- published: 03 Mar 2017
- views: 24783
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization which regulates international trade. The WTO officially commenced on 1 January 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement, signed by 123 nations on 15 April 1994, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. The WTO deals with regulation of trade between participating countries by providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements, which are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliaments. Most of the issues that the WTO focuses on derive from previous trade negotiations, especially from the Uruguay Round (1986–1994).
The WTO is attempting to complete negotiations on the Doha Development Round, which was launched in 2001 with an explicit focus on developing countries. As of June 2012, the future of the Doha Round remained uncertain: the work programme lists 21 subjects in which the original deadline of 1 January 2005 was missed, and the round is still incomplete. The conflict between free trade on industrial goods and services but retention of protectionism on farm subsidies to domestic agricultural sector (requested by developed countries) and the substantiation of fair trade on agricultural products (requested by developing countries) remain the major obstacles. This impasse has made it impossible to launch new WTO negotiations beyond the Doha Development Round. As a result, there have been an increasing number of bilateral free trade agreements between governments. As of July 2012, there were various negotiation groups in the WTO system for the current agricultural trade negotiation which is in the condition of stalemate.
World Trade may refer to:
A trade association, also known as an industry trade group, business association or sector association, is an organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry. An industry trade association participates in public relations activities such as advertising, education, political donations, lobbying and publishing, but its focus is collaboration between companies. Associations may offer other services, such as producing conferences, networking or charitable events or offering classes or educational materials. Many associations are non-profit organizations governed by bylaws and directed by officers who are also members.
In countries with a social market economy, the role of trade associations is often taken by employers' organizations, which also take a role in social dialogue.
One of the primary purposes of trade groups, particularly in the United States and to a similar but lesser extent elsewhere, is to attempt to influence public policy in a direction favorable to the group's members. This can take the form of contributions to the campaigns of political candidates and parties through Political Action Committees (PACs); contributions to "issue" campaigns not tied to a candidate or party; and lobbying legislators to support or oppose particular legislation. In addition, trade groups attempt to influence the activities of regulatory bodies.
You can watch the entire course - "All About The World Trade Organization for UPSC CSE Aspirants" here:- (in English) - https://goo.gl/r4RH21 & (in Hindi) - https://goo.gl/bYfkMn | Download the Unacademy Learning App from the Google Play Store here:- https://goo.gl/gVXsIl | Discuss the course with fellow aspirants here:- https://goo.gl/BQRk85 An extremely comprehensive lesson that gives you all the information you need about the World Trade Organisation (WTO). A must-watch lesson for all aspirants preparing for UPSC CSE 2017. For more lessons/courses on UPSC CSE Preparation, please visit:- https://unacademy.com/upsc-preparation/
更多精彩內容,請上WTO姐妹會粉絲團:http://goo.gl/8opgqV 播出日期:07月11日(二) 今日主題:【"火辣"女兒性感報到!!新住民爸媽凍未條?!】 德國爸爸對身材超執著 女兒當"模特兒"養?! "長度""緊度"不OK?! 美國媽媽很有意見?! 智利媽媽的阿嬤眼光 女兒硬買"它"唱反調!! 阿福化身"一日狗仔" 對女兒窮追不捨?! 忽視門禁拒當灰姑娘 美國媽媽拿女兒沒轍?! 一日經紀人超好當?! 媽媽超搶鏡冷落女兒?! 詐騙通告找上門 嚇!!女兒失聯6小時?! 背著媽媽穿舌環 吃飯竟吞了"它"加菜?!
更多精彩內容,請上WTO姐妹會粉絲團:http://goo.gl/8opgqV 播出日期:07月13日(四) 今日主題:【你的國家"罩"不"罩"?! 猜不透的排行榜...】 美國處處樹立敵人 護照通行度!!OUT!! 大馬護照超強的?! 隱藏超多世界第一?! 香港護照傲人之處 全世界都是我的?! 世界上僅此這本 "有減無增"的護照?! 護照顏色的秘密 日本身分全都露?! 香港製造"壓克力"護照 想要偽造!!難啊!! 以色列神秘卡片 出入境不留痕跡?! 過海關遇刁難!! 台灣"皮蛋"救一命!!
更多精彩內容,請上WTO姐妹會粉絲團:http://goo.gl/8opgqV 播出日期:07月17日(一) 今日主題:【"日韓港泰"搶破頭 旅遊天堂誰來當?!】 韓國旅遊吸睛之處 就是要讓你"抓不住"?! 韓國"飲品"讓人嗨 口味創新超百變 日本旅遊神推薦 反正就是..."真的好吃"?! 在地人來帶路 日本竟可以便宜玩?! 口袋不深玩樂法 泰國!!包君滿意!! 香港美食厲害之處 一切歸功"各國美食"?! 韓國魅力難以言喻 需要用"身體"去感受?! 泰國旅遊傲人之處 說到這!!誰能跟我比!!
