- published: 08 Dec 2016
- views: 39452
Kate Tsui Tsz-shan (Chinese: 徐子珊) is a Hong Kong actress, who is best known for her work with Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), and to an extent, for her film work. She also holds the Miss Hong Kong 2004 title.
Kate Tsui was born and raised in Hong Kong. Her father works in logistics, and while her mother is now a homemaker, she was a dancer when she was younger. Tsui also has an older sister, who is married with two kids. As of 2014, Tsui has expressed that with the exception of herself, her entire immediate family now resides in Taiwan.
Prior to winning her beauty queen title, Tsui had originally aspired to become a professional dancer. She had begun practicing ballet since age 4, but was forced to quit when she was 11, due to an injury on her right ankle. At age 14, she had begun to practice Hip Hop and Jazz dance. She is skilled in different interests such as acting, dancing, learning languages, and snowboarding.
She was educated at Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin),and Queen Maud Secondary School and eventually graduated from the University of California, Davis, majoring in Japanese and minoring in Spanish and Marketing. After completing her degree, she had returned to Hong Kong and worked as a translator and market consultant. She had previously worked at Dah Chong Hong.
Kiss Me may refer to the following
Kiss Me Kate may refer to:
Hit Me may represent:
簽咗王祖藍嘅徐子珊,今年好似唔使做咁,成日遊埠,早排又去咗旅行,仲大晒冬菇頭㖭!不過假髮嚟咋!仲俾網友踢爆佢喺瑞典。 唔使做嘅佢,靚咗又瘦咗,膚齡仲返番去少女時代。就係咁神奇!唔怪得最近有報道話佢變臉,同岑麗香撞樣㖭。佢話自己冇整容,人哋講咩冇所謂。睇得開!皆因依家生活冇壓力吖嘛!心情好,真係化妝品都慳番! 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
王祖藍簽女藝人,真係當佢哋女咁教,徐子珊就要戒懶,細細粒就要訓練成淑女。 祖藍簽得子珊,點會俾佢hea,趁咁多人喺度,殺佢一個措手不及︰「嚟緊新年之後,你會好辛苦。真人騷已經差唔多……你都唔知?」更當眾教訓細細粒︰「樣樣嘢都要對人客氣啲,唔好咁粗魯。」 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
化妝、騷胸嘅徐子珊,大家梗係認得,但呢日佢素顏逛西貢就變咗隱形,零收視,黐晒地,仲free到當眾搲bra添呀! 徐子珊同朋友去咗有機食物店買嘢,近年致力食green啲嘅佢,揀飲品都慢慢睇成份,難怪keep得咁弗。 佢慢慢逛,都冇俾人認出。咁Free,難怪忍唔住當眾搲bra,睇佢搲得幾順手。 講到隱形,徐子珊係叻嘅!之後佢去文具鋪,男女客人都冇乜留意佢。可以做番自己,爽呀! 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
希臘,丹麥、柬埔寨、巴黎……嘩!徐子珊咁後生就可以遊埠歎世界,真係羨慕死人啦。不過,簽咗佢嘅經理人王祖藍就好頭痕囉。 舊年子珊唔玩大台,走咗去讀珠寶設,最近仲開埋網店,親自造首飾。自己就係生招牌,當然唔好嘥,做埋model示範啦。 自己生意就好緊張,不過佢6月簽咗邵氏旗下嘅王祖藍工作室,直至依家為止,都未有mood做嘢。祖藍幫佢傾咗啲劇,但佢又要揀對手又要揀劇本,一直未成事,呢啲咪皇帝唔急太監急囉。今年37歲嘅子珊,今年正職竟然係遊埠。 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
香港小姐出身,TVB當家花旦兼影壇新貴的徐子珊,2009年勇闖樂壇,全情投入歌唱事業,以首張個人EP 《Kiss Me Kate》挑戰樂壇舞后寶座。 徐子珊以性感姿態演繹「讀心術」,在MV中穿上Bra Top與短褲大跳性感舞步,展現舞功實力,看得人血脈沸騰。 至於接力主打「Hit Me」和「血拼」仍以快歌為主,徐子珊以奇招突圍,舞姿意態撩人,發揮舞者本色,也同時突顯女人味。
壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
Kate Tsui. 徐子珊 Kiss Me Kate 2009年恒藝亞洲娛樂有限公司 Cantonese 粵語 製作人: C.Y. Kong/Davy Chan/鄧智偉/莊冬昕 Tracklist: 01. 讀心術 (OT:Bet It All) (詞:李峻一 Rap詞:徐子珊 曲:Steve DuBerry/Robert Waller 編曲:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan 監製:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan) (00:00) 02. Hit Me (詞:夏至 曲:鄧智偉/莊冬昕 編曲:莊冬昕 監製:鄧智偉/莊冬昕) (02:58) 03. 惡作劇 (詞:林若寧 曲:C.Y.Kong 編曲:C.Y.Kong 監製:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan) (06:24) 04. 血拼 (詞:黃仲凱 Rap詞:Gold Mountain 曲:林天愛 編曲:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan 監製:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan) (09:30) 05. 讀心術 Remix (Master Mind Mix) (OT:Bet It All) (詞:李峻一 Rap詞:徐子珊 曲:Steve DuBerry/Robert Waller 編曲:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan 監製:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan) (12:51) 06. 讀心術 Remix (Carnival Mix) (OT:Bet It All) (詞:李峻一 Rap詞:徐子珊 曲:Steve DuBerry/Robert Waller 編曲:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan 監製:C.Y.Kong/Davy Chan) (16:08)
