news and action

7 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story


Unite Against Fascism (UAF)  are supporting a counter demonstration this Sunday in Manchester,  (details here, )against an attempt by far-right groups and individuals, eg, …

5 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Edl confronted near Lime St Street station

UAF’s Weyman Bennett addresses part of the rally
Before the horrific attack in London on Saturday night, (to which of …

31 May 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Support continues to grow for Merseyside Unite Against Fascism’s protest against the fascist English Defence League’s (EDL) planned demonstration,  in Liverpool, on 3rd June.  Many in the city are angered …

26 May 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Anti fascists called for unity in response to Monday’s  horrific attack in Manchester, which killed 22 concert goers and injured at least 59, and sends condolences to …

19 May 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Photo by Syd Shelton
On August 13, 1977, Nazi followers of the National Front (NF) tried to march through New Cross, in London.
They wanted to sow …

15 May 2017 >> Action, Campaign material, News

UAF recently put together a special edition of our magazine, which is sponsored by the National Union of Teachers. It is packed full of pieces …

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