- published: 12 Nov 2016
- views: 619640
Indre (French pronunciation: [ɛ̃dʁ]) is a department in the centre of France named after the river Indre. The inhabitants of the department are called Indriens. Indre is part of the current region of Centre-Val de Loire and is surrounded by the departments of Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, Cher, Creuse, Vienne, and Haute-Vienne. The préfecture (capital) is Châteauroux and there are five districts with subpréfectures at Le Blanc, La Châtre, Issoudun, Argenton-sur-Creuse and Châtillon-sur-Indre.
Indre is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790, by order of the National Constituent Assembly. The new departments were to be uniformly administered and approximately equal in size and population to one another. The department was created from part of the former province of Berry.
Before the Roman conquest, the Celtic Bituriges tribe occupied an area that included Indre, Cher, and part of Limousin. Their capital was Avaricum (Bourges), and another important settlement was at Argenton-sur-Creuse. The area then became part of Roman Gaul after its conquest by Julius Caesar around 58 BC, and enjoyed a period of stability. Following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West, the Frankish tribes living in Gaul were united under the Merovingians, and succeeded in conquering most of the country in the sixth century AD. From this time, the Franks controlled most of Gaul and the Carolingian Empire was the last stage of their rule. The Carolingian dynasty reached its peak with the crowning of Charlemagne and after his death in 814, it began to fragment. The Carolingian territories were divided into three sections in 843 at the Treaty of Verdun, and the area that is now the department of Indre, became part of West Francia. In 869, the king of Middle Francia died without leaving a legitimate heir, and eventually part of that kingdom was added to West Francia to effectively form the medieval Kingdom of France.
France (French: [fʁɑ̃s]), officially the French Republic (French: République française [ʁepyblik fʁɑ̃sɛz]), is a sovereign state comprising territory in western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. The European part of France, called metropolitan France, extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. France spans 643,801 square kilometres (248,573 sq mi) and has a total population of 66.6 million. It is a unitary semi-presidential republic with the capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. The Constitution of France establishes the state as secular and democratic, with its sovereignty derived from the people.
During the Iron Age, what is now Metropolitan France was inhabited by the Gauls, a Celtic people. The Gauls were conquered in 51 BC by the Roman Empire, which held Gaul until 486. The Gallo-Romans faced raids and migration from the Germanic Franks, who dominated the region for hundreds of years, eventually creating the medieval Kingdom of France. France emerged as a major European power in the Late Middle Ages, with its victory in the Hundred Years' War (1337 to 1453) strengthening French state-building and paving the way for a future centralized absolute monarchy. During the Renaissance, France experienced a vast cultural development and established the beginning of a global colonial empire. The 16th century was dominated by religious civil wars between Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots).
Solo & Indrė. Full Album
Dar ne laikas miegoti, laikas testuoti || special guest Deimantė
2017 įsimintiniausios akimirkos / mėgstamiausi produktai / nauji tikslai
Solo & Indrė. Manssani - Bitelė
Regarder Cauchemar en cuisine "" à Bléré , en Indre-et-Loire"" novembre 2017
Indrės hitas - www.nesijuok.lt
Xander - Indre By
Dans l'Indre et le Berry, des châteaux à vendre pour le prix d'un appartement à Paris
La France aux 1000 villages - L'Indre
#5 vlogas | žiauriai skani sriuba | sulčiavimas | super sultys
Indrė Galubickaitė - Get Lucky (Aklosios Perklausos – Lietuvos Balsas S5)
Tempête Carmen : images impressionnantes à Aize dans l'Indre
LE FEUILLETON : Le mouton berrichon de l'Indre, une race 100% locale
chasse aux sangliers indre et loire
Grožio klausimai su Indre Stonkuviene
Sortie détection dans l'Indre avec deux belles trouvailles !!
Pêche de la carpe. L'Indre. Veigné. Entre Carpe et Kayak !
