

Tiger Woods took anti-anxiety drug: report

Sorry sight: Tiger Woods is placed under arrest.

Tiger Woods told police he had taken the anti-anxiety drug Xanax when he was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant in Florida last month, reported on its website

Decades on the question remains, 'Who is Tiger Woods?'

Sad scene: Tiger Woods undergoes a field sobriety test after Jupiter police noticed his Mercedes parked on the side of a ...

Tiger Woods' arrest for driving under the influence is now part of his public story, somewhere alongside his 14 major championships, his serial adultery and subsequent divorce, his worldwide brand and his efforts to be the best father he can be to his two young children.

Woods should stop clinging to status as an American icon

American icon: Tiger Woods.

This control-freakery was fine so long as Woods was winning; yet the character trapped inside that play has turned out to be a lot more normal - more human - than the sweetly declining-elder-statesman script would allow.