- published: 22 Feb 2017
- views: 7207
Momente (Moments) is a work by the German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen, written between 1962 and 1969, scored for solo soprano, four mixed choirs, and thirteen instrumentalists (four trumpets, four trombones, three percussionists, and two electric keyboards). A "cantata with radiophonic and theatrical overtones" (Maconie 2005, 240), it is described by the composer as "practically an opera of Mother Earth surrounded by her chicks" (Stockhausen 1989, 147). It was Stockhausen's first piece composed on principles of modular transposability, and his first musical form to be determined from categories of sensation or perception rather than by numerical units of musical terminology, which marks a significant change in the composer's musical approach from the abstract forms of the 1950s (Maconie 1973, 32).
Stockhausen began work on Momente in January 1962, with a performance planned for the following May. He had been invited by Baron Francesco Agnello to withdraw for the period of composition of the work to his palazzo in Siculiana on the south coast of Sicily. Agnello was an ardent supporter of modern music, and directed the Settimane Internazionali di Nuova Musica di Palermo. The plan was that Stockhausen would go to Sicily first, and Mary Bauermeister would follow a week later, to work on paintings for an exhibition planned for Amsterdam in June. Stockhausen's wife Doris would join them in March, leaving their children in someone's care in Cologne. The palazzo was freezing cold, as it was really intended only as a summer residence, and for three months both Stockhausen and Bauermeister "worked like crazy" on their respective projects, retreating to a small, easily heated room, furnished with a piano and two tables (Bauermeister 2011, 79–80).
League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It is a free-to-play game supported by microtransactions and inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
In League of Legends, players assume the role of an unseen "summoner" that controls a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a structure which lies at the heart of a base protected by defensive structures. Each League of Legends match is discrete, with all champions starting off fairly weak but increasing in strength by accumulating items and experience over the course of the game.
League of Legends was generally well received at release, and grew in popularity in the years since. By July 2012, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played. As of January 2014, over 67 million people played League of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours.
IOBAGG - League of Legends Momente 09
Virus – Momente [Official Audio]
Die 10 Traurigsten Anime-Momente!
IOBAGG - League of Legends Momente 07
IOBAGG - League of Legends Momente 08
CREEPY Momente in Spongebob Schwammkopf!
Sick - Momente
Da, bineinteles! Momente pa viatz! Cuvinte pentru descriere sugerate de peeps de pe twitch chat: pateu, bastan, analiza, gris, cocaina, gutui, sivir, sarmale, sunca, sirena, mucus, franzela, colonizare, numorfutinca, ciocarlan, locomotiva, comontapeltu, broccoli, zacusca. CM links: Website: http://creativemonkeyz.com/ CM Shop: http://shop.creativemonkeyz.com/ Facebook CM: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeMonekyz Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/creativemonkeyz
Virus – Momente [Official Audio] LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE Label: CRUX Entertainment Interpretare: Virus Text: Virus Instrumental: Dreamlife Mix/Master: Span, J Inregistrat in: 21Studio / CRUX Entertainment Inginer de sunet: Span Photo: Freelook Artwork: Xao https://facebook.com/VirusRomania https://facebook.com/cruxentonline https://facebook.com/SpanProd https://facebook.com/mrbigdreamz Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel. Versuri: [Refren] Stii ca nu imi plac momentele in care Lumea ma intreaba ce s-a inta...
Facebook Fanpage für meine Yabrois die immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand bleiben wollen ► https://www.facebook.com/TheKurono Für die Vögel unter euch ► https://twitter.com/DatKuro Und natürlich Instagram weil ich auch so voll Swwaaagisch bin -- http://instagram.com/thkurono Hier bekommt ihr die günstigsten Games Yabrois ► http://www.mmoga.de/?ref=9809 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meine Kamera ► http://amzn.to/1qrFrqU * Mein Lieblings Anime ► http://amzn.to/1qrFAuA * Mein Lieblings Manga ► http://amzn.to/ZDlyGx * Mein Headset ► http://amzn.to/1sGZG8F * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkt meine Zeichnerin ab! ► https://www.youtube.com/user/xHimeNyan -------------------------...
