June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

The Deportation Machine Case : Trial date set for four comrades on June 23 2017 in Paris

arton5320-1524fAfter seven and a half years of pre-trial hearings and thousands of pages of disclosure, after fifteen people had their homes searched, were arrested, followed, eavesdropped on, filmed, interrogated, incarcerated, placed on house arrest, and kept under various bail conditions for seven years, the state and the justice system will finally take only four people to trial on June 23 2017 in Paris. The most serious charges served only to justify the intensity of the repression, since they were dropped, leaving only the more limited charges (graffiti, light property destruction, refusing to give DNA and personal information, etc). Let’s take this occasion to all show our solidarity against borders and against all forms of imprisonment, while refusing the categories of “guilty” and “innocent” imposed by the powerful and while rejecting the Justice system.
In June 2008, hunger strikes, clashes with the cops, and episodes of more or less intense struggle had already been breaking out in the Vincennes Immigrant Detention Centre (IDC) for some time when Salem Souli died of a heart attack. On June 22 2008, the next day, a general revolt broke out in the IDC, which was burned to the ground, and the undocumented people were evacuated. Ten were accused in a trial that was decided in advance, where they were given between eight months and three years in prison, before appeals. In solidarity with the accused, a very large number of offensive actions occurred throughout France (and elsewhere), which included numerous sabotages of ATMs of banks that hand over undocumented people to the pigs. Two waves of searches were carried out on February 15 and June 8 2010 against ten or so comrades, including Dan, Olivier, and Camille who were locked up in January 2011 for between a week and three months, and then later François for a week.

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June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Florence, Italy – Update on ”operation Panico”

Translated by act for freedom now!
Today, 22nd May 2017, Filomena and Carlotta were released from house arrest. Filomena got an order that prohibits her from visiting Galluzzo (the area in Florence where la Riottosa is located), whereas Carlotta got an order prohibiting her to live in Florence. Michele had been released from house arrest at the end of April and he’s still being subjected to prohibition of residence in Florence and Prato. We point out that Yossura and Laura are still under house arrest and another six comrades are under various kinds of restriction.
Freedom for all


Florence, Italy – A few contributions on the latest wave of repression against anarchist in Florence

June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Solidarity actions in Copenhagen towards the Greek squats – Denmark

On the 13th of March the Greek state attacked three structures of the anarchist movement. Two squats in Athens: Villa Zografou and Drakopoulio, and the Self-organized Hangout in Agrinio.

We feel that this repressive move should not be left unanswered. As a small message of solidarity to the evicted squats, we decided to do a series of actions in Nørrebro, a migrant and working-class district of Copenhagen.

Following are some details on the squats themselves and the evictions that happened:

Self-organized Social Space “Villa Zografou”

The occupied park and mansion of Villa Zografou was an important social center of a neighborhood with very strong involvement in the uprising of 2008 and the movements that followed, until the final squatting of the space in 2012.
Since then, it operated as a liberated space of intense political and cultural activity. Playing a defining role in class and social struggles like worker and student issues, antifascist action, freedom of transport, free access to electricity and water, free teaching of high-school students, food collectives. A space where support benefits for imprisoned anarchists were being organized. A spot of free interaction and expression, without barriers, without prices and tickets. With it’s actions, Villa Zografou stood against the local and wider business interests. It’s functions against the petty bourgeois practices is a living example of a different model of organization of our lives that revolves around equality, self-organization and solidarity.

After a complaint filed by the Municipality of Zografou, which is controlled by the leftist Syriza (the political party now in control of the government), the squat was raided and evacuated. Seven comrades claimed political responsibility to defend the squat which led to their arrest and their indictment for civil disobedience and disruption of domestic peace. They now have been released, pending their trial. Continue Reading →

June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy ,Trento – Stones against the court in solidarity with imprisoned comrades


From the local media we learn that in the night between 12th and 13th May the court in Trento was the target of stone-throwing that damaged some windows. Graffiti were found on the wall: “For Alfredo, Davide, Maurizio and the comrades in Turin”.
Translated by act for freedom now!

