Greece: The ‘Metapolitefsi’ has legally ended

On Wednesday noon, August 24th [2011], Container squat in the University campus in Zografou, Ilissia district, has been invaded and evicted. The occupied container was smashed, and all items were removed and confiscated. Students from the occupied Refectory building at the Propylaea in downtown Athens called for a discussion–briefing at 9 pm regarding these developments.

Hours earlier, about 2,000 students demonstrated in central Athens while demonstrations also took place against the education reform bill in Thessaloniki, Heraklion (Crete) and Patras. Nevertheless, the Greek parliament voted in the education reform bill submitted by the minister of Education Anna Diamantopoulou which included some of the most sweeping changes the country’s educational system has seen in living memory.

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Thessaloniki (Greece): Delta squat threatened with eviction



In late July the Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki publicly announced its intention to offer the building in 13, Egnatia Street for hire, a building which has been occupied for four years.

After years of neglect, this space became through collective processes, from derelict and inaccessible building, a free and social project open to all. Its operation is based on equality and solidarity, against and away from every form of State or private management. Decisions are taken collectively and horizontally, based on our needs, wishes and possibilities. [Read More]

Hamburg (Germany): Access all areas… Solidarity with Rote Flora !


July 2011

Access all areas
International day of action against capitalist urban development and gentrification

Since the beginning of this year, the Rote Flora in Hamburg is threatened by sale and eviction due to the formal owner’s announcement to sell the property profitably. The project has originated in 1989 from the resistance against the intended musical theatre “Phantom of the Opera” in the Hamburg quarter Schanzenviertel. For more than 20 years, it was able to refuse agreements and political misappropriation and to represent a politically disturbing factor as an autonomous squatted centre. To this day, Flora is both the point of origin of demonstrations and political intervention and a non-commercial location for parties, events, self-help and a meeting place for political groups.

Defend Rote Flora!

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