Politijagt i Indre København
Verneuil-sur-Indre : un cerf coincé sur un toit / Deer stuck on a roof in France
Actors: Juris Strenga (actor), Kostas Smoriginas (actor), Vytautas Paukste (actor), Vidas Petkevicius (actor), Arunas Zebriunas (director), Nijole Ozelyte (actress), Antanas Surna (actor), Juozas Jarusevicius (actor), Algirdas Latenas (actor), Egle Gabrenaite (actress), Rimante Krilaviciute (actress), Algirdas Semeskavicius (actor), Laimis Vilkonkus (composer), Donatas Katkus (actor), Valdas Sipaitis (actor),
Genres: Crime, Drama, History,Senegalese kora player, Solo Cissokho, and Lithuanian kanklės player, Indrė Jurgelevičiūtė, meet each other for their first duo recording. This is the first time these two instruments have been recorded together. It’s a fascinating meeting of traditional music cultures and sounds. Senegalese musician Solo Cissokho plays kora, a string instrument from West Africa, and performs vocal parts. He is a griot – a special performer, storyteller and praise singer who transmits his African heritage through music. Indrė Jurgelevičiūtė is a Lithuanian singer and kanklės (Baltic psaltery) player. She combines her native music roots with improvisations in different styles, taking the traditional kanklės sound in new directions. Released in May 2015, One Root Music SPANISH SOLO & INDRĖ – Gri...
Sveikiii! Mano bei Deimantės YT kanaluose atsiras NAUJA RUBRIKA ,,Dar ne laikas miegoti, laikas testuoti" su Deimante!! Pirmą kartą išmėginome biovaistinė.lt veido kaukę „Enzyme Peel Mask with Vitamin C and Papaya“ . Po kurio laiko dar padarysiu update, kokia mano nuomonė yra apie šią kaukę.Gero žiūrėjimo! Kaukė: https://biovaistine.lt/produktas/limituoto-leidimo-veido-kauke-enzyme-peel-mask-vitamin-c-papaya/ Deimantės social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sensitivi/ YouTube kanalas: https://www.youtube.com/user/deimante2589/videos Mano instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indruta/
Pagaliau,pagaliau grįžtu pas Jus su nauju,plepiu video! Labai tikiuosi, kad Jums patiks ir iki kitų filmukų! Naktinis Jazminų tonikas - https://biovaistine.lt/produktas/naktinis-jazminu-kondicionierius-jasmine-night-conditioner/ Mane galite sekti: https://www.instagram.com/indruta/
SOLO & INDRĖ - Senegalese griot Solo Cissokho and Lithuanian musician Indrė Jurgelevičiūtė meet each other for their first duo recording. It is the first meeting of kanklės and kora, two instruments having a very similar sound but representing two different traditional musical cultures, in which Senegalese and Lithuanian folk melodies intertwine with spontaneous improvisations of the musicians and plunge us into a shimmering, light and soft flow of acoustic music. The Norwegian - based Senegalese musician Solo Cissokho plays kora, a string instrument from West Africa, and performs vocal parts. He is a griot - a special performer, storyteller and praise singer who transmits the African traditions and culture first hand though music. Indrė Jurgelevičiūtė, a singer and kanklės player, more an...
Diffusé sur M6 le jeudi 2 novembre 2017 à 21:00 - Durée : 1 h 34 C'est à Bléré en Indre-et-Loire que Sylvie et sa fille Amandine ont fait appel au chef Philippe Etchebest pour les aider à sauver leur crêperie. Après une longue expérience de serveuse, Sylvie a racheté cette crêperie il y a deux ans. Son objectif : avoir sa propre affaire et offrir un emploi à sa fille qui travaille aujourd'hui en salle à ses côtés. Mais depuis des mois, la situation du restaurant est catastrophique : le chiffre d'affaires s'effondre et les clients désertent l'établissement. Dans l'incapacité de payer un cuisinier, Sylvie, qui n'a pas de formation, a même été obligée d'endosser le rôle de chef, ce qui réserve bien des surprises à Philippe Etchebest... Pour la première fois de sa carrière, le chef va découv...
Album "Indre By" af Xander, ude nu og kan streames på Spotify, og købes på iTunes osv. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3mkHKMCb0hiPaqAm6RsBHu iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/dk/album/indre-by/id1157989352 Album ude nu, kan streames på Spotify, købes på iTunes og mere.... Støt artisten ved at stream sangen/albummet på Spotify og, eller købe albummet på iTunes. Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRARzCKhW1bprnnnw6uGF9Q/featured Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xander0404/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/xander0404 :label:made: - http://labelmade.dk/ Universal Music Denmark - http://universal.dk/ © ℗ 2016 :label:made: / Universal Music Denmark
Un château ou un manoir au prix d'un 3 pièces à Paris ! Des prix incroyables qui font rêver et qui sont réalité. Pour cela, il faut aller loin des centres urbains. Mais à la différence de certains territoires ruraux où le patrimoine se dégrade faute de repreneur et bien dans l'Indre, ces demeures sont demandées. Le château de Greuille est la synthèse du patrimoine de l'Indre. Construit au 17ème siècle sur les fondations d'une maison forte, il fut restauré et agrandi au 19ème par l'architecte Henri Dauvergne, bien connu pour ses très nombreuses réalisations , il fut propriété de la famille du général Bertrand. Charles Patureau-de-Mirand est l'un de nos trois guides dans cette découverte. Depuis plus de trente ans, il est l'un des interlocuteurs privilégiés de ceux qui veulent vendre o...
