected. He was also renowned for his somewhat violent temperament, known for assaulting former PM John Howard in a handshake as well as assaulting a cab driver over a fare dispute, breaking his arm. Wow.

I am not a crook

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Despite running a popular campaign against the Liberal government, Latham and the ALP were defeated in the 2004 election. The failure of Latham as leader of the opposition would lead towards his resignation. After leaving politics, Latham became embittered and highly unpredictable. Whilst working as a reporter for 60 Minutes he aggressively confronted former Prime Ministers Julia Gillard & Tony Abbott, attacking Abbott for his role in imprisoning Pauline Hanson and Gillard for her failure to limit immigration into Australia.

Latham’s politics have continued to swell further to the right, becoming emboldened by the amount of controversy and offence he can muster. His sensationalist tactics have worked to validate his presence in the public sphere, which would otherwise lead him to fade into obscurity like the rest of his deceitful political class. Targets of Latham in recent years are predominantly respected professional women that express feminist views.

Latham took aim at 2015 Australian of the Year winner and anti domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty. After Batty stated domestic violence had become an epidemic, Latham launched into a rage, claiming that domestic violence was a “tool of the feminist left” claiming domestic violence to be “a coping mechanism for men” and in the lowest form claimed Batty, (who’s son was killed by her husband in a domestic violence incident) was “exploiting her own tragedy to prove a point against men.” He also accused her of embezzling money from her anti domestic violence organisation, with no proof. Latham attacked journalist Lisa Pryor for being an “inner city feminist who hates children”. Pryor successfully sued Latham for defamation. Latham also attacked transgender army officer Cate McGregor, unleashing trasphobic slurs upon her.

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When not about picking a fight with determined independent women, he is out assaulting photographers or his son’s friend’s dads at the cricket. This contrarian crusader demonstrates his insecurity and fear almost daily in his ridiculously juvenile comments and slanders. Latham has currently reborn himself as a supporter of the Donald Trump bandwagon and the campaign against “political correctness”. He has teamed up with former sparring partner turned fellow traveller Ross Cameron and Rowan Dean to launch the conservative pro Trump program The Outsiders, which aired in late 2016. So lets get this straight. A former Liberal MP, former head of opposition and multi millionaire marketing business owner are outsiders? Alright mate.

Tragedy struck a familiar cord once again in Lathamville when he was sacked from Sky News’s The Outsiders program only three months after the show went to air. He lost his position on his program with his two little mates for what reason? This time, Latham’s target was not professional adults but a high school student. What warranted his attack? A group of students at Sydney Boys High made a video on International Women’s Day voicing support for feminism and negative stereotyping of women in the workplace. A furious Latham elbowed his way into the media spotlight to call the students “dickheads” and “gay”. He certainly isn’t the most dignified personality in the media, that’s for sure.

Like a wounded animal, Latham took to the streets, limping around in search of his dignity and his next victim. Going independent with his Mark Latham’s Outsiders he went onto the streets of South West Sydney, targeting Fairfield and Liverpool. This time, migrants were in his sites as he went around towering over people shoving a camera and a microphone in people’s faces and picking on them for their lack of English language skills. Latham concluded that it means that no one can speak English. Or maybe they just don’t want to talk to you, dickhead.

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It grows evident in almost every day that the man’s self-confidence and very identity has been eroded, as he appears to have never fully recovering from the loss of the election. In his quest for infamy and political sanctuary, Latham & Cameron addressed the annual Freidman Conference on the 28th of April at Sydney’s University of Technology. The event (named after Pinochet’s economist Milton Freidman) was organised by the Australian Libertarian Society & the shadowy Australian Taxpayers Alliance. He found the whole experience so riveting that he would seek political refuge in the Liberal Democrats, joining the party after the conference. What reason did the former Labor leader give for joining the Lib Dems? Well, they were the first group that didn’t kick him out.

If your thinking it cant get worse for poor old Mark, well your wrong. In early June, Latham announced that he would combined his Mark Latham’s Outsiders with the Canadian far right media website Rebel Media. Rebel Media is highly notorious as being one of the most prominent mouthpieces of the American alt right, providing platforms to white nationalists and others on the fringe right. In one of Mark’s first shows he speaks with English Rebel contributor Tommy Robinson, the founder and former leader of the thuggish anti Islam group English Defence League. Latham was too quick to praise Robinson for his “work” as the two swapped sob stories about political correctness and Islam.

Latham with Robinson

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Ross Cameron

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A conservative politician and talk show panellist. Cameron, a private school boy from the north shore of Sydney, worked overseas in the US as an intern for conservative Senator Mark Hatfield who inducted him into the Christian cult like organisation The Fellowship, a shady international religious/ political organisation that wields considerable political power across the world.

Upon his return to Australia, Cameron entered into politics via the Liberal Party, finding a home in its hard right faction known as “the uglies”. In 1996 he was elected as a Member of Parliament for Parramatta under the Howard government, also serving as Secretary to the Minister for Family and Community Services. Throughout his career he was noted for his fundamentalist Christian views, running preaching and prayer meetings out of parliament house.

Cameron’s personal life is riddled with infidelity, cheating on his family and pregnant wife with a slew of different partners despite his hypocritical religious family values. As a result his personal and political life fell apart and the morally self-righteous prick was undone by his own actions, loosing his seat in 2004 and being kicked out by his family into the gutter where he belongs. The depravity of this mans dishonesty is matched only by his abhorrent political views.

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Following his fall from grace from politics, Cameron pursued a career in investment banking, going on to work for the Macquarie Group, earning him considerable private wealth. In 2008 he left to form his own business with several of his former Liberal colleagues called MyATM. The venture turned out to be a total failure, loosing its dodgy shareholders millions of dollars as the company’s net worth went from bad to worse. Lol. As a result, Cameron was stood down as president and declared “a right loser” by his comrades at The Daily Telegraph.

