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Queensland police numbers boosted in face of increasingly complex terrorism threat

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The Queensland Police Service is reviewing whether officers have the right skills to deal with the increasingly complex terrorism threat.

Police Commissioner Ian Stewart said the review would look at whether the QPS structure was suitable and whether police had the skills to deal with terrorism.

"We'll be looking at not just the Lindt review report but what's happened in Victoria just in the last week or so, all of that and internationally, we reach out to our international partners to look at what's occurring there because terrorism is borderless," he said.

"The only reason that I think I need a formal review at this moment around terrorism is because it's becoming so important to us as part of the national environment that we're all facing right now and I just want to make sure that we're up with world best."

Mr Stewart said he hoped to deliver the report to the Queensland government in a couple of weeks.

The government has announced $108.6 million over four years for 30 new counter terrorism police and 20 frontline officers.


The officers will be stationed at "areas of high need" across Queensland.

It will take the total size of the Queensland Police Service to 11,900 officers.

Mr Stewart said he requested the extra officers to help the QPS deal with the "ever growing threat of terrorism".

"We're seeing terrorism evolve very, very quickly, we've always known that terrorists look, just as we do to the environment and then we adjust," he said.

"We need to make sure that we're ahead of them and that's why we need extra staff, particularly trained and focused on terrorism."

Mr Stewart said de-radicalisation and diversionary programs were critical to prevent people becoming terrorists, in additional to intelligence.

"Police necessarily play a very strong role in those areas," he said.

Next week's budget will also include $46.7 million over three years for a new counter terrorism facility at Wacol, known as Westgate, which will include indoor firearms ranges, a scenario village and specialist training areas.

The 140 hectare site will also generate more than 130 jobs during construction.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said she was determined to do everything possible to support police.

"In light of what has been happening around the world and most recently in other states, I need to ensure that the police service has the best resources that it needs to be able to respond to issues as they arise," she said.