The Sydney Morning Herald

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'Is the heartbeat going to be there?' Pregnant Megan Gale on miscarriage trauma

Amy Croffey

Published: June 12 2017 - 2:58PM

Following a miscarriage in April last year, a pregnant Megan Gale has spoken about the effect that trauma still has on her a year on.

The model, 41, who has one son River, 2, with her AFL footballer partner, Shaun Hampson, 29, said despite being in the second trimester she still feels that "underlying worry".

"Going into this pregnancy, even when we were trying, it was just so daunting," she told Show and Tell's Monty Dimond.

"With River I didn't really even think about anything going wrong.

"This time it's been, 'Is it growing enough?' Before every scan it was, 'Is the heartbeat going to be there?' 'Am I going to get that bad news again?'

In an interview with InStyle magazine earlier this year, Gale revealed she had suffered a miscarriage while trying for a second child.


A post shared by MEGAN GALE (@megankgale) on Apr 21, 2017 at 12:46am PDT

The model told the magazine that she had been "thrilled" and "a little bit shocked" to learn she was pregnant in April 2016 after trying for only a month.

However, it was at her second scan, at eight weeks, that she received the news.

"[My specialist] was quiet, and then he just said, 'I'm so sorry, it's gone.'"

The experience motivated Gale to call for people to be more sensitive when talking to women about fertility issues.

"Anything surrounding your conception as a woman, as a couple, is extremely intimate, and it needs to be handled delicately," she said.


A post shared by MEGAN GALE (@megankgale) on Apr 1, 2017 at 11:56pm PDT


H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y To the best human I know. You're the most wonderful father, friend and partner in love and life and I LOVE living life with you ❤️ Your day big guy xx

A post shared by MEGAN GALE (@megankgale) on Mar 21, 2017 at 1:43am PDT

Gale announced she was pregnant again in April by posting a picture of a literal "bun in the oven".

"Should be fully baked come spring time," she wrote.

She also spoke to Show and Tell about how "amazing" and "very hands-on" her partner Hampson is with their son.

"You have to be a united team [to parent] ... It makes such a difference when you have a good partner by your side," she said.

"I don't know how people do the single parent thing - hats off ... it's pretty admirable."


After literally years of "we really need to sit down and do a #showandtell chat" today it finally happened. I sat down with this cheeky chick who I've known for yonks and we literally could've banged on all day. Love ya Monts 😘 My @showandtellonline ep will go live in a few weeks. Stay tuned ❤️

A post shared by MEGAN GALE (@megankgale) on May 2, 2017 at 3:52am PDT

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