Si tout est l'histoire, "La France aux mille villages", en fait indéniablement partie, riche et savoureuse... Vous découvrirez ce qui fait l'essence d'un pays, ses racines, son passé, la France en plein cœur. Ses accents et ses couleurs, la France vue de ses provinces, remplies de traditions ancestrales... Tandis qu'il vous permettront de découvrir les plus beaux villages, ces programmes vous feront rencontrer leurs habitants, les artisanats locaux, les petits commerces, vivre les fêtes traditionnelles, les histoires et légendes d'une France charmante et authentique, berceau d'une des plus brillantes et des plus anciennes civilisations du monde. La France a conforté cette année s...
Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos
Tempête Carmen : une bourrasque énorme, mêlée à de puissantes chutes de grêle, s'est abattue sur le village d’Aize, à quelques kilomètres de Vatan dans l'Indre. Les images sont impressionnantes Retrouvez-nous sur : Facebook ►http://facebook.com/france3centre/ Twitter ► http://twitter.com/F3Centre Instagram ► http://instagram.com/france3centrevaldeloire/ Site Web ► http://cvdl.france3.fr
Le mouton berrichon A Martizay, Gwen est éleveur de moutons berrichons. Ce trentenaire a repris l’exploitation de ses parents. D’ailleurs le père n’est jamais très loin. Dès le matin, lors du nourrissage des animaux, le père met la main à la pâte. Brigitte, la mère : c’est elle qui est à l’origine de cette ferme. A l’époque, le mouton berrichon n’avait pas la cote auprès des bouchers. La race aurait bien pu disparaître, mais grâce à des passionnés comme Brigitte, elle existe toujours ! Bonne marcheuse, bonne laitière et féconde, cette race a toutes les qualités ! Infos pratiques : Bruno Malou 36100 Domaine de la Gravolle Tél : 06 07 96 12 71 bruno.malou@orange.fr ou bruno.malou@nordnet.fr
Unikalus, analogų Lietuvoje neturintis interneto portalas moterims – IKONA.TV Daugiau nei 60 % vaizdo turinio, motyvuojanti žinomų žmonių komanda, o svarbiausia – apie tai, kas leidžia kiekvienai iš mūsų mėgautis tuo, jog esame moterys. STILIUS, GROŽIS, MAISTAS, SPORTAS ir tikro gyvenimo ISTORIJOS.
Salut à tous , petite sortie dans l'Indre avec le poto Lentulus sur de nouvelles autorisations . Pas énormément de trouvailles mais deux pour moi sortent du lot , j'espère que les prochaines sorties seront plus riches en trouvailles ;) Bonnes sorties à tous
Quand l'opportunité se présente, il faut la saisir ! Mon épouse souhaite rendre visite à son amie qu'elle n'a pas vu depuis plus d'un an faute de ne pas vivre dans le même département. Pour l'occasion, nous organisons une journée pique-nique qui aura lieu au bord de la rivière. Je profiterai donc de cette opportunité pour tendre les lignes durant l'après midi. Bien évidement, je me renseigne sur les éventuels droits de pêche sur le secteur concerné, et pas de souci, tout est en règle ! A notre arrivé, le temps est bien maussade, et après consultation de la météo, cela ne va pas s'arranger, il annonce de la pluie pour la journée ! Pour le pique-nique, c'est loin d'être la bonne opération, mais pour la pêche... C'est donc entre deux averses que je m'installe tranquillement. Étant donné que j...
