

NDIS may be exacerbating inequality for some with a disability, research finds

The National Disability Insurance Scheme may be exacerbating the inequities it aims to solve for some participants, a key research report has found.

The research, from a team at the University of NSW Canberra and University of Melbourne's Melbourne Social Equity Institute, involved interviews with 42 people with disabilities and their families and took input from community researchers in the Victorian Barwon trial site.

It found that, while many scheme participants welcomed the reforms, those with a smaller group of support people, living in greater poverty or with greater disadvantages found it more difficult to access support and understand the complex arrangements.

A key difficulty participants faced, the report found, was that the administrative burden linked to getting support, equipment and carers fell heavier on those with more traditional factors showing disadvantage than those with a strong support network living in greater socio-economic advantage.

That situation was compounded by administrative issues in the NDIS including staff shortages, problems with the online portal and staff with limited experience working with people with a disability, the report found.

UNSW Canberra researcher Helen Dickinson said the project also found the scheme requirement that a participant needed a professional occupational assessment to get funding for specialised equipment had forced some people into the difficult position of buying equipment for just $30, but to get financial support, they then had to pay hundreds of dollars for the assessment.


She said one simple recommendation the research team had was fora threshold to be put in place to allow participants to buy equipment that was less expensive, and not need the assessment to access scheme support.

Co-author Sue Olney said the report also found that much of the administrative burden of coordinating services had been pushed onto the participants themselves.

"The people navigating this system, and their families, are under pressure in many ways," she said.

"Their lives are busy and complicated, so people who didn't have strong networks of support were really struggling to understand the information provided."

While the scheme's focus on delivering greater choice for people with a disability had helped some participants, the research found many actually preferred more routine and less choice, given the burden of navigating the complex scheme.

"It is important to acknowledge constraints to people with disabilities exercising choice and to recognise the implications of this in a client-driven system, including how it fits with other values that promote the safety, wellbeing, respect and dignity of people living with disability," the report reads.

Many people and their carers and families also felt they were "often overlooked in the planning process" and had trouble accessing and understand the "huge volume of information" about the scheme and how it affected them.