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CWU Bulletin: Vote ‘No’ to the deal

Leaflet to postal workers arguing that we need to reject the deal as it will leave us worse off and weaken the union…

CWU: Vote No to the Deal

  DOWNLOAD THE LEAFLET By a CWU Rep CWU members are being balloted on the new “Agenda for Growth” agreement (21 Jan to 4 Feb), with the union’s postal executive…

A workers guide to the deal: the small print

By a CWU Rep 1. PAY (Section 5) The 9.06 per cent pay rise over three years, backdated to April, is only half a per cent more than was offered…

Royal Mail/CWU: “a fresh approach” to delivery issues: lose them

By a CWU DO rep It’s been widely known, since the 4 November national briefing of local officials and full-time reps, that outdoor delivery was the big sticking point in…

Royal Mail workers should reject the deal

 By a CWU postal rep, December 12 2013   The CWU postal executive has recommended that members accept the agreement reached after weeks of talks by union negotiators led by…

Royal Mail bosses double profits while blocking deal

Tell CWU leaders, no dodgy deals or further delay by a CWU postal rep Only weeks after the Royal Mail privatisation, news is already leaking out about falling service standards,…

Royal Mail privatisation: the multi-billion pound swindle

  By a CWU postal rep The privatisation of Royal Mail last month was not the victory for “popular capitalism” the Coalition government has crowed about. On the contrary, it…

Leeds workers sit-in against victimisation

Postal workers in Seacroft delivery office in Leeds staged a canteen sit-in this Saturday after a driver was wrongly suspended for an accident. They were joined by the workers from…

CWU: Postal strike hangs in the balance

Postal workers urgently need to take control of their dispute and strike to win, says a CWU rep Postal workers in the CWU union are stuck in limbo awaiting the…

Postal Workers, watch your leaders: CWU tops aim for rotten deal

By a CWU rep Just as postal workers around the country were gearing up for their first day of strike action this coming Monday, 4 November, leaders in the CWU…

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