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“All I can tell you is that the number of requests that Mitt has gotten in the last month to come to a district or to come to a state for a sitting senator — it’s like he’s a presidential candidate."

‘You can’t run forever’: Sen. Patrick Leahy puts Jeff Sessions on notice that he is coming after him

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) served notice to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Staurday night and Sunday morning that he is not happy that that Sessions is ducking appearing before the Appropriations Committee he sits on.

‘Marked man’ Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly cancels public testimony

On Saturday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions canceled his scheduled appearance before an open session of the House and Senate appropriations committees set for the coming week to avoid answering questions about "issues related to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election.”

Trump cancels trip to Britain to avoid ‘large-scale protests’: report

Trump reportedly told British Prime Minister Theresa May that he does not want to visit later this year unless he has the support of the British public.

Two toddlers die after Texas mom leaves them in hot car for 15 hours

19-year-old Amanda Hawkins, a mother of two, was arrested in San Antonio, Texas, on Thursday and faces two counts of child endangerment, according to the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office.

‘Totally illegal’: Trump launches Twitter attack on ‘cowardly’ Comey for revealing his Russia conversation

In an early Sunday morning tweet, President Donald Trump made more accusations against fired FBI Director James Comey and the #FakeNews mainstream media.

Here are 10 clues Comey dropped that show Trump is in deep trouble

There’s no lack of comments by ex-FBI Director James Comey that President Trump sought to end the FBI’s investigation into Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser, over unreported contacts with Russia. But what may be most revealing about Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee were the subjects he refused to discuss in a public setting.

‘Still makes more sense than Sean Spicer’: Internet ridicules Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ weird emoji-filled tweet

"Somewhere in there she said, 'Trump is a liar.'"

‘It was like a total sh*tshow’: Attendee at NATO dinner reveals Trump’s private speech left world leaders appalled

“It was a trainwreck. It was awful.”

Here’s how Hoover’s abuses helped define the modern FBI

Since the 1970s, bureau directors try to maintain a discrete distance from the president. This tradition grew out of reforms that followed the often questionable behavior of former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who served from 1924 to 1972.

Twitter account @KellyanneLeaks busts Conway for trashing Reince Priebus at embassy party

Kellyanne overheard mimicking Reince urging aides to stop leaking -- and wondering what the White House legislative director does all day.

Rhode Island lawmaker apologizes for handouts that included tab screenshot of teen porn site

“It was a mistake, and I recognize that,” he said. “My fault.”