SOAS University of London

Department of Economics

Ben Fine

BA, BPhil (Oxon), PhD (London)
  • Overview
  • Teaching
  • Expertise
  • Publications



Courses Taught
PhD Students supervised
  • Basani Baloyi, The Financialisation of Mozambique's Road Transport Sector
  • Bruno Hofig, A Political Economy of Risk - Derivatives, Credit Rating and Labour's Bargaining Power in Contemporary Capitalism: the Case of the United States (working title)
  • Carolina Alves, Stabilisation or financialisation? Examining the dynamics of the Brazilian public debt
  • Christina Laskaridis, Debt sustainability in theory and practice (working title)
  • Christina Wolf, “China’s Impact on Latecomer Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: On the Interaction between Changing Patterns of Global Demand and Investment Flows and their Mediation through (Industrial) Policy” (working title)
  • Ezgi Unsal , Financialisation of Social Reproduction: Housing and Electricity Provision in Turkey
  • Gabriel Pollen , Total Factor Productivity Growth Applications in a Developing Country: Does the case of Zambia validate or repudiate its realism? (Working Title)
  • Gilad Isaacs, The Internationalisation and Financialisation of Non-Financial Corporations in Democratic South Africa (working title)
  • Hongseok Ryu, Finanalisation of housing in South Korea
  • Jennifer Churchill, The Fall and Rise of the Pragmatic Tradition in Economics (working title)
  • Mohammed Mossallam, Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Options for Developing Countries in Dealing with their Existing Bilateral Investment Treaties (Working Title)
  • Nana Amma Asante-Poku, Emerging Governance and Institutional Arrangements under Globalisation: A Case Study of Ghana's Pineapple Export Sector (Working Title)
  • Olayinka Babalola, Structural Transformation in the Technology Service Sector in Nigeria
  • Pedro Loureiro, A critique of neo-developmental state power in Latin America: the cases of Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia (working title)
  • Richard Itaman, Financialisation in Sub-Sahara Africa: The Nigerian Experience (Working Title)
  • Thomas Haines-Doran, The Political Economy of Rail Privatisation in Britain


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  • Briefings
  • Special Study Programmes
  • Short Term Consultancy
Regional Expertise
  • Africa
Country Expertise
  • South Africa


Authored Books

Fine, Ben and Dimakou, Ourania (2016) Macroeconomics: A Critical Companion. London: Pluto.

Fine, Ben (2016) Microeconomics: A Critical Companion. London: Pluto Press.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2012) CA-PI-TAL!:Introduction à l’économie politique de Marx. Paris: Raisons d’agir Éditions.

Fine, Ben (2011) Social Capital Versus Social Theory: Political Economy and Social Science at the Turn of the Millennium. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy)

Fine, Ben (2010) Women's Employment and the Capitalist Family. London: Routledge Revival.

Fine, Ben (2010) Theories of Social Capital: Researchers Behaving Badly. Pluto. (IIPPE)

Fine, Ben (2010) Women's Employment and the Capitalist Family. London: Routledge. (Routledge revivals)

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2010) Marx's 'Capital', fifth edition. London: Pluto Press.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2009) From Economics Imperialism to Freakonomics: The Shifting Boundaries Between Economics and Other Social Sciences. London; New York: Routledge.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2008) From Political Economy to Economics: Method, the Social and the Historical in the Evolution of Economic Theory. Routledge.

Fine, Ben (2002) The World of Consumption. The Material and Cultural Revisited. London: Routledge.

Fine, Ben (2001) Social Capital versus Social Theory: Political Economy and Social Science at the Turn of the Millennium. London: Routledge.

Fine, Ben (1998) The Political Economy of Diet, Health and Food Policy. London: Routeldge. (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)

Fine, Ben (1997) Labour Market Theory: A Constructive Reassessment. London: Routeldge. (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)

Fine, Ben (1997) South Africa's Political Economy: From Minerals-Energy Complex to Industrialisation. London: Hurst.

Fine, Ben and Heasman, Michael and Wright, Judith (1995) Consumption in the Age of Affluence: The World of Food. London: Routeldge.

Edited Books or Journal Volumes

Fine, Ben and Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasic, Daniela, eds. (2013) Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto.

Chang, Kyung-Sup and Fine, Ben and Weiss, Linda, eds. (2012) Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. (International Political Economy Series)

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Fine, Ben and Boffo, Marco, eds. (2012) The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics (Translated into Portuguese by Expressão Popular, São Paulo, 2016. Cheltenham: Elgar.

Bayliss, Kate and Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, eds. (2011) The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research. London: Pluto Press.

Bayliss, Kate and Fine, Ben, eds. (2007) Privatization and Alternative Public Sector Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Delivering on Electricity and Water. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fine, Ben and Jomo, KS, eds. (2006) The New Development Economics: After the Washington Consensus. Delhi: Tulika; London: Zed Press.

Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, Costas and Pincus, Jonathan, eds. (2001) Development policy in the 21st century: beyond the post-Washington consensus. London: Routledge.