June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany,Aachen: 22nd day in court for the anarchists accused of bank robbery

soliThe session of May 22nd begun by examining the topic of one of the accused’s journeyusing the service Blablacar in France. The French driver wrote a letter to the court saying that she would not come to testify, but that she recognized the accused when she was shown a picture.
At this point the judge said that the case would rest, thus no more witnesses or evidence would be accepted.
Then the prosecutor’s closing argumnts began. It was a very long and vague speech:
The prosecutor introduced the concept “in dubio pro reo” (in case of doubt, the benefit is in favour of the defendant; which was the argument used by the judge in the acquittal of the comrade from Amsterdam) turning it around and stating that in fact there was enough evidence pointing to the accused’s participation in the robbery. Continue Reading →

June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Update on operation Scripta Manent: anarchist Alessandro Mercogliano in solitary confinement in the AS2 unit in Ferrara.

Translated by act for freedom now!
We learn that as soon as Sandrone [Alessandro Mercogliano] arrived at the AS2 prison unit in Ferrara and refused to comply with the identification procedure (photographs and fingerprinting), he was subjected to 15 days of solitary confinement. Now he’s back in the unit with the other comrades.

June 1, 2017
by actforfreedom

Turin, Italy – Pronouncement of the court of review concerning the comrades arrested on 3rd May and a letter from Camille, Giada and Fabiola

Informa-azione.info and macerie
Translated and summarized by act for freedom now!
The court of review, chaired by judge Loretta Bianco, has decided that comrades Antonio Pittalis, Franciso Tosina and Antonio Rizzo are to remain in prison, whereas Giada, Fabiola and Camille are to be held under house arrest with no possibility of communication with the outside, meaning that they won’t be able to have visits, telephone calls or letters from friends, family members and comrades unless the latter live with them in the same home. As for the charges, that of kidnapping was dropped whereas that of aggravated resistance is still in force.
We urge everybody to write to the comrades in prison:
Antonio Pittalis
Antonio Rizzo
Francisco Esteban Tosina
C.C. Lorusso e Cutugno
Via Maria Adelaide Aglietta 35
10151 Torino
Here follows a letter from Camille, Giada and Fabiola, which they wrote in prison before they were transferred to house arrest. During their detention in the Vallette they had the chance to hear the demo being held in solidarity with them outside the prison and to answer the greetings. A screw promptly intervened to tell them off and the comrades reacted furiously. For this reason they were charged with insulting a public official and had their two hours of sociality suspended, that is to say the time four prisoners can spend together in a cell.
Le Vallette 15/05/2017
Tired of watching

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May 31, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Croce Nera Anarchica: call for support to the solidarity fund

Croce Nera Anarchica
Translated by act for freedom now!
As there’s a constant need for money to support the imprisoned comrades and we have to face so many expenses, we once again call on the individualities and anarchist spaces that can/want contribute to the Fund of the Croce Nera Anarchica project.
Here are the details:
1) The fund supports the anarchists imprisoned following operation“Scripta Manent”, Anna Beniamino, Valentina Speziale, Danilo Cremonese, Marco Bisesti, Alessandro Mercogliano, Alfredo Cospito, with a payment of 100 euros made every 15 days.
The same amount is spent in support to anarchist Davide Delogu from Sardinia. Occasionally, when funds are available, payments are also made in support to anarchist Maddalena Calore; we say occasionally because there are already individualities that support her.
So we have to face a monthly expense of 1,500 euros only to send money to imprisoned comrades.
2) In addition, owing to the needs of comrades and relatives who make visits to prison we will also have to finance their journeys when need be, given that visits are of paramount importance.
3) In anticipation of the trial for operation “Scripta Manent”, huge legal expenses will also have to be met.
4) Every month, sometimes more than once, books and news of what happens outside – actions, claims, episodes of repression, various publications, etc. – are sent in to prisons. Also quite expensive telegrams are sent in whenever something urgent such as transfers, confinement, hunger strike, etc. happens.
To support the fund:
Postepay card number:  4023 6009 1934 2891
Account name: Omar Nioi
If you want to send a contribution for a specific cause, you can tell us by writing to croceneranarchica@autistici.org.
The editors of Croce Nera Anarchica

May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy- Anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu’s communique concerning his escape attempt