Un cerf s'est retrouvé coincé sur le toit d'un garage dans le village de Verneuil-sur-Indre (Indre-et-Loire) en France, dans la nuit de lundi à mardi. Une opération de sauvetage a dû être improvisée sur place pour venir en aide au cervidé. Opération réussie, le cerf a rejoint la forêt sain et sauf. Plus de détails : http://bit.ly/1b6cUlL. ------------------------ The small village of Verneuil-sur-Indre (Indre-et-Loire) in France rallied to save a deer stuck on a garage roof, because of slippery roof tiles. The stag was successfully rescued and returned to a nearby forest. More details in French : http://bit.ly/1b6cUlL.
Landscape Photography in France - Indre As a stock travel and landscape photographer the need for me to explore is embedded within. To discover new places and capture them in the best way that I can. On Wednesday 29th March 2017 my photography took me to the department of Indre in central France. Indre is one of those places with some hidden gems such as the river valley of the Creuse. The Beaux Villages de France of Gargilesse Dampierre is notable for the famous 19th century writer George Sand who lived there. In addition to the southern tip of Indre I did try my best with the neighbouring department of Creuse but just didn’t feel happy capturing any of this on film. First thing in the morning I stopped off at Argenton-sur-Creuse before heading into the countryside. Join me as I try...
What to do in Copenhagen? Where to Eat? Where to Drink? We got you covered! Join Alex and Marko for an awesome tour around Denmark's capitol city! SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/Vagabrothers --- FOLLOW US: + INSTAGRAM ►https://www.instagram.com/Vagabrothers + FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers + TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/vagabrothers + SNAPCHAT ►@Vagabrothers + WEB ► http://www.vagabrothers.com + Alex ► https://www.instagram.com/alexthevagabond + Marko ► https://www.instagram.com/markoayling --- MUSIC: +Origamik: https://soundcloud.com/oragamik --- BOOK YOUR TRAVELS HERE: + Hotels: http://bit.ly/TripAdvisorHotelDeals + Flights: http://bit.ly/SkyScannerFlights + Eurail Tickets: http://bit.ly/EurailPasses + Insurance: http://bit.ly/WorldNomadsInsurance --- VLO...
The island oasis of Lanzarote, Spain, is eagerly awaiting your arrival. Venture to the easternmost island of the Spanish archipelago and discover this scenic hot spot. With the help of artist and architect Cesar Manrique, Lanzarote’s landscape has integrated the natural beauty of the island with organic building designs. Kick-start your travels at the Cesar Manrique Foundation, which was once the home of the famous architect. You’ll come across rooms that are built into caves created by a volcano eruption long ago. To see more of Manrique’s artistic work, head to the Jardin de Cactus, which features more than 10,000 plants, and then relish the majestic views from the Mirador del Rio. Jameos del Agua is another fascinating attraction, where you can climb down the staircase into caves with...
« Azay-le-Rideau, rêverie sur l'Indre » (Daydreaming by the river Indre) is a track from the CD album « Châteaux de la Loire » (Loire Valley Castles). This album is inspired by seven castles of the Renaissance in the Loire Valley: Amboise, Azay-le-Rideau, Blois, Chambord, Chenonceau, Montsoreau and Villandry. Music & video : Patrick Broguière Painting & engraving : Hervé Thibon More details at http://www.broguiere.com/loire_uk.htm
https://www.expedia.com/Melbourne.d178283.Destination-Travel-Guides The scent of roasting coffee beans wafts through the air in Melbourne, Australia. This city is serious about its coffee, and if you’re game, you can base an entire Melbourne tour around sampling the offerings from local cafés. If you’re looking for a little more than a caffeine buzz from your Melbourne sightseeing, you’re in luck. Melbourne sits on the banks of the Yarra River, and you’ve got your pick of cathedrals, parks, and giant buildings to explore, as well as an extensive streetcar network to help you get from one place to the next. Ready for a delicious meal? Take the tram to the Southbank neighborhood, where you can enjoy lunch at a café along the riverfront. Melbourne’s locals love art, and the inner city lan...
https://www.expedia.com/Hawaii.d180074.Destination-Travel-Guides The “Big Island” of Hawaii is the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, and offers a fascinating and stunning array of beautiful scenery for you to explore. Sightseeing on Hawaii’s Big Island means your days will be filled with natural wonders: wander around a lava field, stroll through a tropical rainforest, and take a dip in the warm waters of the Pacific. To get the most out of your Hawaii Big Island tour and to get an idea of what areas you’d like to see up close, we suggest renting a car and exploring Hawaii’s Big Island from behind the wheel. The Onomea Bay Scenic Drive, located along the Hamakua Coast, will take you past shimmering emerald rainforest and astonishing glimpses of the tranquil Pacific Ocean. It’s the perfect...