Book Chapters

Fine, Ben (2017) 'The Continuing Enigmas of Social Policy.' In: Ye, Ilcheong, (ed.), Towards Universal Health Care in Emerging Economies: Opportunities and Challenges. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 29-60. (Social Policy in a Development Context)

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Fine, Ben (2016) 'Marxist Economics.' In: Uwakwe, D., (ed.), Rethinking Economics. London: Sage. (Forthcoming)

Fine, Ben (2016) 'The Systemic Failings in Framing Neo-Liberal Social Policy.' In: Subaset, Turan, (ed.), The Great Financial Meltdown: Systemic, Conjunctural or Policy Created? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 159-177. (New Directions in Modern Economics Series)

Fine, Ben (2015) 'Neoclassical Economics: An Elephant is not a Chimera But Is a Chimera Real?' In: Morgan, Jamie, (ed.), What Is This ‘School’ Called Neoclassical Economics?: Debating the Origins, Meaning and Significance. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 180-189. (Economics as Social Theory)

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2014) 'Politics of Neoliberal Development: Washington Consensus and post-Washington Consensus.' In: The Politics of Development: A Survey. London: Routledge, pp. 154-166.

Ashman, Sam and Fine, Ben and Padayachee, Vishnu and Sender, John (2014) 'The Political Economy of Restructuring in South Africa.' In: Bhorat , Haroon and Hirsch, Alan and Kanbur, Ravi and Ncube, Mthuli , (eds.), The Oxford Companion to the Economics of South Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 67-74.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State: An Introduction.' In: Fine, Ben and Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 1-32.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, S. and Newman, S. (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben and Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267.

Fine, Ben and Hall, David (2012) 'Terrains of Neoliberalism: Constraints and Opportunities for Alternative Models of Service Delivery.' In: McDonald, David and Ruiters, Greg, (eds.), Alternatives to Privatization: Public Options for Essential Services in the Global South. London: Routledge; Pretoria: HSRC, pp. 45-70. (Routledge Studies in Development and Society, 29)

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Capital Theory.' In: King, John, (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post-Keynesian Economics, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 68-74.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Financialisation and Social Policy.' In: Utting, P and Razavi, S and Buchholz, R, (eds.), Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change. London: Routledge, pp. 103-122.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Neo-Liberalism in Retrospect? 13 It 19s Financialisation, Stupid.' In: Chang, Kyung-Sup and Fine, Ben and Weiss, Linda, (eds.), Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond. London: Palgrave MacMillan. (International Political Economy Series)

Fine, Ben and Chang, Kyung-Sup (2012) 'Conclusion.' In: Chang, Kyung-Sup and Fine, Ben and Weiss, Linda, (eds.), Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. (International Political Economy Series)

Chang, Kyung-Sup and Fine, Ben and Weiss, Linda (2012) 'Introduction: Neo-Liberalism and Developmental Politics in Perspective.' In: Chang, Kyung-Sup and Fine, Ben and Weiss, Linda, (eds.), Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. (International Political Economy Series)

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Making the Post-Washington Consensus.' In: Srivatsan, R., (ed.), A History of Development Thought: A Critical Anthology of Selected Writings (1954-2004). New Delhi: Routledge.

Fine, Ben and Hall, David (2012) 'El terreno del neoliberalismo: obstáculos y oportunidades para el desarrollo de modelos alternativos en el suministro de servicios.' In: McDonald, David and Ruiters, Greg, (eds.), Alternativas a la Privatización: La provisión de servicios públicos esenciales en los países del Sur. Barcelona: Icaria, pp. 53-80.

Fine, Ben (2011) 'Economics Imperialism.' In: Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M., (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Radical Political Economy, second edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (Forthcoming)

Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2011) 'The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research.' In: Bayliss, Kate and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Fine, Ben, (eds.), The political economy of development: the World Bank, neoliberalism and development research. London: Pluto.

Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Fine, Ben (2011) 'A Knowledge Bank?' In: Bayliss, Kate and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Fine, Ben, (eds.), The political economy of development: the World Bank, neoliberalism and development research. London: Pluto.

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Bayliss, Kate (2011) 'Whither World Bank Research?' In: Bayliss, Kate and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa and Fine, Ben, (eds.), The political economy of development: the World Bank, neoliberalism and development research. London: Pluto.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'From the Political Economy of Development to Development Economics: Implications for Africa.' In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed.), The Political Economy of Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 60-82.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Can South Africa Be a Developmental State.' In: Edigheji, Omano, (ed.), Constructing a Democratic Developmental State in South Africa Potentials and Challenges. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council Press, pp. 169-182.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Looking at the Crisis through Marx: Or Is It the Other Way about?' In: Kates, Steven, (ed.), The Meltdown of the World Economy: Alternative Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis. Edward Elgar, pp. 51-64.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Neo-Liberalism as Financialisation.' In: Saad-Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip, (eds.), Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Mass Resistance. London: Routledge.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2010) 'The Developmental State and Post-Liberation South Africa.' In: Neeta, Misra-Dexter and Judith, February, (eds.), Testing Democracy: Which Way Is South Africa Going? Cape Town: ABC Press for Institute for a Democratic South Africa, pp. 23-45.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Zombieconomics: The Living Death of the Dismal Science.' In: Birch, K and Mykhnenko, V, (eds.), The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism: The Collapse of an Economic Order? London: Zed Books, pp. 53-70.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Zombieconomics: The Living Death of the Dismal Science in the Age of Neo-Liberalism.' In: Birch, K. and Mykhnenko, V., (eds.), The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism: The Collapse of an Economic Order? London: Zed.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'The Developmental State?' In: Maharaj, B. and Desai, A. and Bond, P., (eds.), Zuma’s Own Goal: Losing South Africa’s ‘War on Poverty’. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, Inc, pp. 101-124. (In Press)