Find 1500+ education videos available at http://www.youtube.com/user/IkenEdu In this video you will learn all about the WTO which stands for World Trade Organisation. You will learn about its role, objective and contribution to this business world. You will also learn about the achievements and impact of its functions on Indian economy. Watch the full video to understand everything. Share your feedback with us!
更多精彩內容,請上WTO姐妹會粉絲團:http://goo.gl/8opgqV 播出日期:07月10日(一) 今日主題:【令人"崩潰"台灣特色?! 新住民不吐不快?!】 各國看台灣特色 "這件事"最可怕?! 傳統汽水氣味特別?! "這國人"喝完想打人?! 台灣"水果"大挑戰?! 外國人"吐血"喊驚驚?! 台灣人裝熟超失敗?! 那三牛破解有妙招?! 台灣雨傘揚名國際?! 出國"全副武裝"超好認?! 韓國人好傻好天真?! 生湯圓當冰淇淋猛嗑?! 美國人挺台灣Style?! 不忘推薦"美國貨"?! "中東人"行為難理解?! "無秩序"讓"這國人"崩潰?!
The member states of the WTO are responsible for more than 95% of world trade. How does the World Trade Organization work? Transcript and images: http://explainedwithmaps.com/world-trade-organization/
更多精彩內容,請上WTO姐妹會粉絲團:http://goo.gl/8opgqV 播出日期:07月05日(三) 今日主題:【踢爆男人心中的天使 日本女人大解密!!】 日本女人一開口 男人們!!沒轍啦!! 日本女人合不合格 "吃魚技術"定生死?! 日本女人的"價值" 全靠"說話"來斷定?! 日本女人的潛規則 "退三步"的美德?! 日本阿嬤的堅持... 就是要假"妝"一輩子?! 日本女人打扮有玄機?! "家住哪裡"一目了然?! "打招呼"的秘密 關東關西大不同?! 日本女孩的流行時尚 "這根棒子"紅翻啦!!
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Ministers from 159 countries have reached a deal intended to boost global trade at a meeting in Bali, Indonesia. The World Trade Organization's first comprehensive agreement involves an effort to simplify the procedures for doing business across borders.
Andres Cabrera, tour guide to Spain & Iberian Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube The Iberians were a set of peoples that Greek and Roman sources (among others, Hecataeus of Miletus, Avienus, Herodotus and Strabo) identified with that name in the eastern and southern coasts of the Iberian peninsula, at least from the 6th century BC. The Roman sources also use the term Hispani to refer to the Iberians. The term Iberian, as used by the ancient authors, had two distinct meanings. One, more general, referred to all the populations of the Iberian peninsula without regard to ethnic differences (Pre-Indo-European, Celts and non-Celtic Indo-Europeans, such as the Lusitanians). The other, more restricted ethnic sense, refers to the p...
In which John Green teaches you about globalization, a subject so epic, so, um, global, it requires two videos. In this video, John follows the surprisingly complex path of t-shirt as it criss-crosses the world before coming to rest on your doorstep, and eventually in your dresser. (Unless you're one of those people who never puts their laundry away and lives out of a laundry basket. If that's the case, shame on you.) Anyway, the story of the t-shirt and its manufacture in far-flung places like China, Guatemala, and India is a microcosm of what's going on in the global economy. Globalization is a bit of a mixed bag, and there have definitely been winners and losers along the way. In this episode John will talk about some of the benefits that have come along with it. Next week, he'll get in...
The World trade Organization is in Switzerland. Geneve, the city that its located in is the French speaking area of the Country. The WTO is essentially responsible for the proper regulation of world trade.
Cambridge University economist Ha-Joon Chang visited Google's Cambridge, MA office to discuss his new book, "Economics: The User's Guide". In his bestselling 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism, Dr. Chang debunked many of the predominant myths of neoclassical economics. Now, in an entertaining and accessible primer, he explains how the global economy actually works—in real-world terms. Writing with irreverent wit, a deep knowledge of history, and a disregard for conventional economic pieties, he offers insights that will never be found in textbooks. Ha-Joon Chang teaches in the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge University. His books include the international bestseller "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism", "Kicking Away the Ladder", win...
Everything you need to know to get ahead in candy trading. Everything. Music: Hoedown (Insturmental) http://soundcloud.com/jj_stuart A guide to trading candy. Trading candy is a skill that can greatly improve the quality of your candy stash. However be warned there are rules and regulations. Watch this video to hone your candy trading skills. More links : www.buzzfeed.com www.buzzfeed.com/video www.youtube.com/buzzfeed www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow www.youtube.com/cnnbuzzfeed BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, edgy, interesting videos from theBuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and t...
http://www.wto.org/ 21.07.09 Trade in food products helps raise incomes. But to enjoy the full benefit, countries have to meet food safety and health standards. Stories from Belize show how some are rising to the challenge. A film by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF). More on standards and safety: http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/agrm4_e.htm More documentaries and short films on this channel: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=5C69ECAC23EED93E
Yemen deposited its "Instrument of Acceptance" on 27 May 2014 with Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, confirming its membership terms. According to WTO rules, Yemen will become a full-fledged member on 26 June 2014.
