- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 2092
The GNU Free Documentation License (GNU FDL or simply GFDL) is a copyleft license for free documentation, designed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for the GNU Project. It is similar to the GNU General Public License, giving readers the rights to copy, redistribute, and modify a work and requires all copies and derivatives to be available under the same license. Copies may also be sold commercially, but, if produced in larger quantities (greater than 100), the original document or source code must be made available to the work's recipient.
The GFDL was designed for manuals, textbooks, other reference and instructional materials, and documentation which often accompanies GNU software. However, it can be used for any text-based work, regardless of subject matter. For example, the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia uses the GFDL (coupled with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License) for all of its text.
The GFDL was released in draft form for feedback in September 1999. After revisions, version 1.1 was issued in March 2000, version 1.2 in November 2002, and version 1.3 in November 2008. The current state of the license is version 1.3.
El Niño /ɛl ˈniːnjoʊ/ (Spanish pronunciation: [el ˈniɲo]) is the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (commonly called ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific (between approximately the International Date Line and 120°W), including off the Pacific coast of South America. El Niño Southern Oscillation refers to the cycle of warm and cold temperatures, as measured by sea surface temperature, SST, of the tropical central and eastern Pacific Ocean. El Niño is accompanied by high air pressure in the western Pacific and low air pressure in the eastern Pacific. The cool phase of ENSO is called "La Niña" with SST in the eastern Pacific below average and air pressures high in the eastern and low in western Pacific. The ENSO cycle, both El Niño and La Niña, causes global changes of both temperatures and rainfall. Mechanisms that cause the oscillation remain under study.
Developing countries dependent upon agriculture and fishing, particularly those bordering the Pacific Ocean, are the most affected. In Spanish, the capitalized term "El Niño" refers to the Child Jesus, so named because the pool of warm water in the Pacific near South America is often at its warmest around Christmas. "La Niña", chosen as the 'opposite' of El Niño, literally translates to "the girl child".
So much fun at this year's G-Force Dance Legacy Company Photoshoot with some of the most wonderful young ladies and gentlemen in the world!!! S
Die 36 Hohen Räte des Lichts von der Galaktische Föderation des Lichts und ihr Vorsitzender haben festgestellt, daß die Lichtarbeiter noch immer dem Teufel dienen und dem Bösen ihr Herz öffnen, aber ihren Verstand geschlossen halten. Wer dem Bösen dient und Böses tut, kann nichts Gutes für sich selbst erwarten und wird es auch nicht mehr bekommen. Belohnungen und Geschenke wird es für die Lichtarbeiter nicht geben, ganz im Gegenteil ihnen wird Alles und Alle genommen. Wer sich nicht verdient macht, verdient nichts, dennn es hat keinen Wert, Perlen vor die Schweine zu werfen, denn sie sind für das Sein nutz- und wertlos.
Download link for HD version* - http://go.usa.gov/xYVEB (Right-Click and Save-As) Hindcast of the peak of the 2008 hurricane season, one of the most active on records, simulated by an FV3-powered GFDL model at 13-km resolution. FV3 improves representation of small-scale weather features such as hurricanes while maintaining the quality of large-scale global circulation. * HD video clip specs: 200 MB, MP4, JVT/ATC, 1920x1080, no audio
I am not the creator of this. I am merely sharing the video NOAA released via youtube. The GFDL CM2.6 climate model. This is NOT this year’s El Nino. When you start a climate model in which the ocean and the land and atmosphere can interact with each other, weather systems develop on their own. So do hurricanes and blizzards, and yes El Nino events happen as well. This El Nino happened naturally about 80+ years into the simulation. Models like this are used to estimate the effects of rising greenhouse gases on weather and climate, and they can be checked by starting the model a hundred years or more in the past with lower greenhouse gas levels, and then slowly bringing them up to the current level. The models do a good job of reproducing the temperature rise over the past century. Not my...
Interviews at GFDL after the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the IPCC and Al Gore.
Täglich fliegen unsere Lichtgeschwister aus Orion-, Sirius, Aldebaran-, Arkturus-, Plejaden-, Taurus- System u.s.w. in ihren Raumschiffen mit der ISS. So zeigen sie uns das Sie hier bei uns sind und Wir nicht mehr allein im Universum. Galaktischen Föderation des Lichts, Ashtar-Kommando Quelle: Johnson Space Center - NASA-ISS-isslivestream Die Geburt der Raumschiffe 19.8.2003- Unsere 'Fahrzeuge' sind lebende, organische Wesen. Wenn wir sie produzieren, nennen wir den abschließenden Vorgang 'Geburt', Sirianisch: 'Shapak'. Wenn ihr dessen mehr gewahr werdet, wie Bewusstsein alle Dinge in dieser Schöpfung umhüllt, werdet ihr ein besseres Verständnis für das bekommen, was wir euch gerade erzählt haben. Dieses physische Universum ist wirklich eine lebende, bewusste Wesenheit. Alles, was ihr er...