The goal: To escape
The result: Escape unsuccessful (which isn’t a failure!)
The reason: The very strong bastard wind!
The project: To redeem myself, widening my subversive gaze of revenge and launch a campaign of acts of self-liberation.
Hunted in each tiny movement, with all the maniacal consequences of control that this implies in everyday life in prison where I spend 21 hours a day in a cell, I waited for the last search on 30th May before acting, and I also made a fool of the jailers during their beating of the bars that day. I spend the hours in the exercise yard between theoretical and practical elaboration, which led me to devise a perfect escape plan, given that limits in the mechanism of control and its sophisticated complexity can be detected, faults that can be traced in all jails, revealing their hidden weaknesses.
In spite of the subjugation they would like to impose on the infallibility they build from totalitarianism and the perfectioning of the prison system, the fact is that there are always spaces for action. A space in the prison that I occupied and liberated from the moment the action began.
That day there was a strong wind and the choice of 1st May had been dictated by a real tactical calculation, due to the significant shortage of staff following which the guard in charge of monitoring the cameras in the yard was also in charge of opening and closing the entrance to the yard.

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Sabotage37.sized 2

May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Saronno, Italy – Actions against urban daspo [sort of asbo] and in solidarity with those arrested in Turin

Translated by act for freedom now!
We receive from anonymous mail and spread:
“Monday 8th May the entrance door of the town hall in Saronno was attacked with sledgehammers, against urban
daspo and police control. The premises of Intesa San Paolo bank were also attacked in solidarity with the comrades arrested in Turin.”

May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Call for a solidarity presence at the preliminary hearing for operation “Scripta Manent”


Translated by act for freedom now!


A preliminary hearing for the trial in operation “Scripta Manent” will be held on 5th June 2017  in Turin; the hearing is to decide on various charges, including ‘creation and participation in a subversive association’, several explosive attacks on carabinieri, politicians, journalists and companies involved in the construction of prisons and migrants’ detention centres – all claimed by the Informal Anarchist Federation , as well as instigation to commit a crime and attempting to defend criminal acts following pieces published in Croce Nera Anarchica. There are 15 people on trial, 7 of whom are locked up in AS2 sections in the prisons of Ferrara, Alessandria and Rebibbia. The imprisoned comrades are subjected to constant harassment and further restrictions in the communication between one another and with the outside. In spite of this, they are continuing the struggle against the system of domination and keeping up conflictuality through acts of revolt and contributions to the debate between anarchists and the enemy in authority.
In particular:
-In January 2015, 7 anarchists held in the AS2 unit of Ferrara, following noisy protests and strong confrontations with the guards, were given 15 days’ solitary confinement each in turn.
-In August 2016 anarchist Alfredo Cospito smashed the partition glass between the visiting room and the guards’ room in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire; for this reason he’s soon to get 15 days’ solitary confinement.
-In the days following operation “Scripta Manent”, anarchists Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito went on hunger strike to put an end to isolation and the prohibition for those arrested to see each other.

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May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Thessaloniki: Call for Solidarity


Last summer the Squat Orfanotrofio in Thessaloniki was evicted and demolished by the Greek government. One commerade faces repressions now for the squating alone, standing at court for all of us, on the trial on the 31.05.2017. We call for solidarity.
The story begins with the squatting of the Orfanotrofeio in December 2015. Thousands of migrants have been declared illegal overnight and are stuck on Greek territory. Within a months they were also displaced from Idomeni, an massive self-made and to a great extent self-managed settlement near the border with the Rep of Macedonia. They were moved to isolated camps throughout the country, under the surveillance of the army and the NGOs.
Those of us who had been visiting Idomeni frequently during the summer of 2015 had seen a wall being built in front of our eyes, people practically living in the mud, being beaten up by the police, giving birth in offhand tents, burning anything they could find from the ruble for some heat in the freezing cold, being moved around from town to town and from camp to camp, in buses that would just show up and then disappear, being constantly stopped for pointless checks in the middle of nowhere on their way to the border. If when they made it to the border, they were often pushed back to Athens, where many of them fell into the hands of smugglers and even organ harvesting mafias.

