
Photo by Health California on Facebook:
07 Jun 2017

California Plan For Single-Payer System Must Confront Political Obstacles To Succeed

Generating support for single-payer health care is important, but it will never succeed without planning for the trade-offs necessary to make it work.

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Screenshot from Mother Jones website.
24 May 2017

Single-Payer Health Care Is Less Expensive—Deal With It

Practically everyone (except Kevin Drum at Mother Jones) believes single-payer would cut health care costs. It’s the heart of the whole debate.

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Screenshot from C-SPAN broadcast of House vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA):
14 May 2017

Trumpcare Shows Majority Of Politicians Are Willing To Vote Against Health Care Industry

Single-payer opponents claim it’s politically impossible get a majority in Congress to oppose the health care industry, but House GOP just proved them wrong.

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Vermont Human Right To Healthcare. Rally at the State House in Montpelier, VT. Photo by NESRI on Flickr.
02 May 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Overcoming Hurdles At The State Level

Attempts to convince states to adopt single-payer healthcare face significant hurdles that are both legal and financial.

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"Obama at Healthcare rally at UMD." Photo by Daniel Borman (dborman2) on Flickr.
24 Apr 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Fighting For Universal Health Care At The Federal Level

In Part 3 of Jon Walker’s series, he examines various hurdles at the federal level that Americans must overcome to achieve a universal health care system.

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The Bullpen