Pokemon - Die TOP 5 TRAURIGSTEN MOMENTE IN DENEN ASH GESTORBEN IST...😢 ACHTUNG SUPER TRAURIG!! POKEMON SONNE & POKEMON MOND ( POKEMON ) ➡️ HIER KOSTENLOS ABONNIEREN um NICHTS mehr ZU VERPASSEN!! https://www.youtube.com/c/Madypan?sub_Confirmation 📸 Folgt mir auf INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/madypan/ 🎁 LIKE das Video und KOMMENTIERE dein gewünschtes SHINY Pokemon & vielleicht bist du einer der glücklichen Gewinner die am Ende jeden Monats ausgelost werden! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Ihr wollt mir BRIEFE, ZEICHNUNGEN oder PAKETE senden, die ich im VIDEO ZEIGEN SOLL? 💌 Mein Postfach für BRIEFE: Madelaine Winkelmann Postfach: 2608 90716 Fürth 📦 Mein Postfach für DHL-PAKETE: Madelaine Winkelmann Postnummer: 843065253 Packstation 123 90473 Nürnberg 💲 Ihr wollt mir SPENDEN? http...
Incepem anu-n fortza de-aia de razboi stelar, cu cel mai amplu "momente" de pana acum! Ptr. ca era Momentu'! Besh mah! :D LLTCM! Toate momentele sunt preluate din meciuri care au avut loc live pe canalul nostru de stream: http://www.twitch.tv/iobagglive Toate momentele sunt din meciuri ranked (solo gold 2/3/4/5 si silver cu echipa CMARM). CM links: Website: http://creativemonkeyz.com/ CM Shop: http://shop.creativemonkeyz.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeMonekyz/ Livestream pe twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/creativemonkeyz
"Momente, cojitze! Nu shmula! Legenda continua." Baga o ureche pentru bulan legendar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csc9Hi5nfv8 Nota: Toate momentele sunt din meciuri ranked (gold 1 - 4) jucate live pe stream pe parcursul mai multor patch-uri. CM links: Website: http://creativemonkeyz.com/ CM Shop: http://shop.creativemonkeyz.com/ Facebook CM: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeMonekyz Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/creativemonkeyz
Yo, heute gibts mal wieder etwas, was sich häufig gewünscht wurde.. gruselige Szenen in Spongebob! Viel Spaß! :D Meine Kamera - http://amzn.to/2eUCkf2 Studio Cam - http://amzn.to/2qaKjZ9 Viel Spaß mit dem Video & einen schönen Tag noch, Freunde! \(★^∀^★)/ ▶️ Letztes Video - https://youtu.be/EtARm-psDlg 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/HigeTV 🎮 2ter Kanal - http://bit.ly/2nael16 Musik - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) (ノ≧ڡ≦): Bei Affiliate Links geht ein Teil des Erlöses als Provision an den YouTuber. Für den Käufer entstehen KEINE Mehrkosten!
http://www.facebook.com/TARZYVP TEXT: SUNT ZILE CAND IMI ESTE GREU SI TOTUSI NU-MI DAU SEAMA PRIVESC TOTUL DE JOS IN SUS mi-aduc minte DE MAMA CU AMINTIRI IN OCHII TRISTI,CU SUTE DE PROBLEME PE LANGA CASA CE STATEAM,MAI TREC DIN VREME-N VREME SI MA GANDESC CAT DE REPEDE poate TRECE TIMPUL DE MULTE ORI AS VREA SA POT s-OPRESC IN LOC PAMANTUL SA-MI AMINTESC PENTRU O CLIPA CE-mi spuneai mereu SA NU O IAU PE STRAZI GRESITE, ca un derbedeu mi-apari in vise-n noptii tarzii, si ma trezesc deodata nu mi-as dorii c-acolo sus, sa te stiu suparata destinul asta ni te-a luat, ce soarta nemiloasa tata imi tot spunea te rog sa nu mai plangi, hai lasa dar cum sa las stiind ca nai sa vii n-apoi vreodata prea mic in lumea asta rea nestiind ce m-asteapta as vrea ca tot sa fie-un vis din care ma trezesc sa...
