Meet Village Tract Administrator: Daw Naw June Ae Nar

Daw Naw June Ae Nar is the first female Village Tract Administrator (VTA) of War Kha Yae Village Tract, Eain Mae Township in Ayeyarwaddy Region

Blog | So Near the State Capital, Yet So Little Exposure to Development

After a 30 minutes’ car drive from Sittwe town, the capital of Rakhine State, a UNFPA colleague and I arrived at 8.30 in the morning at Naryikan.

Speech | Remarks by Deputy Country Director Dawn Del Rio at the Validation Workshop on the Strategic Framework for the National Environmental Policy

Your Excellency U Ohn Winn, the Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Permanent Secretaries, Director Generals, Members of Parliament, The representatives from National Environmental Conservation and Climate Change Central Committee, Officials from different government departments,...

Myanmar delegation
Learning from New Zealand: Prioritizing Leadership Development in Myanmar’s Civil Service Reform

A high level government delegation, led by the Chairperson of the Union Civil Service Board (UCSB), Dr Win Thein visited New Zealand last week to observe first-hand how the country has implemented civil service reform.

UNDP with Support from Norway Provides Indelible Ink for Myanmar By-Elections

An estimated 2.3 million people elected their representatives for 19 parliamentary seats today in by-elections that were held in 8 States and Regions - Bago, Chin, Kayah, Mon, Rakhine, Sagaing, Shan, and Yangon. The by-elections will fill the seats left vacant by elected Members of Parliament (MPs) of the Amoytha...

A New Approach to Participatory Township Planning Tested in Bago Region and Mon State

Not so long ago it was unheard of for communities in Myanmar to have a say in public sector investments and development planning. Budgets for infrastructure were allocated by the Union or State/region government without, or with little, consultation with representatives from the communities. At the township level,...

Myanmar Reaches Medium Human Development Status

Myanmar has moved up the human development index (HDI), attaining Medium Human Development status and ranking 145 out of 188 countries. Myanmar’s HDI rating was highlighted in the Human Development Report 2016, entitled ‘Human Development for Everyone’, released yesterday by the United Nations Development...

Myanmar Launches the UN-REDD National Programme to Protect Forests and Contribute to Global Efforts to Address Climate Change

A national programme aiming at preparing the country to participate in an international policy initiative to mitigate climate change through avoiding deforestation and forest degradation was launched in Nay Pyi Taw today by the Union Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, H.E. U Ohn Winn.  ...

Myanmar Business Survey Bridges Data Gap on Enterprises

[Nay Pyi Taw] A report which provides an overview of businesses in Myanmar and sheds light on the constraints they face, was launched today by the Deputy Minister of Planning and Finance, H.E U Maung Maung Win and the UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific,...

Funds for Township Work
UNDP Receives Funds to Support Work with Townships

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has received 310.000 CHF (approx. 326.000 USD) from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to further upscale its ongoing work on strengthening democratic local governance in the South East of Myanmar. The funds mark the start of a larger multi...

Third Consultative Workshop on Civil Service Reform Strategic Action Plan
Trust, Inclusivity and Diversity at the Heart of Myanmar’s Civil Service Reform Plan

After extensive country wide consultations, the draft strategic action plan which lays the foundation for civil service reform in Myanmar made further steps towards finalization today. Myanmar’s civil service is made up of 900000 staff.

A new and comprehensive national environmental policy for Myanmar
A new and comprehensive national environmental policy for Myanmar

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been supporting the government of Myanmar to formulate a new national environmental policy that places environmental considerations at the centre of efforts to promote economic and social development, reduce poverty, and mitigate and adapt to climate change and natural disasters.

Rule of Law Indispensable for in Myanmar’s Development

Without rule of law, inclusive and sustainable development cannot be achieved, a panel discussion organized at the University of Yangon highlighted yesterday.

Thirst for Knowledge Propels Girl to Join Village Development Group
Thirst for Knowledge Propels Girl to Join Village Development Group

Aye Palay Moe was devastated when she had to drop out of school at the age of 16. She had high hopes of studying at a university and bringing knowledge back to her village known as Aung, located in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwaddy Region.