Federal Politics

PM pushes for national parole laws to keep terror offenders locked up

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The Turnbull government will this week push for toughened and nationally consistent parole laws after concerns were raised about how Yacqub Khayre, the gunman responsible for Monday night's deadly siege in Melbourne, was roaming free despite a track record of violence and extremism.

Australia breaks GDP record

Treasurer Scott Morrison is expected to address the latest figures on Wednesday morning.

Australia has broken the record for the longest run of uninterrupted growth in the developed world, figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics have revealed.

Minimum wage to rise by $22 a week

The decision will anger the nation's union movement, which has been fighting for a $45-a-week rise to the minimum wage.

Australia's lowest-paid workers will get a $22-a-week pay rise after the workplace umpire lifted the national minimum wage to $694.90.

Shorten defends Dastyari's China links

Senator Sam Dastyari has come under fresh scrutiny.

Labor leader Bill Shorten has been forced to back Labor senator Sam Dastyari following fresh revelations about his links to and lobbying for an influential Chinese donor to the Australian Labor Party.