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  • New Acquisition: Bach Aria Group’s Arias with Instrumental Obbligato

    Smithsonian Folkways welcomes the Bach Aria Group and their heretofore out-of-print album Arias with Instrumental Obbligato, recorded as part of the Bach Aria Festival and Institute in 1987, to our collection. Johann Sebastian Bach’s arias are the only chamber music in which vocal and instrumental solos share equally to convey the text’s meaning. The Bach Aria Group and featured Fellows of the Institute are able to convey Bach’s genius as a composer with a sadness that is sadder and a joy that is more joyous than that expressed by many other music genres.

    Learn more and purchase here.

    Cantata 30a: "Was die Seele kann ergötzen" for Alto, Flute, and Continuo
    Cantata 158: "Welt, ade!" for Bass, Flute, and Continuo, with Chorale in Soprano
    Cantata 83: "Erfreute Zeit!" for Alto, Violin, Strings, Two Oboes, Two Horns, and Continuo
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