- published: 26 May 2016
- views: 8609
In vascular plants, the root is the organ of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil. However, roots can also be aerial or aerating (growing up above the ground or especially above water). Furthermore, a stem normally occurring below ground is not exceptional either (see rhizome). Therefore, the root is best defined as the non-leaf, non-nodes bearing parts of the plant's body. However, important internal structural differences between stems and roots exist.
The first root that comes from a plant is called the radicle. The four major functions of roots are 1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, 2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground, and supporting it, 3) storage of food and nutrients, 4) vegetative reproduction. In response to the concentration of nutrients, roots also synthesise cytokinin, which acts as a signal as to how fast the shoots can grow. Roots often function in storage of food and nutrients. The roots of most vascular plant species enter into symbiosis with certain fungi to form mycorrhizae, and a large range of other organisms including bacteria also closely associate with roots.
In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height. Trees are not a taxonomic group but include a variety of plant species that have independently evolved a woody trunk and branches as a way to tower above other plants to compete for sunlight. In looser senses, the taller palms, the tree ferns, bananas and bamboos are also trees. Trees tend to be long-lived, some reaching several thousand years old. The tallest known tree, a coast redwood named Hyperion, stands 115.6 m (379 ft) high. Trees have been in existence for 370 million years. It is estimated that there are just over 3 trillion mature trees in the world.
A tree typically has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground by the trunk. This trunk typically contains woody tissue for strength, and vascular tissue to carry materials from one part of the tree to another. For most trees it is surrounded by a layer of bark which serves as a protective barrier. Below the ground, the roots branch and spread out widely; they serve to anchor the tree and extract moisture and nutrients from the soil. Above ground, the branches divide into smaller branches and shoots. The shoots typically bear leaves, which capture light energy and convert it into sugars by photosynthesis, providing the food for the tree's growth and development. Flowers and fruit may also be present, but some trees, such as conifers, instead have pollen cones and seed cones; others, such as tree ferns, produce spores instead.
Tree Roots is an oil painting by Vincent van Gogh that he painted in July 1890 when he lived in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. The painting is an example of the double-square canvases that he employed in his last landscapes.
Van Gogh spent the last few months of his life in Auvers-sur-Oise, a small town just north of Paris, after he left an asylum at Saint-Rémy in May 1890. The painting is considered by some to be his last painting before his death late July 1890.
Jan Hulsker considers it the most original of his double-square canvases. The viewer thinks he can identify tree roots and trunks, but is hard put to identify the subject as a whole. Van der Veen and Knapp comment that in this painting, as also in Undergrowth with Two Figures, the painting itself and not the subject is pre-eminent, heralding abstract painting and German expressionism.
As far back as 1882, while at The Hague, van Gogh had made a study of tree roots, Study of a Tree (below), which he had completed at the same time as a larger version (now lost) of Sorrow. In a letter to his brother Theo, van Gogh said that he wanted to express something of life's struggle in these drawings. It is not known whether he had returned to the same thoughts with his 1890 Tree Roots. The letters give no hint and the colours are perhaps too bright for such sombre thoughts.
Tree Roots Can Move Small Retaining Walls - Landscaping Design Tips
How to remove tree roots from your lawn
Skeleton Of Medieval Teenager Found In Tree Roots Ripped Up By Storm
Root Systems Basics
Tree roots going into Our House Foundation
How to Cover Exposed Tree Roots : Tree Trimming & Care
Tree Root Coffee Table Disaster....................... DSNERV
Parachutes - Tree Roots (full album)
Parachutes play Tree Roots Turn To Forts in Alex's lounge room
5 o'clock | Away The Ways
http://www.homebuildingandrepairs.com/landscaping/index.html Click on this link for more information about landscaping, design and repairs. I've seen this happen plenty of times, but this video isn't for me, it's for those who haven't or are thinking about planting trees next to a retaining wall. I've seen tree roots raise small and large retaining walls and force them to move and crack, often creating problems for property owners as trees grow and become larger.
A recent storm in Ireland resulted in a tree getting ripped from the ground and locals found a skeleton wrapped up in the roots. A recent storm in Ireland not only ripped a tree from the ground, but revealed a rather surprising discovery. While inspecting the unearthed roots, locals found the upper part of a skeleton wrapped up in them. Archaeologists arrived on the scene not long after and determined the bones were those of a male teenager who lived during the Middle Ages. Specifics about that person’s precise cause of death are unknown, but experts are certain the youth’s death was a violent one, perhaps occurring while in battle or in the midst of a personal conflict. Either way, both the hands and ribs showed evidence of injury. The burial has been described as a proper ...