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Economics and Scarcity: With Amartya Sen as Point of Departure?' In: Mehta, Lyla, (ed.), The Limits to Scarcity: contesting the politics of allocation. London: Earthscan, pp. 89-107.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Social Capital.' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Eade, Deborah, (eds.), Deconstructing Development Discourse: Buzzwords and Fuzzwords. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 123-134.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Da Financeirizacao da Economia ao Neoliberalismo – a Atracco do Neoliberalismo.' In: Financeirizacao da Economia: A Ultima Fase do Neoliberalismo. Lisboa: LIVRE, pp. 95-124.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2010) 'Transformation Problem.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Fine, Ben, (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar. (Forthcoming)

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Joseph Stiglitz.' In: Simon, D., (ed.), Fifty Key Thinkers on Development. London: Routledge, pp. 247-252.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Addressing the Consumer.' In: Trentmann, F., (ed.), The Making of the Consumer: Knowledge, Power and Identity in the Modern World. UK: Berg, pp. 291-311.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Financial Programming and the IMF: the developmental state and the political economy of development.' In: Fine, Ben and Jomo, K.S., (eds.), The New Development Economics: After the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika, pp. 87-100.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'New Growth Theory: More Problem than Solution.' In: Fine, Ben and Jomo, K.S., (eds.), The New Development Economics: After the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika, pp. 68-86.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Kicking Away the Logic: Free Trade is Neither the Question Nor the Answer for Development.' In: Fine, Ben and Jomo, K.S., (eds.), The New Development Economics: After the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika, pp. 46-67.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Introduction: The Economics of Development and the Development of Economics.' In: Fine, Ben and Jomo, K.S., (eds.), The New Development Economics: After the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika, xv-xxii.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'The Developmental State and the Political Economy of Development.' In: Fine, Ben and Jomo, K.S., (eds.), The New Development Economics: After the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika, pp. 101-122.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'The New Development Economics.' In: Fine, Ben and Jomo, K.S., (eds.), The New Development Economics. After the Washington Consensus. New Delhi; London: Tulika Books & Zed Books, pp. 1-20.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Social Capital.' In: Clark, D., (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Development Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Fine, Ben (2005) 'Social Policy and Development: Social Capital as Point of Departure.' In: Mkandawire, Thandike, (ed.), Social Policy in a Development Context. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 80-96.

Fine, Ben (2005) 'Beyond the Developmental State: Towards a Political Economy of Development.' In: Lapavitsas, Costas and Noguchi, M., (eds.), Beyond Market-Driven Development: Drawing on the Experience of Asia and Latin America. London: Routledge, pp. 17-33.

Fine, Ben (2005) 'If Social Capital Is the Answer, We Have the Wrong Question.' In: Social Capital, Civil Renewal and Ethnic Diversity: Proceedings of a Runnymede Conference. London: Runnymede Trust, pp. 75-81.

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2005) 'Correcting Stiglitz: From Information to Power in the World of Development.' In: Panitch, Leo and Leys, Colin, (eds.), Socialist Register 2006: telling the truth. London: Merlin Press.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Addressing the Critical and the Real in Critical Realism.' In: Lewis, P., (ed.), Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical Realist Project. London: Routledge, pp. 202-226.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'From Bourdieu to Becker: Economics Confronts the Social Sciences.' In: Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M., (eds.), The Rise of the Market. Camberley: Edward Elgar, pp. 76-106.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Economics Imperialism as Kuhnian Revolution.' In: Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M., (eds.), The Rise of the Market. Camberley: Edward Elgar, pp. 107-144.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Capital Theory.' In: King, J., (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 51-57.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'An Extraordinary Discipline.' In: Fullbrook, E., (ed.), The Crisis in Economics, The Post-Autistic Economics Movement: The First 600 Days. London: Routledge, pp. 147-149.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'New Growth Theory.' In: Chang, H.-J., (ed.), Rethinking Development Economics. London: Anthem Press, pp. 201-217.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Contesting Labour Markets.' In: Saad-Filho, A., (ed.), Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction. London: Pluto Press, pp. 82-93.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Value Theory and the Study of Contemporary Capitalism: A Continuing Commitment.' In: Westra, R. and Zuege, A., (eds.), Value and the World Economy Today. London: MacMillan.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Beyond the Developmental State: Towards a Political Economy of Development.' In: Hirakawa, H. and Noguchi, M. and Sano, M., (eds.), Beyond Market-Driven Development: A New Stream of Political Economy of Development [in Japanese]. Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron Sha, pp. 21-43.