Un thriller de kungfu qui se déroule pendant la dynastie des Ming et centré sur un agent des services secrets qui est trahi et traqué par ses collègues.
With the nickname Peggy, a new recruit is mentored by Dog-Head, while undergoing on-job training while tracking down a gang of well organized armed heist robbers. The police use the surveillance cameras trying to track their identities
14 Blades is a 2016 Hindi Dubbed film directed by Daniel Lee, starring Donnie Yen, Zhao Wei, Sammo Hung, Wu Chun, Kate Tsui PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FR MORE
Normally I don't do vlogs but since I went to see Sam Tsui, Kurt Hugo Schneider and Macy Kate perform at iPlay America and I thought I could make a vlog about my experience and I didn't expect the duration of this video to be long I thought it was gonna be a short vlog. LOL XD Leave a like, Favorite and Subscribe if you enjoyed Follow me on the Social Media if you want. Instagram: @brendanwong87 http://instagram.com/brendanwong87 Twitter: @brendanwong1214 https://twitter.com/brendanwong1214 Vine: @Brendan Wong https://vine.co/u/950134606978494464 Go check out Sam Tsui, Kurt Hugo Schneider, and Macy Kate Youtube Channel Sam Tsui's Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSamTsui Kurt Hugo Schneider's Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/KurtHugoSchneider Macy Kate's Chann...
14 Blades is a 2010 wuxia film directed by Daniel Lee, starring Donnie Yen, Zhao Wei, Sammo Hung, Wu Chun, Kate Tsui, Qi Yuwu and Damian Lau. The film was released on 4 February 2010 in China and on 11 February 2010 in Hong Kong. (Donnie Yen) in the emperor's court who is betrayed and then hunted by his colleagues. Director: Daniel Lee Writers: Daniel Lee (screenplay), Abe Kwong (screenplay) (as Kwong Man Wai) Stars: Donnie Yen, Wei Zhao, Chun Wu
《最愛2014年歌曲》Top Songs of 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhHcU9krgS4 《最愛2013年歌曲》Top Songs of 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUQ6al5-Smo 《最愛2012年歌曲》Top Songs of 2012: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-tNMvg6TTw ---------------------------- 逾600人投票,由超過5000張選票,從84首候選歌曲中選出24首歌曲所組成的《最愛2011金曲》終於面世了!一如較早的承諾,我們已把得獎的歌曲串燒成長達兩小時的影片供大家欣賞。您的音樂,您話事!在此感謝各位踴躍投票! Over 600 of you with more than 5,000 votes elected 24 songs out of 84 to form the "Top Songs of 2011". As promised, here is a two-hour-long mix of all winning top songs in 2011. Your music, your vote! Thank you all for voting! 請讚好我們的 Facebook 專頁 | Like our Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/hk.clip Twitter: http://twitter.com/hkclip Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/117255536486849722512/ 請參閱:Please visit: http://ihkmusic.weebly.co...