RootMaker® Root Systems Basics Slideshow Presentation http://www.rootmaker.com Our root pruning containers create fibrous root systems using Air (RootMaker®, RootBuilder® plastic pots), Constriction (Knit fabric tree bags), or Trapping (RootTrapper®) from propagation to large trees. Our products are designed to promote root branching and new roots at every phase of nursery production, whether above-ground, in-ground, or even in-pot. This results in a root system that has a greater surface area than conventional production, and therefore achieves greater efficiency in the absorption of water and nutrients, an increase in growth rate, establishment, transplant survivability, and ultimately, superior performance for your customers.
For more information: http://www.7activestudio.com info@7activestudio.com http://www.7activemedical.com/ info@7activemedical.com http://www.sciencetuts.com/ 7activestudio@gmail.com Contact: +91- 9700061777, 040-64501777 / 65864777 7 Active Technology Solutions Pvt.Ltd. is an educational 3D digital content provider for K-12. We also customise the content as per your requirement for companies platform providers colleges etc . 7 Active driving force "The Joy of Happy Learning" -- is what makes difference from other digital content providers. We consider Student needs, Lecturer needs and College needs in designing the 3D & 2D Animated Video Lectures. We are carrying a huge 3D Digital Library ready to use. ROOT SYSTEM:The underground part of the plant...
Our house in Clearwater, Florida. The tree belongs to a neighbor, not us and is right across the fence. We think it is a Chinaberry tree which I heard is a weed. There is a lot more digging to be done and cutting on the other side of the porch before we can drill out the root and fill with cement and then have a new porch poured. To me that root doesn't even look like a root, but looks like a branch that just came from the tree and went down.
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowgarden Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehowgarden Covering exposed tree roots is something that you might need to do in wet or swampy conditions, among other situations. Cover exposed tree roots with help from a professional with the Davey Tree Expert Company in this free video clip. Expert: RJ Laverne Contact: www.davey.com/ Bio: Davey expert and urban forester, RJ Laverne, knows that trees matter. Filmmaker: Pasquale Iacovone Series Description: Choosing the right type of tree and caring for it properly is a great way to create what is known as an impact statement in and around your yard. Get tips on trimming various types of trees with help from a professional with the Davey Tree Expert Company in this free vi...
OK so I have spent to much time and given myself far to many hand blisters sawing through this root to give up on it now. The original plan was to create a circular coffee table with a glass top but things have changed and now I need your suggestions on what I should do to salvage the root and get it into a working project. Sometimes things like this happen for a reason so lets try and create something cool out of this disaster.
This is the easiest way l have found to remove a tree stump by hand.
Parachutes play Tree Roots Turn To Forts in Alex's lounge room. This is the second in a three part session the band recorded for the Iceland Airwaves Podcast. Shot and edited by Stuart Rogers with sound by Alex Somers.
The sights and sounds of recent travels through California, New York state, and Massachusetts. Music ~ "Corridor" by Podington Bear (used under Creative Commons: http://podingtonbear.com/) & "Tree Roots Turn to Forts" by Parachutes (used with permission: myspace.com/parachutesmakesongs) Filmed entirely handheld with a rebel T3i ~ Summer 2013. Companion video: https://vimeo.com/80989207
Imagine tree's roots spreading through the body of decedent where the clay serves as the reservoir of life, energy and human spirit which is transformed into leaves and flesh of the tree.
There's a universe of harmony and energy, symbolized by a tree, "rooted in peace". The chicks know it but they still don't know the word "peace", Mum Least Flycatcher teaches them. Never give up, it is never too late: "take one step back and say there's a better way". "Don't want to be afraid Hard not to hesitate But we can't wait To be the change It's not too late Free from hate Think of the future that we could create Face the facts today There's a better way Take one step back and say There's a better way Like a tree Rooted in peace In peace, in peace" In peace ! "In Peace (reprise)" by Lasswell (feat. Snowflake) http://ccmixter.org/files/lazztunes07/34273 is licensed under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
First shots taken with new Canon 7D! Music: Parachutes - Tree roots turn to forts
An animation of tree with roots based on the simulation of fluid flow through porous media codes. Created by Maciej Matyka (maq / floppy, www.matyka.pl), it has been later refactored and put into the 'Crush' (Anadune & Floppy) demo which won Breakpoint 2009 demoscene party. The whole demo can be downloaded here: http://panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/floppy/x-crush_and_flp.zip and captured here: (@todo: put you tube link here).
http://www.homebuildingandrepairs.com/landscaping/index.html Click on this link for more information about landscaping, design and repairs. I've seen this happen plenty of times, but this video isn't for me, it's for those who haven't or are thinking about planting trees next to a retaining wall. I've seen tree roots raise small and large retaining walls and force them to move and crack, often creating problems for property owners as trees grow and become larger.