Fine, Ben (2002) 'The World Bank's Speculation on Social Capital: Bursting the Bubble.' In: Pincus, Jonathan and Winters, Jeffrey, (eds.), Reinventing the World Bank. London: Cornell University Press.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'Neither the Washington nor the post-Washington consensus: an introduction.' In: Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, C. and Pincus, J., (eds.), Development policy in the 21st century: beyond the post-Washington consensus. London: Routledge, pp. 1-27.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'The Social Capital of the World Bank.' In: Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, C. and Pincus, J., (eds.), Development policy in the 21st century : beyond the post-Washington consensus. London: Routledge, pp. 136-154.

Fine, Ben and Rose, P. (2001) 'Education and the post-Washington consensus.' In: Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, C. and Pincus, J., (eds.), Development policy in the 21st century : beyond the post-Washington consensus. London: Routledge, pp. 155-175.

Fine, Ben and Padayachee, V. (2001) 'A Sustainable Macroeconomic Growth Path for South Africa?' In: Coetzee, J., (ed.), Development: Theory, Policy and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 269-281.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'Entry.' In: Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M., (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, second edition. Surrey: Edward Elgar, pp. 172-179.

Fine, Ben and Boateng, K. (2000) 'The Labour Market.' In: Aryeetey, E. and Harrigan, J. and Nissanke, M., (eds.), Economic Reforms in Ghana: The Miracle and the Mirage. Oxford: James Currey, pp. 227-245.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'ESOP's Fable: Golden Egg or Sour Grapes?' In: Toporowski, J., (ed.), Political Economy and the New Capitalism: Essays in Honour of Sam Aaronovitch. London: Routledge, pp. 179-193.

Fine, Ben and Green, F. (2000) 'Economics, Social Capital and the Colonisation of the Social Sciences.' In: Baron, S., (ed.), Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 78-93.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Ben FINE.' In: Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M., (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 172-179.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Industrial and Energy Policy: A Partial Review.' In: Elbadawi, I. and Hartzenberg, T., (eds.), Development Issues in South Africa. London: MacMillan, pp. 110-142.

Fine, Ben and Padayachee, V. (2000) 'A Sustainable Growth Path?' In: Friedman, S., (ed.), South African Review, vol. 8. Pretoria: HSRC.

Fine, Ben (1999) 'Privatization: Theory with Lessons from the United Kingdom.' In: Vlachou, A., (ed.), Contemporary Economic Theory: Radical Critiques of Neoliberalism. London: MacMillan, pp. 41-66.

Fine, Ben (1998) 'The Triumph of Economics: Or ‘Rationality’ Can Be Dangerous to Your Reasoning.' In: Carrier, James and Miller, Daniel, (eds.), Virtualism: The New Political Economy. Oxford: Berg, pp. 49-73.

Fine, Ben and Heasman, M. and Wright, J. (1998) 'What We Eat and Why: A Socioeconomic Approach to Standard Items in Food Consumption.' In: Murcott, A., (ed.), The Nation's Diet: The Social Science of Food Choice. Longman, pp. 95-111.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'Industrial and Energy Policy.' In: Michie, J. and Padayachee, V., (eds.), The Political Economy of South Africa's Transition. London: Dryden Press, pp. 125-153.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'From Political Economy to Consumption.' In: Miller, D., (ed.), Acknowledging Consumption. London: Routledge, pp. 127-163.

Fine, Ben (1994) 'From Marx to Morishima.' In: Mohun, S., (ed.), Debates in Value Theory. London: MacMillan, pp. 91-95.

Fine, Ben (1994) 'Segmented Labour Market Theory.' In: Arestis, P., (ed.), Handbook of Radical Political Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Fine, Ben (2017) 'Neither Equilibrium as Such nor as Abstraction: Debating Fred Moseley’s Transformation.' International Journal of Political Economy. pp. 22-28.

Fine, Ben (2017) 'From One-Dimensional Man to One-Dimensions Economy and Economics.' Radical Philosophy Review.

Fine, Ben (2016) 'The Material and Culture of Financialisation.' New Political Economy.

Bayliss, Kate and Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2016) 'Introduction to Special Issue on the Material Cultures of Financialisation.' New Political Economy.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2016) 'Thirteen Things You Need to Know About Neoliberalism.' Critical Sociology.

Fine, Ben (2016) 'From performativity to the material culture of legal expertise?' London Review of International Law. (Forthcoming)

Fine, Ben and Johnston, Deborah and Santos, Ana and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2016) 'Nudging or Fudging: The World Development Report 2015.' Development and Change, 47 (4). pp. 640-663.

Fine, Ben (2014) 'The Continuing Enigmas of Social Policy.' UNRISD Working Paper (2014-10).

Fine, Ben (2014) 'Financialisation from a Marxist Perspective.' International Journal of Political Economy, 42 (4). pp. 47-66.

