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Brad Hazzard opposes ministerial committee decision to reappoint anaesthetist with past alcohol issues

An anaesthetist who was sacked for excessive drinking has convinced a ministerial committee he should return to work, despite the opposition of the minister himself.

Michal Petr, 49, abandoned a patient mid-operation in May last year and was found several hours later in a state of severe intoxication. The incident was five years after he was caught driving to work with a blood alcohol level more than three times over the legal limit.

His position as a visiting medical officer at Wollongong Hospital was terminated, but he immediately lodged a protest under a legal provision that gives practitioners the right of appeal to the minister.

A committee of review determined on Tuesday that Dr Petr should be reappointed, finding that, provided he complied with conditions such as daily breath testing, he was unlikely to relapse.

But Health Minister Brad Hazzard, on whose behalf the committee made the decision, said on Saturday he did not share its conclusion and patient safety would need to be ensured.

The only way to overturn the committee's decision is through the Supreme Court, a course that is not under consideration.


"As the Minister for Health, my primary concern is about ensuring that patients are kept safe," Mr Hazzard said.

"It's a decision made by a review committee under the legislation and is not one I would have made.  Hopefully we will be working with the doctor to have him address his issues before he seeks to come back to work."

The Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District gave Dr Petr a "first and final warning" following his drink driving charge in 2011 and the Medical Council of NSW placed him on an impaired registrants program that precluded him from drinking and required regular urine testing.

But he resumed drinking in January 2016, a year after he was discharged from the program, following some stresses in his personal life, the review committee found.

On the defining night of May 20 last year, he left a patient in the operating theatre without handover to the other anaesthetist present, whereupon he consumed six to eight drinks and passed out in a locked room on hospital premises.

In September, the health district terminated his appointment, referring to the first and final warning five years earlier and the practicality of employing a second anaesthetist to supervise him under new conditions imposed by the Medical Council of NSW.

"Even if it were possible, however, the critical issue is one of trust," the termination letter said.

"I must make the protection of patients the paramount consideration in relation to determining whether to take disciplinary action against a member of staff."

But Dr Petr's appeal was supported by many of his colleagues in anaesthesia, at least 17 of whom petitioned the general manager on his behalf in August and offered to supervise him pro bono. He was supported also by his psychiatrists who advised he was unlikely to relapse.

The Medical Council removed the requirement for the second anaesthetist not to be working while supervising Dr Petr in March.

He is currently working at Shellharbour Private Hospital.

The review committee found that, while Dr Petr's conduct was serious, it was not willful.

"We do not discount the significance of the event of 20 May for the people involved, not only Dr Petr himself, but also the anaesthetist who was left in the operating theatre without notice, and without the scheduled involvement of Dr Petr, the Nurse Unit Manager, the co-directors of anaesthetics who were called upon to assist, and other nursing staff," the committee found.

The decision made no mention of the patient.

It is understood other doctors at Wollongong Hospital are furious he has been given the green light to return to work.

The health district's chief executive Margot Mains told the review committee not everyone supported Dr Petr's return and she needed to deal with staff morale.

She said in a statement to Fairfax Media that the local health district had opposed Dr Petr's appeal.

"Dr Petr is subject to conditions imposed by the NSW Medical Council," she said.

"Before he resumes any duties as a VMO, the district would need to be satisfied that Dr Petr will meet the conditions required of him to practice, and any other additional conditions the district may apply following a full clinical risk assessment."