- published: 02 Dec 2016
- views: 522
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The Feelers is a New Zealand pop rock band formed in the early 1990s in Christchurch by James Reid (singer/guitarist) and Hamish Gee (drums/guitar).
The Feelers was signed by Warner Music and released their first album, Supersystem. The album went to number 1 in New Zealand in September 1998, and became the second biggest selling album in the country that year. An instrumental version of single "Pressure Man" featured in 1999 American film Drop Dead Gorgeous during Kirsten Dunst's tap-dancing act. At the 1999 New Zealand Music Awards Supersystem won Album of the Year, Song Writer of the Year (James Reid), Band of the Year, and Producer of the Year (The Feelers and Malcolm Welsford). The band was also awarded the most played song on New Zealand Radio two years running, with "Supersystem" 1998 and "Venus" the following year.
After extensive touring the band started work on their next album, recording demos with Des Broadbery (U2) before starting production with British producer Gil Norton.(The Pixies, Foo Fighters) Released in 2001, Communicate debuted at Number 1.
Andy Lynch Showreel
On the Road | Andy Lynch | Part 1
Andy Lynch interview
The Feelers - Andy Lynch solo guitar live
Andy Lynch interview
Andy Lynch - Chortle Student Comedy Award 2009
Andy Lynch of Make The Rules "Smile For The Sharks" Drum Playthrough
Andy Lynch at Colon Beach
Andy Lynch: New large wedding album
From Our Members - Andy Lynch
On The Road with Andy Lynch - Episode 1 Paul John Dykes speaks to ex-Celtic captain, Andy Lynch, about his forthcoming autobiography, 'Hoops, Stars & Stripes'. In episode 1 of this exclusive CQN webcast, 'On The Road', Andy reminisces about his early days in junior football, and how it was Hearts who finally signed him on professional forms in 1969. A first-team berth was quickly established at Tynecastle, as Andy flourished on the left-wing under the tutelage of Hearts' Head Coach, Jock Wallace. Andy speaks fondly of his time in the capital, but his heart was always set on a move to Celtic Park. After starring against many of Jock Stein's Lisbon Lions, newspaper reports began to report that he may soon end up as one of their team-mates. When the move finally came, Andy was thrilled t...
5 Jan 08 - The Feelers/Elemeno P/Atlas Summer Tour @ The Poenamo, Takapuna. Andy Lynch, who also plays guitar with Crawl is the new guitar guy in The Feelers. Obvious a talented guy, doing a funky guitar solo thing here
Castleford Tigers v Widnes Vikings Challenge Cup Semi Final 10/8/14
Andy Lynch performing in the Cambridge heat of the Chortle Student Comedy Award 2009.
Drums recorded live at Mainline Recordings in Westfield, Massachusetts by Eric Arena. Video recorded and edited by Conifer Studios Pick up Make The Rules EP "Smile For The Sharks" on iTunes here: https://itun.es/us/h9r7Z?i=871178178 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maketherulesbandpage/?fref=ts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maketherulesband_ma/?hl=en
Andy Lynch Wedding Photography www.andylynchweddingphotography.com New and improved (very large) flush mount wedding album
On The Road with Andy Lynch - Episode 1 Paul John Dykes speaks to ex-Celtic captain, Andy Lynch, about his forthcoming autobiography, 'Hoops, Stars & Stripes'. In episode 1 of this exclusive CQN webcast, 'On The Road', Andy reminisces about his early days in junior football, and how it was Hearts who finally signed him on professional forms in 1969. A first-team berth was quickly established at Tynecastle, as Andy flourished on the left-wing under the tutelage of Hearts' Head Coach, Jock Wallace. Andy speaks fondly of his time in the capital, but his heart was always set on a move to Celtic Park. After starring against many of Jock Stein's Lisbon Lions, newspaper reports began to report that he may soon end up as one of their team-mates. When the move finally came, Andy was thrilled t...
5 Jan 08 - The Feelers/Elemeno P/Atlas Summer Tour @ The Poenamo, Takapuna. Andy Lynch, who also plays guitar with Crawl is the new guitar guy in The Feelers. Obvious a talented guy, doing a funky guitar solo thing here
Castleford Tigers v Widnes Vikings Challenge Cup Semi Final 10/8/14
Andy Lynch performing in the Cambridge heat of the Chortle Student Comedy Award 2009.
Drums recorded live at Mainline Recordings in Westfield, Massachusetts by Eric Arena. Video recorded and edited by Conifer Studios Pick up Make The Rules EP "Smile For The Sharks" on iTunes here: https://itun.es/us/h9r7Z?i=871178178 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maketherulesbandpage/?fref=ts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maketherulesband_ma/?hl=en
Andy Lynch Wedding Photography www.andylynchweddingphotography.com New and improved (very large) flush mount wedding album
Our season finale with WOSN Sports Director Andy Lynch and OSU running star Katie Borchers!