A recent storm in Ireland resulted in a tree getting ripped from the ground and locals found a skeleton wrapped up in the roots. A recent storm in Ireland not only ripped a tree from the ground, but revealed a rather surprising discovery. While inspecting the unearthed roots, locals found the upper part of a skeleton wrapped up in them. Archaeologists arrived on the scene not long after and determined the bones were those of a male teenager who lived during the Middle Ages. Specifics about that person’s precise cause of death are unknown, but experts are certain the youth’s death was a violent one, perhaps occurring while in battle or in the midst of a personal conflict. Either way, both the hands and ribs showed evidence of injury. The burial has been described as a proper ...
RootMaker® Root Systems Basics Slideshow Presentation http://www.rootmaker.com Our root pruning containers create fibrous root systems using Air (RootMaker®, RootBuilder® plastic pots), Constriction (Knit fabric tree bags), or Trapping (RootTrapper®) from propagation to large trees. Our products are designed to promote root branching and new roots at every phase of nursery production, whether above-ground, in-ground, or even in-pot. This results in a root system that has a greater surface area than conventional production, and therefore achieves greater efficiency in the absorption of water and nutrients, an increase in growth rate, establishment, transplant survivability, and ultimately, superior performance for your customers.
For more information: http://www.7activestudio.com info@7activestudio.com http://www.7activemedical.com/ info@7activemedical.com http://www.sciencetuts.com/ 7activestudio@gmail.com Contact: +91- 9700061777, 040-64501777 / 65864777 7 Active Technology Solutions Pvt.Ltd. is an educational 3D digital content provider for K-12. We also customise the content as per your requirement for companies platform providers colleges etc . 7 Active driving force "The Joy of Happy Learning" -- is what makes difference from other digital content providers. We consider Student needs, Lecturer needs and College needs in designing the 3D & 2D Animated Video Lectures. We are carrying a huge 3D Digital Library ready to use. ROOT SYSTEM:The underground part of the plant...
Our house in Clearwater, Florida. The tree belongs to a neighbor, not us and is right across the fence. We think it is a Chinaberry tree which I heard is a weed. There is a lot more digging to be done and cutting on the other side of the porch before we can drill out the root and fill with cement and then have a new porch poured. To me that root doesn't even look like a root, but looks like a branch that just came from the tree and went down.
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowgarden Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehowgarden Covering exposed tree roots is something that you might need to do in wet or swampy conditions, among other situations. Cover exposed tree roots with help from a professional with the Davey Tree Expert Company in this free video clip. Expert: RJ Laverne Contact: www.davey.com/ Bio: Davey expert and urban forester, RJ Laverne, knows that trees matter. Filmmaker: Pasquale Iacovone Series Description: Choosing the right type of tree and caring for it properly is a great way to create what is known as an impact statement in and around your yard. Get tips on trimming various types of trees with help from a professional with the Davey Tree Expert Company in this free vi...
OK so I have spent to much time and given myself far to many hand blisters sawing through this root to give up on it now. The original plan was to create a circular coffee table with a glass top but things have changed and now I need your suggestions on what I should do to salvage the root and get it into a working project. Sometimes things like this happen for a reason so lets try and create something cool out of this disaster.
This is the easiest way l have found to remove a tree stump by hand.
Parachutes play Tree Roots Turn To Forts in Alex's lounge room. This is the second in a three part session the band recorded for the Iceland Airwaves Podcast. Shot and edited by Stuart Rogers with sound by Alex Somers.