Fine , Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2013) 'A Paradigm Shift that Never Was: Justin Lin’s New Structural Economics.' Competition and Change, 17 (4). pp. 355-71.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Consumption Matters.' Ephemera, 13 (2). pp. 217-248.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Sam (2013) 'Neo-Liberalism, Varieties of Capitalism, and the Shifting Contours of South Africa’s Financial System.' Transformation (81/82). pp. 145-178.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Economics: Unfit for Purpose.' Review of Social Economy, 71 (3). pp. 373-389.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Sam (2013) 'The Meaning of Marikana.' New Agenda (51). pp. 27-30.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State.' African Communist (186). pp. 40-54.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Assessing South Africa's New Growth Path: framework for change?' Review of African Political Economy, 39 (134). pp. 551-568.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Avaliando Perspectivas da Economia Política.' Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Politica, 31. pp. 147-171.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Being Radical or Radical Being.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 44 (1). pp. 100-106.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'La Financiarisation en Perspective.' Actuel Marx, 51. pp. 73-85.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Revisiting Rosa Luxemburg’s Political Economy.' Critique, 40 (3). pp. 423-430.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Chronicle of a developmental transformation foretold: South Africa’s National Development Plan in hindsight.' Transformation (78). pp. 115-132.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2012) 'Interrogating Sickonomics, From Diagnosis to Cure: A Response to Hodgson.' Review of Social Economy, 70 (4). pp. 477-491.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2012) 'From Freakonomics to Political Economy.' Historical Materialism, 20 (3). pp. 81-96.

Fine, Ben (2012) 'Assessing South Africa’s New Growth Path: Framework for Change?' Review of African Political Economy, 39 (134). pp. 551-568.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Sam and Newman, Susan (2011) 'The Crisis in South Africa: Neoliberalism, Financialization and Uneven and Combined Development.' Socialist Register, 47. pp. 174-195.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Sam and Newman, Susan (2011) 'Amnesty International?: The Nature, Scale and Impact of Capital Flight from South Africa.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 37 (1). pp. 7-25.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2011) '‘Useless but True’: Economic Crisis and the Peculiarities of Economic Science.' Historical Materialism, 19 (2). pp. 3-31.

Fine, Ben (2011) 'Financialisation on the Rebound?' Actuel Marx. (Forthcoming)

Fine, Ben (2011) 'Prospecting for Political Economy.' International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 5 (3). pp. 204-217.

Fine, Ben (2011) 'New Growth Path – Elephant in the Room.' The Shopsteward, 20 (4). pp. 16-25.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Quelles Perspectives pour L'Économie Politique?' ContreTemps.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Because You’re Worth It?' New Humanist. pp. 38-39.

Fine, Ben and Gong, Gimm and Heesang, Jeon (2010) 'Value is as Value Does: Twixt Knowledge and the World Economy.' Capital and Class (100). pp. 69-83.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Looking at the Crisis through Marx: Or Is It the Other Way about?' China Review of Political Economy, 1 (1). pp. 126-135.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Global Economic Crisis: Some Questions and Alternative.' South African Labour Bulletin, 34 (1). pp. 41-43.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Global Economic Crisis: Implementing Industrial and Social Policy.' South African Labour Bulletin, 34 (2). pp. 46-47.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Beyond the Tragedy of the Commons: A Discussion of Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action.' Perspectives on Politics, 8 (2). pp. 583-586.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Fixing Crises.' Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 2 (3).

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Engaging the MEC: Or a Few of My Views on a Few Things.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (71). pp. 26-49. (Forthcoming)

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Locating Financialisation.' Historical Materialism, 18 (2). pp. 97-116.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Flattening Economic Geography: Locating the World Development Report for 2009.' Journal of Economic Analysis, 1 (1). pp. 15-33.

Fine, Ben (2010) 'Contribution to Symposium on ‘Beyond the Tragedy of the Commons’.' Perspectives on Politics, 8 (2). pp. 583-586.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Prospects for Marxist Political Economy.' MARXISM 21, 17. pp. 234-246.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Looking at the Crisis through Marx.' International Socialist Review (64).

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Enigma in the Origins of Paul Sweezy’s Political Economy.' Review of Political Economy, 21 (1). pp. 157-161.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'The Economics of Identity and the Identity of Economics.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33 (2). pp. 175-191.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'A Rejoinder to ‘A Response to Fine’s ‘Harvard Group Shores up Shoddy Governance’.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (69). pp. 66-79.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Submission to the COSATU Panel of Economists on ‘The Final Recommendations of the International Panel on Growth’ (The Harvard Panel).' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (69). pp. 5-30.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Development as Zombieconomics in the Age of Neo-Liberalism.' Third World Quarterly, 30 (5). pp. 885-904.

Fine, Ben (2009) 'Understanding Global Crisis: Speculation at Expense of Real Economy.' South African Labour Bulletin, 33 (5). pp. 44-47.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2009) 'Twixt Ricardo and Rubin: Debating Kincaid Once More.' Historical Materialism, 17 (3). pp. 192-207.

Fine, Ben (2008) 'Social capital versus social history.' Social History, 33 (4). pp. 442-467.

Fine, Ben (2008) 'Social Capital in Wonderland: The World Bank behind the Looking Glass.' Progress in Development Studies, 8 (3). pp. 261-269.

Fine, Ben (2008) 'Vicissitudes of Economics Imperialism.' Review of Social Economy, 66 (2). pp. 235-240.

Fine, Ben (2008) 'Debating Lebowitz: Is Class Conflict the Moral and Historical Element in the Value of Labour Power.' Historical Materialism, 16 (3). pp. 105-114.

Fine, Ben (2008) 'Consumers and Demand.' Mimeo. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2008) 'Production vs. Realisation in Marx’s Theory of Value: A Reply to Kincaid.' Historical Materialism, 16 (4). pp. 167-180.

