New Internationalist


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Will Breitbart News' 'alt-right' news work in Germany?

The website has a huge following in the US, but anti hate speech laws may hinder its German success, explains Gouri Sharma.

Filed in: Germany Media

A word with Moby

The singer and musician talks to Graeme Green about fame, frustration and failing systems.

Filed in: Music

Southern Exposure: Sucheta Das

A sole story by Sucheta Das.

Filed in: Health India Photography

FiSahara: the world's most remote film festival

The festival offers refugees and international guests excitement and windows into forgotten worlds, writes Stefan Simanowitz.

Filed in: Film Western Sahara

Did the British Museum sell ‘Day of the Dead’ to BP?

New documents tell a damning story of an iconic museum, its oil sponsor and a rights-violating government. Chris Garrard reports.

Filed in: Art Mexico

Ken Loach on 'I, Daniel Blake': what happens when people leave the cinema?

The media present poverty as the fault of the poor, Ken Loach tells Malcolm Lewis in this interview.

Filed in: Class Film

The Lake Retba Murder (Le Meurtre au Lac Rose)

Roberto comes across a body in the lake and feels compelled to investigate – but all his lover Mireille seems to want is sex. Written by Efemia Chela.

Filed in: Fiction


The suicide of a Cuban immigrant to Florida calls up all kinds of phantoms for Anna, herself a migrant from the Czech Republic. By Ana Menéndez.

Filed in: Fiction


A young South Korean‘s attempts to avoid conscription by becoming obese cause uproar in his family. Written by Krys Lee.

Filed in: Fiction Korea, South

In The Garden

A eunuch scribe at the ancient Egyptian court in Alexandria witnesses a pivotal moment in the life of his young princess, Cleopatra. Written by FT Kola.

Filed in: Fiction

And finally... Toni Myers

Training astronauts to shoot film? All in a day’s work for the Canadian documentary filmmaker, writes Cristiana Moisescu.

Filed in: Film

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