The comedian and singer recently met at an event in D.C., and their encounter was mighty Seinfeldian

Theresa May’s Conservatives have clung to power, while Corbyn’s Labour surged into contention but came up short, thanks in part to his alienation of key Jewish constituencies


Jack Antonoff’s Pop Anthems Are More Than Just Fun

The Bleachers singer is more than Lena Dunham’s boyfriend. He’s also one of the most influential pop music producers in the world right now.


This Typeface Combines Hebrew and Arabic Equally

Israeli typographer Liron Lavi Turkenich has married two ancient languages in script, and it’s legible


Meet the Muslim Memoirist Who Works With Zionists to Try and Forge Islamic-Jewish Ties

Haroon Moghul, the author of ‘How To Be a Muslim: An American Story,’ on his influences, struggles, and hopes for his new book


Signs of the Times

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld is spending his retirement collecting signs from shuttered shuls.


A Prayer in the Forest

Getting lost at summer camp made me rethink what psalms mean to me


The Inheritance

In this week’s ‘Daf Yomi,’ one sage overrules the consensus, and men may dispose of their wealth upon their deathbeds at will


America’s Descent Into Middle Eastern-Style Conspiracy-Theory Madness

How the once-sturdy institutions of our democracy—the press, the intelligence community, political parties—have been used to legitimize a conspiracy theory, and why those theories are so hard to disprove


Breaking: Israeli Security Cabinet Secret Transcripts Part II, The Accidental Occupation

Fifty years after the Six-Day War, newly unsealed classified documents reveal Israeli leaders discussing what to do with the Arabs in Jerusalem and the West Bank, debating how to manage diplomacy with Egypt and Syria, and neglecting to realize the extent of the conundrum they were leaving for us to solve.


What the AP’s Collaboration With the Nazis Should Teach Us About Reporting the News

Is it better to cooperate with dictatorships and authoritarian regimes and tell half the story with hands tied—or not tell the story at all?


The Accidental Tourists

A new anthology, edited by Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon, inadvertently and correctly argues that coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians is an illusion.


An Outsider in Jerusalem

Like a vampire, I fit nowhere in Israel but inside the real and made-up stories of lovers and others. Fifty years after the end of the Six-Day War, a look back at the monsters and myths of youth.


Master and Commander

Episode 93: Actor Jonathan Frakes, better known as Commander William T. Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Toronto talk show host Fred Kuhr