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Unit: març de 2010


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  1. fa 7 hores

    having its warmest November night in 94 years (it needs to stay above 25.6C until 9am)

  2. 24 nov.

    is forecast to reach or exceed 25 degrees for the next seven days, which hasn't happened during November since 1968. More details:

  3. 23 nov.

    As of today, has experienced its first six day spell of November days above 26 degrees on record. Data is available back to the late 1800s. It's also the first time this has happened in any month since 1990.

  4. 22 nov.

    There have been more than 500 lightning strikes within a 100km radius of since yesterday afternoon. Image: Adelaide last night by Brenton Rogers.

  5. 22 nov.

    Melbourne is on track to register its first eight day spell of November days above 28 degrees on record:

  6. 22 nov.

    This morning's sea fog over Port Phillip Bay is burning off as the day warms up.

  7. 21 nov.
  8. 21 nov.

    If the temperature in remains above 23.5 degrees tonight, it will be only the second time in 130 years of records that the city has stayed warmer than this for three consecutive nights during spring. More here:

  9. 21 nov.

    The temperature in last night was still 29 degrees at midnight. This is warmer than any day in during the last two weeks and any day in so far this month.

  10. 20 nov.

    One year on from a tragic thunderstorm asthma event in that resulted in 9 deaths, we take a look at what thunderstorm asthma is and whether an event like this could happen again in the future:

  11. 20 nov.

    is on track to have its first seven day spell of November days at or above 28 degrees on record, with data available back to 1855.

  12. 19 nov.

    is on track to register six consecutive days on or above 27 degrees. This hasn't happened during any month since 1890 and in November for 136 years. Hobart's average maximum at this time of year is 19 degrees.

  13. 19 nov.
  14. 17 nov.

    Hail at Gungahlin in the ACT this afternoon. Video: Angela Skellams

  15. 17 nov.

    Large hail at Dargan from this afternoon's severe thunderstorms in the Blue Mountains. Photo: Kate Blackwell

  16. 17 nov.

    Thunderstorms moving over from the north. Latest radar:

  17. 17 nov.

    Severe thunderstorms are moving over the Blue Mountains and could affect this afternoon. Check the latest radar here:

  18. 17 nov.

    A fast-moving storm is moving over 's western suburbs as another cell approaches from the northeast. Latest radar:

  19. 16 nov.

    One of the 114,000 lightning strikes that were detected within a 100km radius of Forbes, NSW on Thursday afternoon/night. Image: Andrew Barrass

  20. 16 nov.

    There were reports of a tornado near Lockhart in NSW from this supercell thunderstorm on Thursday evening.

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