News & Politics

BUSTED: Trump Treasury Pick Took 4-Week Course on Dartmouth Campus and Called It a Degree

Yet another Trump appointee blunder.

Photo Credit: George Sheldon /

Another of President Donald Trump’s nominees has been caught fudging their academic and professional bonafides, according to The Hill.

Joseph Otting — Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency — reportedly lied when he said on his resume that he holds a degree from the “School of Credit and Financial Management at Dartmouth College.”

Dartmouth — an Ivy League university that was founded in Hanover, New Hampshire in 1769 — has never had a school of credit and financial management, nor does any such college operate out of any Dartmouth facility.

“Joseph Otting is not a Dartmouth graduate,” said university spokeswoman Diana Lawrence to New England Cable News on Wednesday. “Dartmouth does not have a school of credit and financial management.”

The only program bearing the name “School of Credit and Financial Management” associated with Dartmouth was a four-week certificate program spread over two years that was provided by National Association of Credit Management, a Maryland-based nonprofit that provides credit and financial professionals with continuing education opportunities. For a short time, the course was offered on the Dartmouth College campus.

Otting has a bachelor’s degree and The Hill reported that if nominated, he will be the first U.S. comptroller in decades not to hold an advanced degree.

The White House confirmed Otting’s “error” on Friday, saying that “Bloomberg’s characterization of Mr. Otting’s credentials is correct.”

Bloomberg News said Friday, “Records from the program, which is run for two weeks each year by the National Association of Credit Management, confirm that Otting graduated in 1992 when he was a mid-level manager at Union Bank in Beverly Hills, California.”

In addition to Otting, Trump’s nominees for other posts have been felled due to plagiarism our outright lies about their qualifications. Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee whiffed a nomination to the Department of Homeland Security of plagiarized passages in his master’s thesis.

Former Fox News personality Monica Crowley was forced to step down from a post as Trump’s deputy national security adviser after it was revealed that she plagiarized portions of her Ph.D. dissertation in 2000. Crowley was also ordered to retroactively register as a foreign agent of Ukrainian interests operating in the United States earlier this year.

Former terrorism “expert” and suspected neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka’s insistence on being referred to as “Dr. Gorka” in press appearance became ultimately risible when a real terrorism expert revealed this spring that Gorka was awarded his doctorate for what was essentially a lengthy blog post he dubbed his “dissertation.”

That work was, in turn, was adjudicated by a committee of his political allies and cronies in Hungary, who then conferred upon Gorka his Ph.D.

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