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President Donald Trump has ordered his Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to “clean up” the White House by July 4, according to a Sunday night report from Politico, or lose his job.

Vodka company expertly trolls Trump with new ‘Made in America, but…’ ad campaign

Smirnoff brand vodka has embarked on a new ad campaign that pokes fun at President Donald Trump’s tangled relationship with the Russian government.

Trump’s lawyer is completely out of his depth and giving bad legal advice: NYT report

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer has stepped in to defend the president in what appears to be shaping up into an obstruction of justice investigation, but sources close to the White House say that attorney Marc Kasowitz is out of his depth and dispensing bad legal advice to the president and his aides.

John McCain: Obama was a better world leader than Trump

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) dropped a bombshell in an interview published Sunday in The Guardian, saying that American leadership in the world was stronger under former President Barack Obama than it currently is under President Donald Trump.

‘Anti-Sharia’ rallies brought out pro-Trump thugs — internet radicalized and spoiling for violence

Alt-right events are harvests of hate. They draw militants seeded by Donald Trump, fertilized in the muck of the internet, and nurtured by the more than 900 hate groups around the United States.

‘Marked man’ Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly cancels public testimony

On Saturday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions canceled his scheduled appearance before an open session of the House and Senate appropriations committees set for the coming week to avoid answering questions about "issues related to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election.”

Geologist believes Grand Canyon was caused by Noah’s flood — so he’s suing the Park Service to prove it

“For fundamentalist Americans the only thing better than a Bible story is an American Bible story.”

Here are the Congressional questions Jeff Sessions is afraid to answer in public

On Saturday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly announced that he will not attend Tuesday's public session of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on the grounds that he does not want to speak in open session about “issues related to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election.”

BUSTED: Georgia GOP lawmaker posed with gun-toting militia who flashed ‘white power’ signs

According to a recent HuffPost article, Georgia’s Republican State Sen. Michael Williams has come under fire for posing with members of a white supremacist militia at Atlanta’s “March Against Sharia” on Saturday — and the men he’s posing with appear to be flashing a “white power” hand signal.

Los Angeles LGBTQ Pride rebrands itself as #ResistMarch: ‘This was not the year for parades’

Tens of thousands took to the streets of Los Angeles Sunday with a protest march aimed at President Donald Trump. The #ResistMarch replaced the city’s 2017 Pride parade, with the intention of sending a message that civil rights in the LGBTQ community and beyond are under threat.

‘He drank the Kool-Aid’: Homeland Chief Kelly ripped for lying at his hearing — then pushing Trump agenda

Kelly’s apparent “appreciation for nuance led many Democrats to back his nomination as Homeland Security secretary in the hopes that he would rein in President Donald Trump’s hardline immigration and security policies.” They were wrong.

‘You can’t run forever’: Sen. Patrick Leahy puts Jeff Sessions on notice that he is coming after him

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) served notice to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Staurday night and Sunday morning that he is not happy that that Sessions is ducking appearing before the Appropriations Committee he sits on.