The sights and sounds of recent travels through California, New York state, and Massachusetts. Music ~ "Corridor" by Podington Bear (used under Creative Commons: http://podingtonbear.com/) & "Tree Roots Turn to Forts" by Parachutes (used with permission: myspace.com/parachutesmakesongs) Filmed entirely handheld with a rebel T3i ~ Summer 2013. Companion video: https://vimeo.com/80989207
Imagine tree's roots spreading through the body of decedent where the clay serves as the reservoir of life, energy and human spirit which is transformed into leaves and flesh of the tree.
There's a universe of harmony and energy, symbolized by a tree, "rooted in peace". The chicks know it but they still don't know the word "peace", Mum Least Flycatcher teaches them. Never give up, it is never too late: "take one step back and say there's a better way". "Don't want to be afraid Hard not to hesitate But we can't wait To be the change It's not too late Free from hate Think of the future that we could create Face the facts today There's a better way Take one step back and say There's a better way Like a tree Rooted in peace In peace, in peace" In peace ! "In Peace (reprise)" by Lasswell (feat. Snowflake) http://ccmixter.org/files/lazztunes07/34273 is licensed under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
First shots taken with new Canon 7D! Music: Parachutes - Tree roots turn to forts
An animation of tree with roots based on the simulation of fluid flow through porous media codes. Created by Maciej Matyka (maq / floppy, www.matyka.pl), it has been later refactored and put into the 'Crush' (Anadune & Floppy) demo which won Breakpoint 2009 demoscene party. The whole demo can be downloaded here: http://panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/floppy/x-crush_and_flp.zip and captured here: (@todo: put you tube link here).
I don't own the rights to this album. All the rights belong to the owner of the album and I'm not profiting by publishing. 1. "Names" - 0:00 2. "A Pound of Flesh" - 1:16 3. "Family Portrait" - 4:51 4. "Black Eyes" - 9:31 5. "Severus and Stone" - 14:15 6. "The Moon Is Down" - 18:47 7. "Ghost Towns" - 22:05 8. "Kin" - 25:58 9. "The Dead Waltz" - 30:02 10. "Always Gold" - 35:25 11. "Mountains" - 41:20 12. "All Is Well (It's Only Blood)" - 46:10 13. "All Is Well (Goodbye, Goodbye" - 48:51 14. - "We're On Our Way" - 53:02 Radical Face - Ghost (2007): https://youtu.be/LwCxRNmFMGA
We hope you enjoyed this drawing lesson! Do YOU Want to draw MORE with Mr. Mark? Subscribe to this channel and click "playlists", so you can choose your next Mark Kistler drawing lesson! Or watch Mr. Mark time lapse draw some cool pencil commissions! Or watch Mr. Mark drawing his world famous "Secret City Mural!" THANK-YOU for SUBSCRIBING to Mark Kistler's YouTube Channel! Interested in joining Mr. Marks Mighty Art Mondays LIVE Webcasts? Mondays 10:00am CST for ages 5-8 (Mini-Marshmallow Lesson), 11:15am CST for ages 8-108 intermediate/advanced lessons. Sign-up TODAY https://markkistlerlive.com/index.php/membership-paypal-payment-selection/ Check out www.draw3d.com over 300 Mark Kistler lessons! Download the companion Ebook FREE ($29 value)! Purchase a 1-year membership for only $...
I took my Bushcraft Gear for a solo overnight camp in the Tree Root survival shelter, made some mods to it and setup a fire to cook and keep warm. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taoutdoorofficial/ 5% Discount! Coupon Code: THRUNITE, For Official Website Only http://www.thrunite.com Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/thrunite Amazon UK.: http://amazon.co.uk/shops/A2DUUB2J3TY3X1 Amazon DE: http://amazon.de/shops/A2DUUB2J3TY3X1 Handmade Kuksa - https://www.facebook.com/whiteheadcustomcrafts/ More Bushcraft Videos videos: Solo Overnight in the Bushcraft Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7jikEUXTGc&t;=7s BUSHCRAFT PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR BUSHCRAFT GEAR I USE: My Backpack: Swedish LK35 Second Backpack: http://amzn.to/2i9...
The Great Tree Roots Of Know(the)Ledge Of SELF!!! Exposing all the lies and deceptions in today's popular beliefs with the scorching TRUTH; which will elevate YOU to new heights of awareness, raysun (rea-son, rays and or real sun = Light guidance through the darkness of ignorance...), perception, innerstanding, understanding, equalstanding, overstanding and outerstanding... Leading YOU to the TRUE PATH OF WISDOM!!! THE FIRE OF TRUTH!!! The Narrow way to LIFE!!! Its all about That Wholistic LIFESTYLE as nature intended my friends!!! Like (Thumbs Up), comment and share so others can elevate themselves and others in their ciphers as well in right knowledge wisdom and sound right ray sunning... YT Channel = More Featured Content and Channel Links For YOUR GROWTH AND ELEVATION WHOLISTICALLY:...
