- published: 22 Oct 2016
- views: 19
Alan may refer to:
Bullshot Crummond is a stage play parodying the British pulp hero Bulldog Drummond. "Bullshot" was performed by Ron House, Diz White, John Neville-Andrews, Alan Shearman, and Derek Cunningham 'Bullshot Crummond' play was written in 1974 and first performed in that year at the Palladium Theater, on Broadway (North Beach)in San Francisco, California. It was based on an idea by Ronald E. House and Diz White, who starred in the production and achieved critical acclaim. It was later made into a 1983 film, Bullshot
The play concerns a pre-WWII plot by the dastardly Count Otto Von Brunno and his ambiguous relation Lenya Von Brunno to ruin the international diamond market by kidnapping Professor Rupert Fenton. Working against them are Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond and Rosemary Fenton (the professor's daughter). The characters are highly stereotypical: Otto a German supervillain, Lenya a femme fatale, Fenton an absent-minded professor, Rosemary a damsel in distress who faints and runs around in her underwear, and Crummond a highly intelligent and quick-witted hero. (However, at many times during the play, humor arises because Crummond fails to notice something very obvious, or because he is easily defeated in a fight.)
Essex South or South Essex may refer to:
Em Busca de Confusão (1991) - Alan Shearman
Bullshot Trailer 1983
Bullshot Apartment
Bullshot Crummond: The Evil Eye of Jabar and The Invisible Bride of Death, March 4 - April 10, 2016
Bullshot Stage Play ORIGINAL
RSPB South Essex blue tit nestcam
RSPB South Essex blue tit nestcam
Antaeus Antiques Roadshow - North Hollywood (Episode One)
El Grande CIRCUS de Coca-Cola goes to Burbank!
Bullshot Trailer 1983 Director: Dick Clement Starring: Alan Shearman, Diz White, Mel Smith, Ron House, , Official Content From HBO Video British parody of Bulldog Drummond, in which a World War I flying ace comes to the aid of a young woman whose scientist father has been kidnapped by Germans. Movie, Bullshot Movie,Bullshot Trailer,Bullshot 1983, Dick Clement,Alan Shearman, Diz White, Mel Smith, Ron House, ,
Original London/NY/SF cast Alan Shearman and Mark Blankfield
Lakewood Theatre Company presents a world premiere comedy in two episodes By Ron House, based on "Bullshot Crummond" by Diz White, Ron House, Alan Shearman, John Neville-Andrews and Derek Cunningham. Lakewood's production is directed by Alan Shearman. Action-packed B-movie adventure explodes on stage as British hero Bullshot Crummond once again pits his dull wits against arch enemy Otto Von Bruno with the help of hi-speed planes, trains and automobiles, plus a rocket car, tramp steamer and flying carpet thrown into the fun mix. This world premiere sequel follows in the footprints of its award-winning forerunner, "Bullshot Crummond," the legendary comedy that has been leaving audiences laughing for the last 42 years. - See more at: https://www.lakewood-center.org/pages/lakewood-play-Bul...
chicks are now fully feathered with lots of wing stretching, will be fledging in the next few days. See them before they leave this weekend, The RSPB visitor centre at Wat Tyler Country Park, Basildon, Essex will be open 10 am - 4 pm.
Wat Tyler Country Park, Basildon, Essex. The chicks are now 13 days old and all are doing very well!
Paris, 1873. Tiny artist Toulouse Lautrec desperately tries to paint his gorgeous model, but fails spectacularly, but eventually succeeds with her in a perhaps even more satisfying way in which he is not too short. Starring Alan Shearman and Anna Mathias. Directed by Kerry Feltham. Produced by Leonard Berman, Evzen Kolar and Kerry Feltham Written by Alan Shearman
Visit our auction at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/AuctionHome.action?documentId=217814496 Join the Antaeus Antique Roadshow for a chance to bid on an astounding array of amazing memorabilia and associate with the glitterati that grace our company. Starring: Ann Noble, Alan Shearman, Patrick Wenk-Wolff Directed by Kitty Swink Shot and Edited by FWD:labs Music by Geoff Mann Written by Alan Shearman & Anna Mathias
At The Colony Theatre in Burbank, thru Sunday, December 13. Direct from the Skylight Theatre, the hit comedy, El Grande CIRCUS de Coca-Cola! Based on El Grande de Coca-Cola by Ron House, Diz White, Alan Shearman and John Neville-Andrews A Skylight Theatre Company and Flying Cucumber Productions production Written by Ron House Directed by Alan Shearman Featuring Aaron Miller, Lila Dupree, Marcelo Tubert, Olivia C. Delgado, & Paul Baird Critic's Choice! – David C. Nichols, L.A. Times
A film by India Dupré Starring Katheryn Winnick Melissa Bickerton Alan Shearman
Original London/NY/SF cast Alan Shearman and Mark Blankfield
Meet Pepe Hernandez and his family on stage at El Grande CIRCUS de Coca-Cola. by Ron House* directed by Alan Shearman The hilarious SEQUEL to the legendary Off-Broadway sensation, EL GRANDE CIRCUS de COCA-COLA is a brand NEW fizzy farce that is sure to leave you thirsting for more. *Based on the El Grande de Coca-Cola by Ron House, Diz White, Alan Shearman and John Neville-Andrews.