Fine, Ben (2007) 'From Sweetness to McDonald’s: How Do We Manufacture (the Meaning of) Foods?' The Review of Social & Economic Studies, 29 (2). pp. 247-271.

Fine, Ben (2007) 'Social Capital Development in Practice.' Development in Practice, 17 (4 & 5). pp. 566-574.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2007) 'Douglass North’s Remaking of Economic History: A Critical Appraisal.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 39 (1). pp. 27-57.

Fine, Ben (2007) 'Rethinking Critical Realism: Labour Markets or Capitalism.' Capital and Class (91). pp. 125-129.

Fine, Ben (2007) 'Eleven Hypotheses on the Conceptual History of Social Capital: A Response to James Farr.' Political Theory, 35 (1). pp. 47-53.

Fine, Ben (2007) 'Social Capital.' Development in Practice, 17 (4&5). pp. 566-574.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, D. (2007) 'Douglass North's Remaking of Economic History: A Critical Appraisal.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 39 (1). pp. 27-57.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Debating Critical Realism in Economics.' Capital and Class (89). pp. 121-129.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Debating the ‘New’ Imperialism.' Historical Materialism, 14 (4). pp. 133-156.

Fine, Ben (2005) 'From Actor-Network Theory to Political Economy.' Capitalism Socialism Nature, 16 (4). pp. 91-108.

Fine, Ben and Petropoulos, Aris and Sato, Hajime (2005) 'Beyond Brenner’s Investment Overhang Hypothesis: The Case of the Steel Industry.' New Political Economy, 10 (1). pp. 43-64.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Examining the Idea of Globalisation and Development Critically: What Role for Political Economy?' New Political Economy, 9 (2). pp. 213-231.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Debating Production-Consumption Linkages in Food Studies.' Sociologia Ruralis, 44 (3). pp. 332-342.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Contesting Social Capital: A Response to Elke Zuern.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (55). pp. 113-115.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Globalisation or Panglossianisation?: A Critical Response to Keith Griffin.' Development and Change, 35 (3). pp. 583-589.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'Economics and Ethics: Amartya Sen as Starting Point.' The New School Economic Review, 1 (1). pp. 151-162.

Fine, Ben (2004) 'The Theory of Value Still Highly Imperative: A Personal Account [in Chinese].' Review of Political Economy (1). pp. 27-43.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo and Lapavitsas, Costas (2004) 'Transforming the Transformation Problem: Why the �New Interpretation� is a Wrong Turning.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 36 (1). pp. 3-19.

Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, Costas (2004) 'Social Capital and Capitalist Economies.' South-Eastern Journal of Economics, 2 (1). pp. 17-34.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, D. (2003) 'From Principle of Pricing to Pricing of Principle: Rationality and Irrationality in the Economic History of Douglass North.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 45 (3). pp. 120-144.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Political Economy and Nature: From ANT and Environmental Economics to Bioeconomics?' Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 14 (3). pp. 357-372.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Callonistics: A Disentanglement.' Economy and Society, 32 (3). pp. 496-502.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Social Capital: The World Bank's Fungible Friend.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 3 (4). pp. 586-603.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Social Capital.' Oikonomikos Tachidromos (Economic Courier), 42 (2580). pp. 62-65.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'Social Capital for Africa?' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (53). pp. 29-52.

Fine, Ben (2003) 'From the Newer Economic History to Institutions and Development?' Institutions and Economic Development, 1 (1). pp. 105-136.

Fine, Ben (2002) 'Economics Imperialism and the New Development Economics as Kuhnian Paradigm Shift.' World Development, 30 (12). pp. 2057-70.

Fine, Ben (2002) 'They F**k You Up Those Social Capitalists.' Antipode, 34 (4). pp. 796-799.

Fine, Ben (2002) 'Economic Imperialism: A View from the Periphery.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 34 (2). pp. 187-201.

Fine, Ben (2002) 'It Ain't Social, It Ain't Capital and It Ain't Africa.' Studia Africana (13). pp. 18-33.

Fine, Ben (2002) '‘Imperialismo Económico’: Una Visión desde la Perifia.' Revista Banco Central de Venezuela, 16 (2). pp. 131-153.

Deraniyagala, Sonali and Fine, Ben (2001) 'New Trade Theory Versus Old Trade Policy: A Continuing Enigma.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25 (6). pp. 809-25.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'Social Capital and the Realm of the Intellect.' Economic and Political Weekly, 36 (9). pp. 741-745.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'What Is the Future of the Welfare State?' Oikonomikos Tachidromos, 44 (2478). pp. 71-73.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'The Continuing Imperative of Value Theory.' Capital and Class (75). pp. 7-18.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'Economics Imperialism as Kuhnian Revolution.' International Paper in Political Economy, 8 (2). pp. 1-58.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'It Ain't Social and It Ain't Capital.' Research in Progress (1). pp. 11-15.