VERSURI IN DESCRIERE ! Download: http://picosong.com/5njZ/ Contact: Sick https://www.facebook.com/SickBooMOfficial Detalii: Inregistrat mixat si masterizat la S-BooMRecords Interpret:Sick Text : Sick Nu detin drepturi de autor pentru instrumental. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Momente cand n-ai de ales ,totusi ti se face dor De anumite persoane ce nu le mai ai in decor Momente cand te vor altii dar preferi sa stai in casa Momente cand ai incredere si iarasi pici in plasa. Momente cand primesti exact ceea ce nu vroiai Momente cand esti ajutat de cine nu te asteptai Momente cand nu-ti mai ramane nimic de facut Cu moralu' la pamant , si in minte doar un gand Momente cand esti fericit , momente cand esti implinit Dar apoi apar zilele, ce te dezamagesc cum...
Da, bineinteles! Momente pa viatz! Cuvinte pentru descriere sugerate de peeps de pe twitch chat: pateu, bastan, analiza, gris, cocaina, gutui, sivir, sarmale, sunca, sirena, mucus, franzela, colonizare, numorfutinca, ciocarlan, locomotiva, comontapeltu, broccoli, zacusca. CM links: Website: http://creativemonkeyz.com/ CM Shop: http://shop.creativemonkeyz.com/ Facebook CM: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeMonekyz Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/creativemonkeyz
Virus – Momente [Official Audio] LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE Label: CRUX Entertainment Interpretare: Virus Text: Virus Instrumental: Dreamlife Mix/Master: Span, J Inregistrat in: 21Studio / CRUX Entertainment Inginer de sunet: Span Photo: Freelook Artwork: Xao https://facebook.com/VirusRomania https://facebook.com/cruxentonline https://facebook.com/SpanProd https://facebook.com/mrbigdreamz Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel. Versuri: [Refren] Stii ca nu imi plac momentele in care Lumea ma intreaba ce s-a inta...
Facebook Fanpage für meine Yabrois die immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand bleiben wollen ► https://www.facebook.com/TheKurono Für die Vögel unter euch ► https://twitter.com/DatKuro Und natürlich Instagram weil ich auch so voll Swwaaagisch bin -- http://instagram.com/thkurono Hier bekommt ihr die günstigsten Games Yabrois ► http://www.mmoga.de/?ref=9809 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meine Kamera ► http://amzn.to/1qrFrqU * Mein Lieblings Anime ► http://amzn.to/1qrFAuA * Mein Lieblings Manga ► http://amzn.to/ZDlyGx * Mein Headset ► http://amzn.to/1sGZG8F * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkt meine Zeichnerin ab! ► https://www.youtube.com/user/xHimeNyan -------------------------...
Pokemon - Die TOP 5 TRAURIGSTEN MOMENTE IN DENEN ASH GESTORBEN IST...😢 ACHTUNG SUPER TRAURIG!! POKEMON SONNE & POKEMON MOND ( POKEMON ) ➡️ HIER KOSTENLOS ABONNIEREN um NICHTS mehr ZU VERPASSEN!! https://www.youtube.com/c/Madypan?sub_Confirmation 📸 Folgt mir auf INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/madypan/ 🎁 LIKE das Video und KOMMENTIERE dein gewünschtes SHINY Pokemon & vielleicht bist du einer der glücklichen Gewinner die am Ende jeden Monats ausgelost werden! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Ihr wollt mir BRIEFE, ZEICHNUNGEN oder PAKETE senden, die ich im VIDEO ZEIGEN SOLL? 💌 Mein Postfach für BRIEFE: Madelaine Winkelmann Postfach: 2608 90716 Fürth 📦 Mein Postfach für DHL-PAKETE: Madelaine Winkelmann Postnummer: 843065253 Packstation 123 90473 Nürnberg 💲 Ihr wollt mir SPENDEN? http...