https://www.expedia.com/Prague.d180014.Destination-Travel-Guides Step into a child’s storybook when you first arrive in Prague, a city in the Czech Republic where sleek, modern buildings share space with ancient gothic architecture. Wander down the twisting cobblestone streets – you’re sure to find something new and exciting. After all, even locals get lost here. Prague tourism usually involves the Royal Route, a historic coronation path that will take you through Old Town. Walk a few blocks to Old Town Square and sample local street fare in the shadow of old castles and palaces. Old Town itself is full of cafes, restaurants, and galleries, and will provide days of exploration for intrepid visitors. Cross over the Charles Bridge and climb up to Prague Castle, a network of palaces, churc...
Le château de Chenonceau est situé dans la commune de Chenonceaux en Indre-et-Loire (France). Il fait partie des châteaux communément appelés les châteaux de la Loire. Bâti en 1513 par Katherine Briçonnet, embelli par Diane de Poitiers puis Catherine de Médicis, sauvé pendant la Révolution française par Louise Dupin, il est aussi appelé château des Dames. Château meublé, décoré de rares tapisseries et peintures anciennes, fleuri à chaque saison, c'est le monument historique privé le plus visité de France, serti de plusieurs jardins d'agrément, un parc et un domaine viticole.
Welcome to Oslo, the capital city of Norway. Centuries ago, Viking longships prowled the waters around Norway. Some of those longships survived the ensuing years and found their way to the Viking Ship Museum, which is a must-see on any Oslo tour. The three longships on display here have been recovered from various parts of the country, and the museum also contains a number of artifacts from the Viking Age. Norway’s rich connection to the sea did not stop with the Vikings, though; just over a mile away from the Viking Ship Museum are several other educational complexes dedicated to the salt water that flows through Oslo’s veins. Visit the Norwegian Maritime Museum, the Kon-Tiki Museum, and the Fram Museum to get a fuller idea of Oslo’s seaborne heritage. While in town, stop by the Nobel...
http://www.expedia.com/Dubai-Emirate.d1079.Destination-Travel-Guides Come to Dubai, the ancient City of Gold, for your next vacation. Modernity and antiquity collide in this vibrant city. Shop at the same spice market locals have been visiting for generations, then visit the stores in the Gold Souk, a jewelry-centered traditional marketplace. For a more modern shopping experience, go to the Dubai Mall, home to over 1200 stores, an underwater zoo, and KidZania®, a “city” where children can roleplay various careers. To soak up some of the legendary Dubai sunshine, simply step outside. Take in the view of the city from the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Continue your Dubai tour by wandering through the exotic buildings and resorts, or visit some of...
Landscape Photography - A beginner’s guide to woodland As a stock travel and landscape photographer the need for me to explore is embedded within. To discover new places and capture them in the best way that I can. Woodland photography is one of those niches areas of landscape photography that is a mystery to some people. Quite literally they can’t see the wood for the trees and struggle to find what to do. If you’re a beginner in woodland photography then check out this tutorial on what you can do in woodland and hopefully you’ll see things a lot clearer. http://www.julianelliottphotography.com https://www.facebook.com/julianephotography https://www.instagram.com/julian_elliott_photography My current landscape photography workshops Glencoe winter workshop: http://www.julianelliottpho...
https://www.expedia.com/St-Lucia.d168.Destination-Travel-Guides Floating like an emerald teardrop between the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea is the island nation of St Lucia. For centuries the original Arawak and Carib made their homes around the islands northern bays. In the 1550s, the notorious buccaneer, Peg Leg Le Clerc, became the first European to settle here. After the pirates came the plantations, and the bittersweet years of sugar and slavery. Between the 17th and 19th centuries, St Lucia was pulled back and forth between the French and British, before finally gaining her independence in 1979. Right in the heart of the capital, Castries, the main square pays tribute to two of the island’s Nobel Prize winning sons. Just across from the park, visit the bas...
https://www.expedia.com/Tokyo.d179900.Destination-Travel-Guides Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.” In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day. Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering i...
