Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Hidden Face of Andrew Scheer

As you know, I've been trying to warn people that Andrew Scheer is not the nice guy he pretends to be.

Warn them that his perma smile conceals the frightening depth of his religious fanaticism, as well as a truly ugly mean streak.

And that far from being a howdy doody farm boy, Scheer is a ruthless Con operative,
and as great a threat to this country as was Stephen Harper.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Is Donald Trump Just Too Stupid To Be President?

I must admit that when I saw Donald Trump holding a rare news conference yesterday I was absolutely shocked.

Not just by the way he looked, like a man about to keel over.

But also by the crazy things he was saying.

Or blowing out of his pie hole.

Theresa May and the Nasty Bigot Party

Uh oh. Somebody call a tow truck. It seem that Theresa May isn't going anywhere. 

She may have been humiliated by Jeremy Corbyn, she may have lost all those Tory seats.

Some of her Cons are drawing straws to see who gets the honour of stabbing her in the back.

But she seems determined to try to cling to power, with the help of a nasty little gang.

Friday, June 09, 2017

Theresa May and the Amazing Campaign of Jeremy Corbyn

When Theresa May called a snap election, I'm pretty sure she was confident her Cons would be able to destroy Jeremy Corbyn. 

Her campaign manager Lynton Crosby, the malignant Aussie known as the Wizard or Lizard of Oz, must have had her dreaming of making meat pies out of the mild-mannered Labour Party leader.

And no doubt also reminding her that even many of Corbyn's own MPs, the lost followers of Tony Blair, thought he was dead man walking. 

After the Con media had spent years demonizing him...

Thursday, June 08, 2017

How You Can Help Put The Squeeze On The Rebel

As you know, Ezra Levant likes to call himself a "Rebel Commander" and portray himself and The Rebel as a champions of free speech.

Even though The Rebel is just a tacky hate mongering rag, which should have been closed down long ago by the vice squad.

And Levant is only in it for the money. 

Donald Trump and the Day of the Comey

I'm sure Donald Trump's White House minions are doing their best to prepare him for James Comey's Senate hearing today.

But it won't be easy, because it's going to be a big event.

So while Trump is threatening to live tweet the hearing, other Republicans are doing their best to discredit Comey.

By running attack ads like this one.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Donald Trump, James Comey, and the Coming War With Iran

I can only imagine what kind of state Donald Trump must be in as James Comey, the FBI director he fired, prepares to testify tomorrow.

But it can't be very pretty.

Not when Boss Trump probably thought he had "fixed" the Comey problem...

So now he's hopping mad...

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Will Trump's Latest Twitter Orgy Be The Beginning Of The End?

Donald Trump has had many bad Twitter moments, that have demeaned him and his country, and shocked the world.

But that usually end up with Trump staring into a pool of excrement and liking what he sees.

But his trip to Europe and the Middle East exhausted him.

The idea that James Comey is coming back to haunt him, must be giving him bad dreams

And the volley of tweets he released in the last 48 hours may well mark the beginning of the end of his presidency.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Michael Harris On The Cheating Party of Canada

As I'm sure you know Andrew Scheer, the smiling religious fanatic is trying to give himself a saintly image.

Or at least portray himself as an aw shucks, gee whiz, Jimmy Stewart version of a priest or a farm boy.

So there he was the other day at the Press Gallery dinner, chugging milk out of a carton, while all the others got drunk.

But sadly for him it's just not working.

The Marvellous Message of the One Love Manchester Concert

I must admit I'd never heard of Ariana Grande before the terror attack in Manchester two weeks ago.

And neither had I heard of many of the young artists who performed at her One Love Manchester benefit show yesterday evening.

Ariana Grande returned to the Manchester stage two weeks after a suicide bombing killed 22 victims at her concert in the city, singing upbeat and motivational pop anthems as the audience cheered loudly for the singer.

But despite feeling a bit old, I quite enjoyed the show, and I have to agree with the Globe's John Doyle.