Stat Staff presents Andy Bullock from Merrill Lynch to go over the benefits of having a 401(k), especially for nurses.
Ensenada Album Completo Todas las canciones compuestas y escritas por Mauricio Piñero Producido por Mauricio Piñero Artwork: Aramis Hernandez & Mauricio Piñero credits released 15 May 2015 Grabado en: Usina de Cultura,(Castillos) y Buena Vista Estudio a Energía Solar (Barra de Valizas) - Rocha - Uruguay Mezclado y Masterizado : Hum Studios (Nueva Zelanda) por Andrew Lynch Participaciones: Schubert Rodríguez: Bajo en #2 Andy Lynch: Guitarra Eléctrica en #1, #2, #4 y #9 Mauricio Piñero: Voz, Guitarra Folk, Guitarra Eléctrica, Bajo y Programación
Muerte en la montaña es una película estadounidense de terror del año 2010 dirigida por Adam Green. Protagonizada por Emma Bell, Kevin Zegers y Shawn Ashmore, se estrenó el 24 de enero de 2010, tuvo una recaudación de 3.1 mdd. Título Original: Frozen Título Latino: Muerte en la Montaña Año: 2010 País: Estados Unidos Director: Adam Green Música: Andy Garfield Reparto: Emma Bell (Parker O'Neil), Kevin Zegers (Dan Walker), Shawn Ashmore (Joe Lynch), Rileah Vanderbilt (Shannon), Ed Ackerman (Jason), Adam Johnson (Rifkin), Chris York (Ryan), Peder Melhuse (Driver), Kane Hodder (Cody) Género: Terror | Suspenso | Drama Sinopsis: Tres esquiadores se quedan varados en el telesilla, en lo alto de una montaña desierta. Tendrán que elegir entre quedarse ahí y morir congelados o escapar como sea y...
Para ver estrenos de cine entra http://Allcalidad.com/ Contamos con más de 5000 películas en español Muerte en la montaña es una película estadounidense de terror del año 2014 dirigida por Adam Green. Protagonizada por Emma Bell, Kevin Zegers y Shawn Ashmore, se estrenó el 24 de enero de 2010, tuvo una recaudación de 3.1 mdd. Título Original: Frozen Título Latino: Muerte en la Montaña Año: 2014 País: Estados Unidos Director: Adam Green Música: Andy Garfield Reparto: Emma Bell (Parker O'Neil), Kevin Zegers (Dan Walker), Shawn Ashmore (Joe Lynch), Rileah Vanderbilt (Shannon), Ed Ackerman (Jason), Adam Johnson (Rifkin), Chris York (Ryan), Peder Melhuse (Driver), Kane Hodder (Cody) Género: Terror | Suspenso | Drama Sinopsis: Tres esquiadores se quedan varados en el telesilla, en lo alto d...
This is the podcast that one would think Sam Harris wanted to have with Maryam Namazie. Andy sits down with Lucas Lynch to discuss in a candid manner the waking up podcast which Sam Harris had with Maryam Namazie at the end of Feubrary regarding profiling and the migrant crisis. Andy and Lucas discuss the different elements surrounding the issues discussed on the podcast, such as economics, the rise of the Far-Right and Islamism. The original podcast between Sam Harris and Maryam Namazie https://soundcloud.com/samharrisorg/throw-open-the-gates Lucas Lynch's Blog: http://lucaslynch.org/ Lucas on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lucasjlynch Andy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndyMOBrien
Audra and her brothers are heading to the state fair by train when she's stricken by appendicitis. The only doctor who can help her is being hunted by two men seeking revenge on the man... for burning their town to the ground years before. Guest star: Richard Anderson (Travers), Karl Swenson (Aaron Moyers), Tim McIntire (Andy Moyers), James McCallion (Charlie Wellman), Napoleon Whiting (Silas), Nora Marlowe (Cora Wellman), Hal Lynch (Ab Stullman), Betty Harford (Grace Stullman), Ken Mayer (Deakes), Charles Bail (Mel), Charles Horvath (Ford)
Ben Crooks has an early chance to show Castleford fans what they are missing when he faces them in Leigh's first game back in Super League. Castleford 1 Zak Hardaker 2 Greg Minikin 3 Jake Webster 4 Michael Shenton 5 Greg Eden 6 Rangi Chase 7 Luke Gale 8 Andy Lynch 9 Paul Mcshane 10 Gadwin Springer 11 Jesse Sene-Lefao 12 Mike McMeeken 13 Nathan Massey Subs 14 Grant Millington 15 Junior Moors 16 Matt Cook 17 Ben Roberts Leigh 1 Ryan Hampshire 2 Adam Higson 3 Ben Crooks 4 Mitch Brown 5 Matt Dawson 6 Martyn Ridyard 7 Joshua Drinkwater 8 Gareth Hock 9 Liam Hood 10 Danny Tickle 11 Cory Paterson 12 Glenn Stewart 13 Harrison Hansen Subs 14 Elo...