한국 세계10대 무역국중 수츨증가세 최고 Despite the uncertainty the finance minister has cited,... the Korean economy is sailing smoothly at least for now... thanks to improving global demand. The country saw its outbound shipments rise at the fastest pace among ten major exporting nations in the first two months of this year. Data from the World Trade Organization shows... that Korea's exports shot up over 15 percent in January to February period from a year earlier... to 83-and-a-half billion U.S. dollars. This is sharply higher than the average nine percent rise of all 71 nations surveyed... and the four percent rise seen in China, the world's largest exporter. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(NEWS): http://www.facebook.com/newsarirang Homepage: http://www.arirang.com Facebook: http://w...
[Lil' Mo]
Tupac and Lil' Mo, hmm, how gangsta is that?
Hehe.. ooooh-oooh, ooooh-oooh, ooooh-oooh
[Mo keeps harmonizing in the background]
One two.. to a nigga nature, haha..
No need to cry now, go wipe your tears, be a woman
Why you actin surprised? You saw the bullshit
Comin fake hair, fake nails, fake eyes too
So why you, bound to fuck wit fake guys too
Aint nothin' hard about it why you lookin sad? Shoulda though about it
Say you learned, I truly doubt it
I guess you got a problem with affection, kinda loose with the love
Gettin freaky with the thug niggaz up in the club
Ask to buy you a drink, you holla Dom Perignon
Knowin I'm a cash getter still I, remain calm
Let you chill with me; plus you was smilin 'til the bill miss me
That's what you get for tryin to dick me
Missed me with that "Buy me this, buy me that" syndrome shit
Bitch get a job if you wanna be rich
Gettin mad cause I cursed and I scream I hate'cha
Introduced you to a nigga nature, feel me?
[Chorus: Lil' Mo]
Kissed the girls, made them cry
Thuggin life, and gettin high
Why you gangsta, all the time?
That's a thug's nature
Though sometimes, I can deal with it
I realize, that I'm feelin it
It's a love and hate relationship
but that's a thug's nature
[add to line four of Chorus first time:] "That's a nigga nature"
I'm probably too nice at first, I let you kiss me where it hurts
Me and you gettin busy, slingin dick in the dirt
Met you at a pool party it was cool to kick it
See us, tounge-kissin, you was truly with it
Little ecstacy, Hennesey, mix with me
Picture me pay for pussy when the dick's for free
Hey now, where my niggaz at? Tell these hoes
Before I pay; I jerk off, word to Moses
Visions of you sittin there sweaty and wet
Pointin to the places that you want me to hit
Give me room all up in the womb, call the cops
Nigga, hittin walls 'til them bastard drop
Label me Makaveli - thug nigga with bite
Livin life like a rock star's Friday night
Make money, get pussy, always keep a pager
Cell phone in the ride to complete my nature now!
Haha.. started as a seed from the semen; straight outta papa's nuts
Lustin for creamin - bitches with big butts
Curves make a nigga cry, tits and shit
When I'm locked down beggin you for porno flicks
Sneak weed in, help a nigga pass the time
Put my name tattoo'd so that ass is mine
Tell everybody; 'Pac put it down for good
A local legend through the whole hood, follow me
I got a gun on me, goin for none on the run baby
You know a nigga need some, is my son crazy?
Why I cry, when I be thuggin til I die
Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly
Got me missin dead homies wishin phonies would die
Hit the weed and hope it get me high; dear God
Understand my ways, livin major
Blessed with a thug's heart.. and a real live nigga nature
[add to line four of Chorus:] "That's a nigga nature"
[add to line eight of Chorus:] "Cause that's a nigga nature"
[add to line four of Chorus:] "Hey, just be a nigga nature"
[add to line eight of Chorus:] "Cause that's a nigga nature"
[2Pac] It ain't my fault
[Lil' Mo] Hehe, Q.D., where you be? Ahh
[2Pac] Don't blame me blame my momma, a nigga nature
[Lil' Mo]
QDIII, and Lil' Mo
Tupac, puttin it down fo' sho' ("Cause that's a nigga nature")
I realize, that I'm feelin it
Cause that's a thug nature
Though sometimes I can deal with it
I realize, I'm feelin it
Love and hate, relationship
Cause that's a thug's nature ("Cause that's a nigga nature")
Yeah yeah yeah.. yeah yeah yeah..
Yeahhh yeah.. and that's a thug's nature
Where you at? Holla