Fine, Ben (2001) 'Economics Imperialism and the Social Sciences: Prognosis and Challenges.' Praksis, 3. pp. 154-184.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Whither the Welfare State: Public versus Private Consumption?' SOAS Working Papers in Economics (92). pp. 1-28.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Bringing the Social Back Into Economics: Progress or Reductionism?' Department of Economics Research Paper, University of Melbourne (731). pp. 1-23.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'New and Improved: Economics' Contribution to Business History.' SOAS Working Papers in Economics (93). pp. 1-16.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Endogenous Growth Theory: A Critical Assessment.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24 (2). pp. 245-265.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Economics Imperialism and Intellectual Progress: The Present as History of Economic Thought?' History of Economics Review, 32. pp. 10-36.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Consumption for Historians: An Economist's Gaze.' SOAS Working Papers in Economics (91). pp. 1-18.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Dialectics and Crisis Theory: A Response to Tony Smith.' Historical Materialism, 6 (1). pp. 133-137.

Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, Costas (2000) 'Markets and Money in Social Theory: What Role for Economics?' Economy and Society, 29 (3). pp. 357-382.

Fine, Ben (1999) 'A Question of Economics: Is It Colonising the Social Sciences?' Economy and Society, 28 (3). pp. 403-425.

Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, Costas and Milonakis, D. (1999) 'Addressing the World Economy: Two Steps Back.' Capital and Class, 23 (1). pp. 47-90.

Fine, Ben (1999) 'Competition and Market Structure Reconsidered.' Metroeconomica, 50 (2). pp. 194-218.

Fine, Ben (1999) 'Household Appliances and the Use of Time: The United States and Britain since the 1920s. A Comment.' Economic History Review, 52 (3). pp. 552-562.

Fine, Ben (1999) 'From Becker to Bourdieu: Economics Confronts the Social Sciences.' International Papers in Political Economy, 5 (3). pp. 1-43.

Fine, Ben (1999) 'The Developmental State Is Dead - Long Live Social Capital?' Development and Change, 30 (1). pp. 1-19.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (1999) 'Globalisation, Financial Liberalisation and Industrial Policy [in Portuguese].' Cadernos PUC (8).

Fine, Ben and Rustomjee, Z. (1998) 'Debating the South African Minerals-Energy Complex.' Development Southern Africa, 15 (4). pp. 689-670.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (1998) 'Beyond “Bureaucrats in Business”: A Critical Review of the World Bank Approach to Privatisation and Public Sector Reform.' Journal of International Development, 10 (7). pp. 841-855.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'Industrial Policy and South Africa: A Strategic View.' Indicator South Africa, 14 (3). pp. 49-54.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'Entitlement Failure?' Development and Change, 28 (4). pp. 617-647.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'Privatisation: Theory and Lessons from the UK and South Africa.' Seoul Journal of Economics, 10 (4). pp. 373-414.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'Playing the Consumption Game.' Consumption, Markets, Culture, 1 (1). pp. 7-29.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'The New Revolution in Economics.' Capital and Class, 21 (1). pp. 143-148.

Fine, Ben (1997) 'The Continuing Imperative of Value Theory: A Personal Account [in Greek].' Utopia (28). pp. 9-27.

Fine, Ben and Stoneman, Colin (1996) 'Introduction: State and Development.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 22 (1). pp. 5-26.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'Policy Formulation: Commenting on Price.' Transformation, 29. pp. 53-54.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'A Formal Note on New Theories of International Trade and Development.' Journal of International Development, 8 (6). pp. 805-811.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'Reconciling Interpersonal Comparability and the Intensity of Preference for the Utility Sum Rule.' Social Choice and Welfare, 13 (3). pp. 319-325.

Fine, Ben (1995) 'Flexible Production and Flexible Theory: The Case of South Africa.' Geoforum, 26 (2). pp. 107-119.

Fine, Ben (1995) 'Reconsidering ‘Household Labor, Wage Labor, and the Transformation of the Family'.' Review of Radical Economics, 27 (2). pp. 106-123.

Fine, Ben (1995) 'Towards a Political Economy of Anorexia?' Appetite, 24 (3). pp. 231-242.

Fine, Ben (1995) 'Privatisation and the RDP: A Critical Assessment.' Transformation (27). pp. 1-23.

Fine, Ben (1995) 'On the Relationship between True Preference and Actual Choice.' Social Choice and Welfare, 12 (4). pp. 353-361.

Fine, Ben and Rustomjee, Z. (1995) ''Afrikaner Nationalism, Anglo American And Iscor: The Formation Of The Highveld Steel And Vanadium Corporation, 1960-70' - A Comment.' Business History, 37 (3). pp. 111-114.

Simister, John and Fine, Ben (1995) 'Consumption durables: exploring the order of acquisition.' Applied Economics, 27 (11). pp. 1049-1057.

Fine, Ben 'Financialisation, the Value of Labour Power, the Degree of Separation, and Exploitation by Banking.' mimeo. (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Items

