We got the chance to get up close and personal with the new Xbox One X. From the outside, there's precisely nothing new to excite you. But inside, if you've got a 4K TV, you should be very, very interested.


It looks like the new Doctor has been cast. After accepting an award at the British LGBT Awards, former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies told Guys Like U that the next season already has its next Doctor. Davies was responding to a question about whether the new lead should be a woman, a question posed to current showrunner Steven Moffat multiple times over the years. And he's been very consistent.

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When I was a lad, one of the big selling features when you bought a new PC was the ability to upgrade it. Add memory, plug in a second-hand drive and, if the budget allowed, swap out the processor. But over recent years, Apple has taken that ability away. Even RAM upgrades, which used to be easy, were made impossible as Apple's quest to make everything as thin as possible drove them to soldering everything in place. But iFixit has revealed in their teardown of the new 21.5-inch iMac that the memory and processor can both be upgraded.


Like the ocean it takes place on, the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has had plenty of ups and downs. These metaphorical seas have been so rough, in fact, that some people don't even remember there was a fourth film in 2011, On Stranger Tides, even though it grossed a billion dollars worldwide. I'm happy to say the fifth film, Dead Men Tell No Tales, is probably the best film in the franchise since the very first movie... even though that's not a particularly high bar.


"We've worked on this since 2012, and we finally get to talk about it... I tell people to take a step back and think about this E3: what a moment, you don't release new consoles, the most powerful console ever, that often. We're releasing significant hardware. It's Christmas for me."

Microsoft's corporate vice president of Xbox and Windows gaming, Mike Ybarra, is obviously pretty happy that he gets to talk shop about his baby, Project Scorpio, the new Xbox One X.


A few minutes outside of Los Gatos, California, there's a small and unassuming campus that houses the world's largest movie and TV streaming service.

Netflix's HQ is technically part of Silicon Valley and the Bay Area south of San Francisco, but it doesn't feel like it at all. Los Gatos is a quiet place with a small-town vibe, and the Netflix offices share that. We took a tour of the place where self-professed movie and TV nerds build a platform that over 100 million people use to watch 125 million hours of content each day.

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Well, we're one major conference down and it was... interesting.

Well, it's was fairly bog standard as E3 conferences go. Cars drove, zombies shuffled and guns shot at stuff. Still, we got our first proper glimpse at the Xbox One X and Anthem looks fantastic.

Also: Bruz The Chopper.

Here's everything you need to know.


Melbourne's first Powerwall 2 has been installed at a three-bedroom, one storey house in Coburg. Brendan Fahey and his wife Josephine added Tesla's shiny new battery to their home to complement their existing solar panels, after Brendan calculated that the Powerwall 2 could take his energy bill down almost to zero.


Security research group Access Now has discovered a clever attack being used against influential social media users as a means of disseminating fake news. The "Doubleswitch" not only involves hijacking verified accounts but makes it extremely difficult for the legitimate owner to regain control of their handle.


The fact that we all walk around with our heads down compulsively tapping on our phones is no longer even worthy of satire, it's just a fact of life. Binky is an app that's kind of like a social network that doesn't connect you to anyone. It understands the banality of our mobile screen time and gives you something to do that accomplishes nothing... just like a real social network!


Technically E3, video games' biggest trade show of the year, starts Tuesday. That's when the doors will open at Los Angeles Convention Center and over 500,000 attendees will swarm hundreds of booths filled with the latest video games, consoles and gaming paraphernalia. But the event really started this morning, when EA, one of the largest game publishers in the world, hosts a press event to announce all its new projects. As Tuesday draws closer more and more huge companies will take the stage at venues all over downtown LA to steal some limelight and make their own big announcements.