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May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Athens – Announcement-information about the recent attempt to target GARE squat

On Wednesday 25th of May, following the call of GARE squat concerning the events that took place the day before in Exarchia and at the squat, we gathered and as one body we made a demonstration and an action at Exarchia square making a stop outside the mafia controlled hotel exarcheion.
It was a first collective response against the provocations of gangs of bouncers and paid thugs against political fighters.
These particular persons who attempted to give an ultimatum to Gare squat and who pulled down a political banner from the square, belong to the Coordination of Refugee Squats and use its name for their actions which are clearly hostile to the movement, without any collective agreement of the Coordination. All the while, the social center Nosotros and the Coordination of Refugee Squats continue to provide political cover to this team.
These persons who take part in designs for political and financial domination in the area, in direct collaboration with mafia networks of paid thugs, attempt to engage football fans of a particular club and turn them against the movement’s spaces and activity. We declare that this attempt is misleading, as the struggle in a neighborhood is not the arena neither of football fan nor of personal conflicts. This specific clique as well as paid thugs in general do not have social recognition in the area and this is why they try to recruit people on the basis of football club participation. Everyone must be fully aware of the responsibility that they bear.
At this point we declare that:
We will defend our struggles by all means necessary, united against economic interests and their supporters.
The anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement can have no relations to mechanisms of exploitation and control.
Political cover to such practices shall not be tolerated. The political structures that have provided cover to such mechanisms much renounce them and conduct public self-criticism about all these events.

Collectives and comrades for the defense of spaces of struggle

all so read:

May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Second night of anti-state violence in Friedrichshain (Berlin)

This Saturday night, May 28, after a film screening, activists started digging a ditch across Liebig Street in Friedrichshain. The goal was to stop police cars and other undesirable traffic on this road, which builds the Dorfplatz at the crossing with Rigaer Street.
The ditch was the pretext for two Riot Police vans to take position on the spot. After a while, they suddenly attacked some neighbours, sitting in front of a house. In the same moment, more two units rushed in the street and tried an assault on houseprojekt Rigaer94. Crazy pigs started beating everbody they could grab. But very fast, neighbours and chaoten began throwing stones against officers.
Three more Riot Police vans arrived with high speed, but they could not handle on the small road. Stones were coming from everywhere, some pigs were neither able to leave their car nor were others to find a safe space on the street. This lead to a panic of this unit, their commanding van was damaged and escaped. Some vans tried to flee without their crew, others tried to carry away the arrested five people. In the end the helicopter arrived again and 65 cops had to leave the scene. This riot occured under the eyes of a MP from the Green Party whose daily walks in this street are tolerated because of some „democratic“ humour within the anarchist space.
Day after, the excitement in media is mad. The CDU chief is asking via newspaper and facebook the police to smoke out the residents of some houses. There are different reasons why residents in this neighbourhood show their rage angainst cops, for sure the gentrification and high police presence make people resisting. The new leftist-socialdemocrat regime of Berlin is going different ways than former government. This might be more dangerous because they try to integrate in cases their predecessor Home Secretary used harder methods. The last days proved, that in this area of Friedrichshain people gather, who know that every government is a murder and rapist and the pigs have not many friends.

Cop hit by stone



May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Carmiano (Lecce), Italy – Molotov against a company involved in the TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline) project

Carmiano (Lecce) – From the local media we learn of an attack on a company responsible for uprooting olive trees to facilitate the construction of the TAP gas pipeline.
An incendiary bottle was hurled inside the precinct of the company Mello Lucio in Carmiano, which had been engaged in the uprooting of 211 trees in the works area at San Basilio, San Foca.
Source: Lecceprima – 18th May 2017
Translated by act for freedom now!

May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Umbria, Italy – 25th April and 1st May: actions against supermarkets and exploitation

We receive from anonymous mail and spread:
25th April, first of May. For us there’s really nothing to celebrate. For us there will be no liberation as long as one boss is alive. Less than ever can we celebrate Mayday, which from the exploited (the workers?) celebration has become the exploiters’ celebration (Work Day).
But of course, to go and slave away while the State’s clowns and reformist spokespersons celebrate pisses us off a little. For this reason in the morning of 25th April in Foligno we attacked with simple means a Terranova shop that intended to celebrate liberation day with a 25% discount on 25th April… cheers!
We left graffiti 25TH APRIL NO LIBERATION UNTIL ONE BOSS IS ALIVE and superglue in the locks.
On 1st May we attacked Globo clothing store in Spoleto and left graffiti there MAYDAY I DON’T CELEBRATE I DON’T WORK I STRUGGLE and a similar action on the locks.
Translated by act for freedom now!

May 29, 2017
by actforfreedom

Olmeneta (Cremona), Italy – Molotov attack on Monsanto premises [16th April 2017]


From the local media of 18th April we learn of an attack carried out with 4 molotov bottles thrown against the premises of biotech multinational Monsanto in Olmeneta (Cremona). On a wall of the building was written: “Bayer Monsanto criminal marriage – No GM”.
Those responsible for the company mention damage of hundreds of thousands of euros: the fire destroyed equipment and the flames also struck the so-called ‘cold room’, where experimental seeds are stocked.
Translated by act for freedom now!