Fine, Ben (2012) Economics - Unfit for Purpose: The Director’s Cut. In: Closing Plenary given to the World Congress of the Association of Social Economics, and Cairncross Lecture, June, 2012, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2011) From the Political Economy of Development to Development Economics : Implications for Africa. In: Dynamiques de Croissance au Sein de l’UEMOA, 12-14th July, 2011, Ouagadougou. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2011) The State and Developmentalism in the Twenty-First Century. In: The Role of Governments for Economic Development in the 21st Century, February 16th, 2011, Tokyo. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2009) Political Economy for the Rainbow Nation: Dividing the Spectrum? In: South African Sociological Association 2009 Conference, 28 June - 2 July, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2009) Financialisation and Social Policy. In: Social and Political Dimensions of the Global Crisis: Implications for Developing Countries, 12–13 November 2009, UNRISD, Geneva. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2009) Neo-Liberalism in Retrospect? – It’s Financialisation, Stupid. In: Developmental Politics in the Neo-Liberal Era and Beyond, 22-24 October 2009, Center for Social Sciences, Seoul National University. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) From Financialisation to Neo-liberalism. In: New forces in the World Economy, 27th October, 2008, Coimbra, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Neo-liberalism as Financialisation. In: Neo-Liberalism and the Middle East. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) The Minerals-Energy Complex is Dead: Long Live the MEC? In: Amandla Colloquium. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Zombieconomics: The Living Death of the Dismal Science in the Age of Neo-Liberalism. In: ESRC Neoliberalism Seminar, 1st April 2008, Centre for Public Policy for Regions (CPPR), University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Development as Zombieconomics in the Age of Neo-Liberalism. In: 35th anniversary conference for the Center for International Development Issues, September 2008, CIDIN, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Social Capital and Health: The World Bank through the Looking Glass after Deaton. In: Seminar for School of Oriental and African Studies / London International Development Centre, 12th March 2008, London. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Engaging the MEC: Or a Lot of My Views on a Lot of Things. In: MEC Workshop, June, 2008, University of KwaZulu-Natal. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) The General Impossibility of Neoclassical Economics: Or Does Bertrand Russell Deserve a Nobel Prize for Economics? In: Science and the Social Sciences. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) The Curious Incidence of the Developmental State in the Night-Time. In: SANPAD Poverty Conference, 26-30 June, 2007, Ethekwin, Durban. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) The Historical Logic of Economics Imperialism and Meeting the Challenges of Contemporary Orthodoxy: Or Twelve Hypotheses on Economics, and What is to Be Done. In: EAEPE Conference, 1-3 November 2007, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2007) Financialisation, Poverty, and Marxist Political Economy. In: Poverty and Capital Conference, 2-4 July 2007, University of Manchester. (Unpublished)


Fine, Ben (2016) From One-Dimensional Man to One-Dimensions Economy and Economics. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 197.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) Housing and Water in Light of Financialisation and “Financialisation. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No. 156.

Fine, Ben and Ortiz, Juan Pablo Durán (2016) Social Capital: From the Gringo’s Tale to the Colombian Reality. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series; 195. London: SOAS.

Bayliss, Kate and Fine, Ben and Robertson , Mary (2016) The Role of the State in Financialised Systems of Provision: Social Compacting, Social Policy, and Privatisation. Fessud Working Paper Series; No. 154.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary (2016) From Financialisation to Systems of Provision. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No.191.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2016) Paper on Theoretical Framework for Assessing the Impact of Finance on Public Provision. FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 192.

Fine, Ben (2016) The Endemic and Systemic Malaise of Mainstream Economics. FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 190.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate and Robertson, Mary and Churchill, Jennifer (2016) Summary report on the impacts of financialisation and of the financial crisis on household well-being. FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 199.

Fine, Ben and Bayliss, Kate (2016) Finance and economic and social reproduction: Origins of the present and implications for the future. FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 173.

Fine, Ben (2013) Economics – Unfit for Purpose: The Director’s Cut. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 176.

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2013) A Paradigm Shift that Never Will Be?: Justin Lin’s New Structural Economics. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 179.

Bayliss, Kate and Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2013) From Financialisation to Consumption: The Systems of Provision Approach Applied to Housing and Water. FESSUD.

Fine, Ben (2013) Towards a Material Culture of Financialisation. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No. 15.

Fine, Ben and Dagdeviren, Hulya (2005) The Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction: Thematic Summary Report – Privatization. The Asia-Pacific Regional Programme on the Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction.

Fine, Ben and Hailu, Degol (2003) Convergence and Consensus: The Political Economy of Stabilisation, Poverty and Growth. CDPR Discussion Paper 2202.

Fine, Ben (2001) Amartya Sen: A Partial and Personal Appreciation.

Fine, Ben (1998) Endogenous Growth Theory: A Critical Assessment. London: SOAS, University of London.

Fine, Ben (1997) Vertical Relations in the South African Steel Industry. NIEP Occasional Paper Series, no 13.

Fine, Ben (1997) Privatisation and the Restructuring of State Assets in South Africa: A Strategic View. NIEP Occasional Paper Series, no 7, Johannesburg, National Institute for Economic Policy.

Book Reviews

Fine, Ben (1997) 'An Extended Review of G.A. Cohen, "Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality".' Economics and Philosophy, 13 (2). pp. 337-345.


Fine, Ben and Ashman, Sam (2012) 'South Africa: The Meaning of Marikana.' Think Africa Press .

Fine, Ben (2011) 'Locating the Developmental State and Industrial and Social Policy after the Crisis.' In: The Least Developed Countries Report 2011: The Potential Role of South-South Cooperation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. Background Paper No 3. UNCTAD.

Fine, Ben (2006) 'Critical Realism and Heterodoxy.' Mimeo. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben 'Assessing the New Growth Path: Framework for Change?' (Unpublished)

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