Cameron making a dick of himself in the public sphere. Again

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Cameron has since resurfaced as a “controversial” media personality, co hosting The Contrarians and being a frequent guest on Sky News. He has been reborn into public & political relevance as an outspoken cheerleader for Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. He has been joined by fellow sensationalist attention whores Mark Latham & Rowan Dean, who launched their own conservative pro Trump program The Outsiders in December 2016.

The guy has gone way off the deep end, going full boar at his newly found media image as a “villain”, basking in his self invented infamy. Cameron addressed the Q Society at a fundraiser event at North Ryde RSL on the 9th of February. Getting a little too excited to impress his new friends, Cameron made a dick of himself (even in far right circles) by delivering a bazaar and equally incoherent speech, leading the AFAS editors to believe the man was drunk.

In this speech, Cameron went on a nervous/ alcohol fuelled tangent about Orcas, ancient Greek mythology and uncomprehensive rambling in which he repeated himself several times. In a row. He also launched into a rather unsettling set of homophobic remarks, using the term “homosexual” as a slur against his rivals in politics and the media. When confronted publicly by fellow Sky journalists, the idiotic clown delivered a loaded and awfully articulated apology, blaming the “media” for reporting what he had said.

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Since the confirmation of Cameron being officially booted from the Liberal Party, he has continued on his coarse further to the right. He and Latham attended the Freidman Conference in 2017 organised by the Australian Libertarian Society and the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. Cameron’s speech was reminiscent of his previous performance in early February, with vague ancient history lessons lacking context, generic anti media grandstanding and Nazi salutes. Good on ya Ross, what a way to keep relevant.

Hail Herr Cameron at the Freidman Conference

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Rowan Dean

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A conservative commentator and opinion columnist. Dean’s professional background is in advertising, heading companies Euro RSCG and Reckitt Benckiser. He has also been involved in campaigns for Fosters, Nurofin & Dettol and has sat as chairman of the Australiasian Writers & Art Directors Association.

Dean also moonlights as a political columnist for several Tory rags including The Daily Telegraph, Australian Financial Review, Courier Mail and The Spectator, which he is an editor of. He also appears as a regular guest on The Gruen Transfer and worked on 2UE’s Behind the Brief.

Like others in his field, Dean survives the great suckhole of obscurity by being a contrarian. His work is largely dedicated towards preserving his own demographic, being rich white males in positions of influence and power. In one of his more offensive piece’s “The poor me list” which was published in the Financial Review 2016, Dean takes aim at those in the public light that who claim to be hard done by but in Dean’s fantasy world, are not. 4 out of the 7 were non white, 3 out of the 7 were indigenous, 2 out of the 7 were outspoken feminists and one was a Muslim.

Dean has jumped on the Donald Trump bandwagon, teaming up with Mark Latham and Ross Cameron in The Outsiders.

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Darren TJ West

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Darren West AKA Daz Clarke is a neo Nazi bonehead from Freemantle, Western Australia. He was a prominent member of the small Perth based neo Nazi group Aryan Nations, serving as Vice President under Robert Edhouse. Following the imprisonment of Edhouse for murder, it seems Daz has stepped into the white laced boots of ANP president.

Daz in RWR colours

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West has been searching far and wide for a decent bonehead gang to call home. When AN fell apart after the whole murder thing, what was left was amalgamated into the tiny Right Wing Resistance group, which claims a dozen members from around the country.

Da Boyz

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Since realising that neither AN nor RWR are visible off FB, Daz has gone all out and thrown in with Combat 18, a group that has had history in Perth for violent activity including bashings and even a drive by shooting. He seems to have set up a new crew calling itself Aryan Strikeforce, a small bonehead gang founded by American neo Nazi Josh Steever.

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Ricky White

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AKA Hatchet is a neo Nazi bonehead from Ingleburn, Sydney. White is a self proclaimed BMXer and skinhead punk with a passion for racism, drinking, fighting and being an alround beacon of humanity. White was the front man for an almost imaginary hatecore band Blitzkreig 88. Original name.

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Despite all the online posturing, White is far from being your average outer suburb bonehead. He holds close ties with leading Kiwi neo Nazi activist Kyle Chapman and was a leading figure in his bonehead gang Right Wing Resistance. He was often in the company of national leader Sammy Goodwin, doing their best to figure out how to sticky tape a sheet of paper to a pole.

Still not getting it

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He is also a prominent member of Wotensvolk, a neo volkisch/Nazi pagan group founded by American white supremacist terrorist David Lane. The group would place a lot of focus into prison outreach for white inmates. Following Lane’s death the group went into decline, which would explain its regression in the quality of its members/ leadership.

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In September 2016 poor old Hatchet was arrested and charged with the arson of a Christian Church in Taree. He also has previous offences relating to break and enter and firearms possession. His neo Nazi Pagan beliefs are most likely the motivation for his crime.

Joel Brereton

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AKA Joel Brereton is a neo Nazi dwerp from Mittagong. Mitchell just some emo punk Nazi kid who thinks life is too tough for a white supremacist in Straya. What makes him interesting is his close friendship with recent neo Nazi church arsonist Ricky White. He is photographed below with the bloke standing outside a church in a threatening manor. Harmless posturing or a potential accomplice?

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Again with White

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Seems since his mate Ricky is behind bars, Joel is moving up in his old gang, joining Right Wing Resistance. He currently holds the title of East Coast Unit Leader. Probably the only member out his way anyway.

Looks like Sammy‘s found a new junkie fuckboy

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