Incepem anu-n fortza de-aia de razboi stelar, cu cel mai amplu "momente" de pana acum! Ptr. ca era Momentu'! Besh mah! :D LLTCM! Toate momentele sunt preluate din meciuri care au avut loc live pe canalul nostru de stream: http://www.twitch.tv/iobagglive Toate momentele sunt din meciuri ranked (solo gold 2/3/4/5 si silver cu echipa CMARM). CM links: Website: http://creativemonkeyz.com/ CM Shop: http://shop.creativemonkeyz.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeMonekyz/ Livestream pe twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/creativemonkeyz
"Momente, cojitze! Nu shmula! Legenda continua." Baga o ureche pentru bulan legendar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csc9Hi5nfv8 Nota: Toate momentele sunt din meciuri ranked (gold 1 - 4) jucate live pe stream pe parcursul mai multor patch-uri. CM links: Website: http://creativemonkeyz.com/ CM Shop: http://shop.creativemonkeyz.com/ Facebook CM: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeMonekyz Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/creativemonkeyz
Yo, heute gibts mal wieder etwas, was sich häufig gewünscht wurde.. gruselige Szenen in Spongebob! Viel Spaß! :D Meine Kamera - http://amzn.to/2eUCkf2 Studio Cam - http://amzn.to/2qaKjZ9 Viel Spaß mit dem Video & einen schönen Tag noch, Freunde! \(★^∀^★)/ ▶️ Letztes Video - https://youtu.be/EtARm-psDlg 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/HigeTV 🎮 2ter Kanal - http://bit.ly/2nael16 Musik - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) (ノ≧ڡ≦): Bei Affiliate Links geht ein Teil des Erlöses als Provision an den YouTuber. Für den Käufer entstehen KEINE Mehrkosten!
http://www.facebook.com/TARZYVP TEXT: SUNT ZILE CAND IMI ESTE GREU SI TOTUSI NU-MI DAU SEAMA PRIVESC TOTUL DE JOS IN SUS mi-aduc minte DE MAMA CU AMINTIRI IN OCHII TRISTI,CU SUTE DE PROBLEME PE LANGA CASA CE STATEAM,MAI TREC DIN VREME-N VREME SI MA GANDESC CAT DE REPEDE poate TRECE TIMPUL DE MULTE ORI AS VREA SA POT s-OPRESC IN LOC PAMANTUL SA-MI AMINTESC PENTRU O CLIPA CE-mi spuneai mereu SA NU O IAU PE STRAZI GRESITE, ca un derbedeu mi-apari in vise-n noptii tarzii, si ma trezesc deodata nu mi-as dorii c-acolo sus, sa te stiu suparata destinul asta ni te-a luat, ce soarta nemiloasa tata imi tot spunea te rog sa nu mai plangi, hai lasa dar cum sa las stiind ca nai sa vii n-apoi vreodata prea mic in lumea asta rea nestiind ce m-asteapta as vrea ca tot sa fie-un vis din care ma trezesc sa...
VERSURI IN DESCRIERE ! Download: http://picosong.com/5njZ/ Contact: Sick https://www.facebook.com/SickBooMOfficial Detalii: Inregistrat mixat si masterizat la S-BooMRecords Interpret:Sick Text : Sick Nu detin drepturi de autor pentru instrumental. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Momente cand n-ai de ales ,totusi ti se face dor De anumite persoane ce nu le mai ai in decor Momente cand te vor altii dar preferi sa stai in casa Momente cand ai incredere si iarasi pici in plasa. Momente cand primesti exact ceea ce nu vroiai Momente cand esti ajutat de cine nu te asteptai Momente cand nu-ti mai ramane nimic de facut Cu moralu' la pamant , si in minte doar un gand Momente cand esti fericit , momente cand esti implinit Dar apoi apar zilele, ce te dezamagesc cum...