Original London/NY/SF cast Ron House Alan Shearman and Brandis Kemp
Paris, 1873. Tiny artist Toulouse Lautrec desperately tries to paint his gorgeous model, but fails spectacularly, but eventually succeeds with her in a perhaps even more satisfying way in which he is not too short. Starring Alan Shearman and Anna Mathias. Directed by Kerry Feltham. Produced by Leonard Berman, Evzen Kolar and Kerry Feltham Written by Alan Shearman
Bullshot Trailer 1983 Director: Dick Clement Starring: Alan Shearman, Diz White, Mel Smith, Ron House, , Official Content From HBO Video British parody of Bulldog Drummond, in which a World War I flying ace comes to the aid of a young woman whose scientist father has been kidnapped by Germans. Movie, Bullshot Movie,Bullshot Trailer,Bullshot 1983, Dick Clement,Alan Shearman, Diz White, Mel Smith, Ron House, ,
Visit our auction at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/AuctionHome.action?documentId=217814496 Join the Antaeus Antique Roadshow for a chance to bid on an astounding array of amazing memorabilia and associate with the glitterati that grace our company. Starring: Ann Noble, Alan Shearman, Patrick Wenk-Wolff Directed by Kitty Swink Shot and Edited by FWD:labs Music by Geoff Mann Written by Alan Shearman & Anna Mathias
Visit our auction at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/AuctionHome.action?documentId=217814496 Join the Antaeus Antique Roadshow for a chance to bid on an astounding array of amazing memorabilia and associate with the glitterati that grace our company. Starring: Alan Shearman, Patrick Wenk-Wolff, Philip Proctor, Anna Mathias, Melinda Peterson, John Achorn Directed by Kitty Swink Shot and Edited by FWD:labs Music by Geoff Mann Written by Alan Shearman & Anna Mathias
Marco Polo szerzetesek társaságában indul útnak Velencéből Kelet-Ázsiába, Kublaj kán udvarába. Útjuk nem titkolt célja, hogy X. Gergely pápa levelét átadják és a világ legnépesebb és leggazdagabb országának lakóit áttérítsék a keresztény hitre. Azonban a papok még abban sem biztosak, hogy Kína egyáltalán létezik-e, s az egyre meredekebb és csapdákat rejtő Pamír hegységben feladják küldetésüket, majd visszavonulót fújnak. Marco Polo, az apja és a nagybátyja azonban folytatják útjukat a Takla-Makán és a Góbi sivatagon keresztül. Gyilkos banditák támadnak rájuk, éhség, szomjúság, tűző nap kínozza őket, de ők töretlenül mennek a kán ismeretlen birodalma felé. Megérkezésükkor döbbenetes világ fogadja őket, egy annyira fejlett állam, melyről a művelt Nyugat még csak nem is álmodott. Ennek hatásá...
007 James Bond Radio is Back! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0631r4y Diamonds Are Forever Drama An all-star Ian Fleming James Bond adventure, directed by Martin Jarvis and starring Toby Stephens as 007. Fleming's fourth Bond novel is especially dazzling. Its dark humour encompasses millions of pounds worth of diamonds smuggled out of British mines in Africa. Responsible? Somebody known as 'ABC'. James Bond is sent undercover by MI6 to New York to follow the pipeline. Masquerading as a courier he meets enticing, ice-cold, Tiffany Case. She stands between Bond and gang-bosses whose criminal diamond business stretches from Sierra Leone, via London, to the gambling tables of Las Vegas. Bond infiltrates the mob. Horse-racing scams, a car chase, a rigged card game, pursuit by locomotive -...
színes, magyarul beszélő, amerikai akciófilm, 90 perc, 1979 rendező: Paul Aaron író: Pat E. Johnson Ernest Tidyman operatőr: Roger Shearman zene: Dick Halligan producer: Alan Belkin executive producer: Michael Leone látványtervező: John Barry vágó: Bert Lovitt szereplő(k): Matt Logan Chuck Norris Rollins Ron O'Neal Mandy Jennifer O'Neill Dunne Clu Gulager Moskowitz James Whitmore Jr. Sparks Bill Wallace Melrose Clint Ritchie Tartalom: rendőrségi kábítószercsoport egyre közelebb kerül ahhoz, hogy lefülelje a nagy hatalmú maffiavezért. Az ügy felgöngyölítése közben egyre fogynak a rendőrség emberei. Valaki egyesével teszi el láb alól a csapat tagjait. Az egyetlen nyom, amit a tettes maga után hagy, a kung-fu harcosok jele. Ezért a rendőrség Matt Logant, a keleti harcműv...
+Shine On, Harvey Bloom
My name is Mr. Bloom, and I'm from New Rochelle,
And I sing this happy tune,
Because my son, the astronaut, young Harvey Bloom,
Has landed on the moon.
My wife and I, we miss our little Harvey so,
Back here in New Rochelle,
That every single night,
In the pale moonlight,
We walk out on the patio and yell:
Shine on, shine on, Harvey Bloom-- up in the sky.
You have been in orbit since January, February, June and July.
Don't come back too soon, we rented out your room.
So shine on, shine on, Harvey Bloom-- up there on the moon.
We'll miss you on the holidays, this year they're coming later.
We hope you have a very lovely seder in your crater.
Your mama sent the astronauts some chicken soup at school.
They're using it instead of rocket fuel.
If you like outer space, you oughta see your sister Janet.
She came in with a hairdo that is from another planet.
Your girl friend Shirley misses you, the Air Force says she had
A temper tantrum on the launching pad.
Shine on, shine on, Harvey Bloom-- up in the sky.
Under separate cover, I'm sending you some pickles and a corned beef on rye.
You brought Bromo Seltzer with you, I presume.
So shine on, shine on, Harvey Bloom.