Help C N' P or its OVER... HALO 5 series TOMORROW! #CNPHALO
Tell us in the comments how
CNP made you laugh, or helped you out!
Read the full info here for details on how to help!
Our goal is to reach out to Youtubers, New fans, and to finally end the media blackout and blatant refusal of CNP being shared to the wider community after nearly a decade
This is where we change that! Use #CNPHALO, Make a response, or share this and tell everyone about the weekly episodes all of May 2016, and more planned for the show in the summer time!
We're not trying to seem selfish... but 8 years later, CNP has become one of the biggest
Halo machinima shows of all time. But still receives zero coverage from
Big companies, gaming news websites, Halo's parent company 343, and even a portion of the youtube community...
Millions of people in over
150 Countries, NEVER once given a simple thumbs up or share in the public realm, destined to never be given a chance to travel to the wide reaching community because it doesn't meet a '
Friendly' standard in you RATED M
It is an insult to not just the Thousand of fans, but any Youtubers or Fan of halo the globe over. Some one can draw a really cool picture, or make a really sweet costume, and we think thats kickass, and by all means keep sharing other awesome content from the community!...
But when we're in 8 years, with 0 MENTION , coverage, blatant refusal to even talk about the show...
What is that to say to anyone ever being welcomed into making future content, when some people work 8 years to never get a simple tweet, or allowed to reach the wide community...