National Sections of the L5I:


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Fidel Castro, 1926-2016

Fidel Castro, one of the leaders of the Cuban revolution, has died aged 90. Read more...

Cuba: In from the cold or into the fire?

“These 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. It’s time for a new approach.” Read more...

Christmas brings back relations between USA and Cuba

This year Barack Obama had a special Christmas present to give to the world: After 53 years, the US will re-establish “normal political relations” with Cuba. Read more...

China: Factional Stalemate in Beijing

Few things are as well organised as the 5 yearly Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Read more...



November 1989: when the Berlin Wall fell

It is 20 years since the fall of the Berlin wall and the capitalist media is crowing. They say these great events were nothing more than a movement to bring down communism and bring back capitalism. Here, Peter Main shows how the struggle against the Stalinist dictatorship in East Germany in fact began as a struggle against bureaucratic controls and for working class freedoms – but the crisis of working class leadership meant that the Left handed the initiative to the right wing Read more...

Socialism didn't fail, Stalinism did!

This article is available in Russian

The great financial crisis has revealed the instability of the capitalist system to millions around the world.

Many workers and youth are now asking: is this really the best possible economic system?  Is there an alternative?

The alternative to capitalism is, of course, socialism. But has the experience of the 20th century, and of the collapse of the USSR, proved socialism to be impossible? Did socialism fail? Read more...

China: From Mao to the market

Peter Main surveys the changes going on in China which are propelling it forward both economically and politically - but where is it going? Read more...

China: speculation, corruption and excessive intervention

In the aftermath of February’s dramatic collapse of the Shanghai stock market, the authorities in Beijing have issued a brochure warning investors of the possible dangers involved in investment, especially in unit trusts. These managed funds have proved to be particularly popular with less experienced investors attracted by the reported combined income of 124.8 billion yuan (some £9 billion) that the funds made in the last year. According to the Asia Times, over 300,000 new accounts were opened on just one day, March 6, and this sector now accounts for very nearly 20% of total stock market values. Read more...

Nepalese Maoists join government

After 10 years of guerrilla struggle in the countryside, Nepal’s Maoist party has agreed to join the ruling government coalition of capitalist Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala. Read more...