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Links to organisations and campaigns which Workers Power members are active in or support


The international tendency of which Workers Power is the British section


International socialist youth organisation

A new party of the Left in Britain, which aims to fight for an alternative vision of society

A movement founded in 2014 to organise practical and political solidarity with the Syrian Revolution

A militant antifascist network, formed of groups committed to an independent working class antifascism

A campaign to defend civil rights, support arrestees and highlight and organise against police violence

A campaign supported by Unite the Union, BFAWU and others to organise low-paid service workers

Campaign against NHS privatisation

A network for news and solidarity with the revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East

Student-run campaign established to offer an alternative to the self-defeating strategy of the NUS

Campaign bringing together trade union and activists to oppose austerity

Organisation for students and youth in Britain

Website of the StWC