Live show starts at 28:07 YouTube FanFest akan hadir untuk pertama kalinya di Jakarta pada tanggal 23 Oktober. Nonton pertunjukannya dengan nyaman dari rumah Anda di YouTube! Siaran langsung akan dimulai pukul 20:00 WIB. YouTube FanFest is coming to Jakarta for the very first time on October 23! Watch the show from the front row in your comfy home right here on YouTube. The livestream will start from 8:00pm (Indonesia time). Bintang Youtuber yang akan hadir: Line-up features: Kurt Hugo Schneider Bethany Mota Sam Tsui Mike Tompkins Macy Kate EdhoZell Eka Gustiwana SkinnyIndonesian24 TheOvertunes Young Lex Gamaliel Audrey Chantika Natasha Farani Jakarta Beatbox Linda Kayhz Cheryl Raissa Indovidgram Jebe & Petty YouTube FanFest Indonesia #YTFFID Jakarta, Oktober 23, 2015 Gandaria City M...
Penang Check It Out was very honoured to have an opportunity of an up close and personal interview with Michael Tse(Laughing Gor) and Kate Tsui! They are both here for a meet the fans events promoting their upcoming concert in Genting.
This was during the film press conference (14 Blades) Source : Ming Pao Translated by Stephy Wephy @ http://asianfanatics.net Brief video translation Zun : I feel very pressured. However, I believe this type of movie will make me a better person. Because if you meet this type of people, I believe in future when I need to film this type of movie I will become more use to it. That's why I feel very happy. Yes yes.. Our contract isnt ending soon........ (speaking in cantonese) Reporters : When will the contract end? Zun : ermmm.. next year we will be releasing an album.. Kate : Filming the fighting scene was very fun.. we fight a lot in this movie.. we tried many new things together.. and there were also a lot of wire hanging scenes... Zun : Yes.. a lot.. Kate : Yes.. we had the most...
Hong Kong actress/singer/model Kate Tsui chats to Hello Asia editor Johnny Au. Kate Tsui is best known in the Chinese entertainment industry for her work in Hong Kong TV dramas and winning the prestigious Miss Hong Kong pageant in 2004. Kate Tsui chats about her career in TV dramas, her dream of working in a musical and expanding her music career. She also talks about why she loves the music of Sam Smith. Filmed at Sundown Festival Press Conference in Singapore, December 2014. Interview/Camera/Edit: Johnny Au http://www.theaureview.com/ http://www.facebook.com/theaureview http://www.twitter.com/theaureview SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE MUSIC RELATED CONTENT! http://bit.ly/1wLM64S
http://joshuaongys.com Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Him Law 羅仲謙 & Kate Tsui 徐子珊 TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2014 Winner Interview - My Favourite Top 15 TVB Drama Characters 最喜愛TVB電視角色 TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2014 (TVB马来西亚星光荟萃颁奖典礼 2014) Date : 23 November 2014 Time : 8PM Venue : Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting
What does former Miss Hong Kong Kate Tsui want in her special someone, and is the TVB actress seeing someone now?
English Subbed. Compilation of interviews from various media sources. Highlights: Donnie Yen talked about his views on Wu Chun and Kate Tsui. Wu Chun and Kate talked about how they will accidentally hit each other and the blunders during filming.