This is a video of my storm soloing the tree roots of moros. This is a 4v1 fight, and idk why but 208 block is pretty weak when fighting them lol. this is my first video after a long time and yea lol. *Music Disclaimer* ---------------------------- I did not create and do not own these songs in the video. I am not gaining profit from these songs. I am using the music for entertainment purposes only. I am not monetizing this video. All rights are reserved for the respective content owners. This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is (1) non-commercial, (2) transformative in nature, (3) uses no more of the original work than necessary for the video's purpose, and (4) does not compete with the original work and could have no negative affect on its market.
I've never made a tutorial so far, I tried doing this following the request of some people that had seen my "Tree Cinema4D XFrog Test" video. I tried to remake a tree similar to what I had already done, but more quickly, just to show the steps, In fact, here I've made the roots duplicating a branch, to save time, while in the tree of the video "Tree Cinema4D XFrog Test" each branch of the roots is different. The moments of pause, and the strange movements of the cursor, in the first part, are due to the fact that I made some printed sheets with parameters as a reference, obtained from a test I had done previously, and so I stopped me to look at the sheets ;). Moreover I'm accustomed to using C4D in Italian, and with english interface, I was a little disoriented when I opened the menus. I...
Dr. Mike Kuhns walks the audience through the steps required to create healthy root systems. These root systems are an essential to creating and maintaining healthy urban trees.
A tutorial for beginners made by a beginner. the introduction of writing out a tree . You can download the demo files here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxVDBHINuq82eVA5Z1VJYmJsVEk/view?usp=sharing
Building an HO size deciduous scale tree from preserved roots. www.thescenicfactory.com
I know you heard that slob shit
if you slob throw it up
I heard my nigga from Hillside Entertainment say,
"Fuck that shit. BK all day every day" haha
Ayo T. Lo I don't think they ready for this one man
I'ma bout to yell at these niggas on this track nigga
Let's go. Yea.
If you crip throw it up (x5)
Feel the mother fuckin flames
If you crip throw it up (x3)
I'm the darkest part of Satan
C's up B's Down (x3)
B's upside down
Feel the mother fuckin flames
C's B's down (x2)
B's up yea right. B's upside down.
I'm the darkest part of Satan.
If you Crip throw it up If you a slob you get jumped
by them niggas in the booth waiting for you with the pump.
Crips always stay real while them slobs gettin killed.
Walkin in them dark alleys slobs get they brains spilled.
6 poppin 5 droppin I stay Crippin on my block
If you perpatrate the color you get hit hard with gloc
Show no love to the five so I step it up to 6
Bring a blood and a Crip together they don't mix
Fuck you myspace bloods you ain't nothin but a bitch
If I catch you out the club I'ma empty 5 clips
Showin love to the cuz. So nigga do ya job.
Like 3 6 I got these slobs on my knob.
These fuckin slobs is hatin and niggas perpatratin
And why you demonstratin, I'm burnin shit like Satan.
Kill you in my basement, beat ya fuckin face it.
I told you who I'm masin, I'm killin shit like Jason.
If you crip throw it up (x5)
Feel the mother fuckin flames
If you crip throw it up (x3)
I'm the darkest part of Satan
C's up B's Down (x3)
B's upside down
Feel the mother fuckin flames
C's B's down (x2)
B's up yea right. B's upside down.
I'm the darkest part of Satan.
If you crip throw it up (x5)
Feel the mother fuckin flames
If you crip throw it up (x3)
I'm the darkest part of Satan
C's up B's Down (x3)
B's upside down
Feel the mother fuckin flames
C's B's down (x2)
B's up yea right. B's upside down.
I'm the darkest part of Satan.
If you crip throw it up (x5)
Feel the mother fuckin flames
If you crip throw it up (x3)
I'm the darkest part of Satan
C's up B's Down (x3)
B's upside down
Feel the mother fuckin flames
C's B's down (x2)
B's up yea right. B's upside down.
I'm the darkest part of Satan.
Feel the mother fuckin flames,
I'm the darkest part of Satan.
Feel the mother fuckin flames,