May 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

USA – Anarchist Prisoner Michael Kimble :‘Religion Used as a Recuperative and Pacification Program’

The ongoing recuperation and pacification program targeting rebellious prisoners here at Holman prison by the state and in collusion with outside religious ministries has prompted me to write about the absurdity of religion and the logic of submission it induces.
Most prisoners adopt some form of religious doctrine in the face of this unyielding onslaught against them by the criminal justice system in an attempt to make sense of the situation they find themselves in and in hopes that things will turn out in their favor, and as coping tools. Most have been socialized into religion before coming to prison, beginning as a small child. The pressures of poverty, oppression, and survival forced them to abandon ritualistic religion, but when they find themselves in prison, they revert back to their childhood religious instructions – that god has a purpose in life for them and to put their burdens in god’s hands because no one knows god’s design for the human being.
I’m called crazy for being a non-believer in god and religion, but I think it’s crazy to believe in religion and a god who is supposed to have created everything, knows everything even before it happens, is all powerful, all merciful, all compassionate and loving. Where’s the compassion from god towards creation and why punish your creation if you knew beforehand what your creation was going to do before they did it?

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May 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

This text is the introduction to a collection of texts about the case of the burned police car on the 18th of May 2016 in Paris.

This text is the introduction to a collection of texts about the case of the burned police car on the 18th of May 2016 in Paris. Amongst the people in prison, two of them were arrested at the end of May last year. They will soon appear in front of a judge deciding upon the prolongation, or not, of their preventive arrest.
March 2016, as a response to the announcement of another new law regulating the good workings of our exploitation, tens of thousands of people get into movement. Being one of the numerous expressions of this movement, the syndicalist demonstrations got out of control and the repression of these demos very fast became a point of focussing. The cops became one of the favourite target of the words and acts of the demonstrators, sometimes this became the goal of it all. However, it sparked beautiful acts of revolt. One of those acts, the burning of a cop car patrolling at the dock of Valmy in Paris has been filmed and highly mediatized. Various politicians and trade unions expressed themselves to demand the punishment of the guilty and the cops were asked to proceed towards rapid arrests. Repression didn’t get delayed.
On the 18th of May 2016, after more than two months of demos, square occupations, confrontations, attacks, the most reactionary amongst the cops decided to parade on the Republican Square, the same square on which they had impeached a permanent occupation, the square from which numerous demos and wild actions had departed, where they had received beautiful pavement stones into their face. A counter demo was called upon. After the attempt of disturbing the gathering, a wild demo takes place which crosses the path of a police car. It all happened really fast, a cone is thrown against the front window, the side windows are broken and the driver gets some punches. The cops try to leave but get blocked in traffic jam created by some barricades further down the road. So it goes that the car takes another plot in its window behind while another person throws a smoking bomb in the cabin. The driver gets out of the car, wards off the blows of a thin bar held by one of the demonstrators. The cops run away and a sign “roasted chicken (pigs SIC), free donation” is put in front of the burning car. The demo continues for some hundred meters more before dispersion.
 Some hours later, as well as the day after, 5 people get arrested, some of them in their homes. One of them is released later on while the other four are put under investigation and jailed for some days before passing in front of a judge of freedom and detention (JFD). Two of them, accused of secondary roles, are let free under judicial control (JC) and are banned from the Parisian region. Another one of them is accused of having beaten the cop while he left the car and is put into preventive arrest. The last one, accused of giving blows to the driver and of having thrown the cone against the back window gets released under JC until the public prosecutor sends the person to jail nine days later.

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May 28, 2017
by actforfreedom

Athens – CALL from GARE squat , TO THE BARRICADES: Open event and assembly Against the Police Occupation.

POSTER : Sunday 28/5 8 p.m. Exarchia Sq. – Monday 29/5 6 p.m. Polytechneio (Gini), OPEN ASSEMBLY against the police occupation


«Resistance of the neighborhood, memory and present»
with photo exhibition &
video projection
Sunday 28/5   8 p.m. Exarchia Sq.
Against the police occupation
Monday 29/5  6 p.m.  Polytechneio (Gini)
 Text in greek