As a stock travel and landscape photographer the need for me to explore is embedded within. To discover new places and capture them in the best way that I can. From the 28th June to 5th July 2017 I was in Provence to capture the lavender fields of the Plateau de Valensole at their best. Although there are a number of areas that grow lavender the plateau is probably the most well known of them all. The vlog shows some of the scenes that I captured, although not all successfully, as well as some recce work. The recce work was being carried as the latter half of the week was spent with David Clapp who had brought a tour group to the area. Many hours were spent circumnavigating the various backroads to see if views could be found away from the normal photographic hotspots. David Clapp and I...
http://www.expedia.com/Amsterdam.d178229.Destination-Travel-Guides Amsterdam is the largest city in The Netherlands, also known as Holland. The fun-loving Dutch welcome 3.5 million tourists a year, making Amsterdam one of the top destinations in Europe. No Amsterdam tour is complete without exploring some of its 165 canals and 1,000 bridges – hopefully you like water. Don’t worry; you don’t need a boat or even a motor vehicle to get around. The heart of this ancient city is best seen on foot or from the seat of a bicycle. This city is rich in history; when you set out to explore “The Venice of the North,” you’ll find buildings dating back to the 13th century, as well as Dam Square and its royal palace. If you’ve got an appreciation for fine art, your Amsterdam sightseeing should pause ...
http://www.expedia.com/Sydney.d178312.Destination-Travel-Guides Ready for an adventure? Click play on our travel guide video to uncover some of the best things to do in Syndey, Australia. Established in 1788 as a penal colony, Sydney was once a little rough around the edges, but it has since transformed into a must-visit coastal destination. Today, tourists flock to this city on the east coast of Australia for its pristine beaches, coves, and harbors. During your romp around the scenic coastline, make a stop at the Syndey Opera House and eye its magnificent architectural design. Looking for a little more adventure? Venture over to the Syndey Harbour Bridge, nicknamed “The Coathanger,” and brave a bridge climb tour. Next, hop on the antique thrill rides at Luna Park, which is a family-...
https://www.expedia.com/Perth.d180013.Destination-Travel-Guides A modern city, Perth is the gem of Australia’s west coast and the capital of Western Australia. This friendly metropolis boasts pristine beaches, clear water, and plenty of coastline – not to mention an abundance of nature and mineral resources. Start your day of Perth sightseeing with a walk through Kings Park, which is larger than New York’s Central Park and home to the Western Australia Botanic Garden. More than 3,000 species of Western Australia’s plant life, including vibrant flowers, are on display here. Most of the park consists of bushland, which means lots of wildlife and quite a few walking trails. After a morning of reflection in the park, head over to the Swan Bell Tower to enjoy a spectacular view of the city. ...
https://www.expedia.com/Chicago.d178248.Destination-Travel-Guides Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience. Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and universities. Shopping and fine dining abound in this area. If you’ve worn yourself out in the city proper, set a more sedate pace at the Riverwalk, a pedestrian path along the Chicago River, or visit the many museums and parks the city has to offer. You’ll never believe you’re actually downtown when you walk through the Garfield Park Conservatory, and the Art Institute of Chicago will allow you to appr...
The sweetest honey to the brightest flower
The largest planet to the smallest atom
Snowflakes and the bird kingdom
Smaller thatn the eye can see bigger then the mind can conceive
Heard a man on the radio today
(Spoken)I mean I'm not going to believe in anything that I can't see and I've
been through a lot of hardships in my life ya know ya know in my life
Must confess I disagreed with what he had to say
How he could he not believe that God is real
I don't understand how
He could feel that way
When there's earth, air, water, and fire
So many different flowers
Sunshine and rain showers
So many different crystals
And hills and volcanoes
That's how I know that God is real
All of this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
All of this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
I know this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
That's how I know that God is real
In St. Lucia I jumped in the water
(Spoken)It was like I was seeing it for the first time. It literally changed
my life.
For the first time I understood its power
As I swam I was cleansed
If I had any doubts
This experience cleared them
Now I know for sure that GOd is real
I know that it's the truth
By the way it feels
Cause I saw starfish and sponges
Fish shaped like trumpets
So many different colors
I stayed out there for hours and I only saw a fraction of a fraction of the
deepest of the deep of the great blue wide
It brought a tear to my eye
That's how I know that God is real
All of this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
All of this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
I know this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
We're made of the same stuff
As the moon and the stars
The oceans saltwater just like my tears are
You feel me
The sunrises and sets everyday without fail
That's how I know that God is real
All of this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
All of this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real
I know this is not by chance
That's how I know that God is real